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Harry Hussey @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Harry HusseyOn Monday November 24th, once again the magnificent maestro of accordion music, non other than the memorable Harry Hussey, manifested his presence before a multitude of members at our most humble municipal mansion of entertainment. This evening was to be a night to remember with a feast of dining to music and food - a Fish & Chips Supper with Harry Hussey.

Ray Izod made an appearance, armed with his accordion, and a surprise visitor, Jovan Rnjak who gave us a few songs, accompanied by Harry, of course. The mood was set for the evening but Harry decided to begin early and greeted the early arrivals with his playing. He answered their questions and gave demos with his answers.

Harry eventually began his show with the usual question, asking what would we like to hear him play and he was very quickly inundated with requests, he did not disappoint anyone. The interval very quickly materialised when Trevor appeared with a huge box containing the evening meal, which was very quickly dispersed amongst the eager audience. Bread and butter was provided together with soft drinks, tea and coffee. The fish and chips were delicious
and even Harry, joined by the lovely Pat tucked in to the meal, (we even feed the guest artists now). At this moment Mr. Richard Adey arrived and after commenting on the 'atmosphere' soon tucked in to the meal. We may see Richard and his band at the club in the near future.

Ray joined Harry on stage and we were entertained by this duo and they played very well together. Next on stage was Jovan who played and sang a number of popular songs. Harry completed his show by playing an endless number of requests from the audience - an excellent night of music and fun, interrupted only by the endless Harry Hussey humour.

The next social night will include the vote for the ‘Most improved player of the year’ and the winner will receive the 'Fred Payne Memorial Trophy'. This year we have decided to introduce another trophy, The 'Reg Philips Memorial Trophy', which will be awarded to the ‘best novice accordionist of the year’. Both Reg and Fred were founder members of the club.

We end our very successful year with a grand Xmas Party on Monday December 15th. Barry Smith is assembling a band to play on the night and there will be a 1940s theme. We hope everyone will make an attempt to wear something from that era to add to the fun and atmosphere.

2015 will begin with our birthday party and Barry has lined up something special for the night. The Black Country Accordion Club meets at The Rowley Regis Disability Centre, Rowley Village, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 9AT.

For further information email: lumicprod@aol.com
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