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Enzo Toppano (1927-2013), NSW - Australia

Enzo ToppanoVeteran Australian accordionist Enzo Toppano has passed away at the age of 85, following a long period of illness. Of Italian parentage Enzo and his older brother Lou were the sons of an accordionist father, who passed on his knowledge and love of music to them. In the 1930s Lou became a highly successful professional accordionist, playing with all sorts of ensembles and shows, and in 1935 young Enzo followed him into the world of entertainment.

By the time World War Two ended in 1945 Enzo had appeared in radio shows such as ‘The Youth Show’, ‘Out of the Bag’, and ‘The Sunny Side of Music Street’. He had also written the first of a series of technical articles on the accordion for the music magazine ‘Tempo’. In 1946 Enzo toured occupied Japan for six months with a troupe of Australian entertainers, and six tracks of Australian compositions were released under the title, ‘Enzo Toppano and his Rhythm’. The same year he led a cabaret band at Sydney’s Manhattan Restaurant and also did solo work. He later joined the State Theatre Orchestra as a member and featured soloist.

In March 1949 he arrived in the UK for a three-year series of British and Continental engagements, which included many BBC radio broadcasts on the programmes ‘Variety Bandbox’ and ‘Without a Word’, and the BBC TV show, ‘Rooftop Rendezvouz’. Enzo worked in London with the bandleaders Geraldo, Stanley Black, Edmundo Ros, Ambrose, and with the likes of Gracie Fields, Petula Clarke, Max Bygraves, Julie Andrews, and Winifred Atwell. He met Adrian Dante and became a correspondent for the magazine ‘World Accordion Review’. In 1950 Enzo acted and played accordion in the film, ‘Prelude to Fame’. He also did many engagements in Italy and around Europe and, in Vienna, he came met the Australian soprano, violinist and actress, Peggy Mortimer, whom he married.

Enzo and Peggy worked together as The Toppanos, becoming one of Australia’s most famous light entertainment acts, performing for nearly five decades. They had three children – Lorenzo, a trumpeter and composer, Peta, an actress, and Dean, a guitarist and drummer – and the family toured the world and recorded as The Travelling Toppanos.

In Australia Enzo Toppano enjoyed a long and successful career as an accordionist, featuring on numerous radio and TV shows, and working extensively as a musical director in the theatre. In recent years he worked regularly as an accordion/bass duo with his son Dean. He also made several recordings for EMI, Nixa, and Melodisc.

Peggy died in 2004. Enzo is survived by their children.
Enzo Toppano
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