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Maigret Theme Music CD Released, Watford - UK

The BBC TV series ‘Maigret’, starring Rupert Davies as the fictional French detective, was hugely popular in the 1960s. One of the most memorable features of the show was its catchy theme plus incidental music, played by accordionist Reg Hogarth with orchestral accompaniment. The Maigret theme, written by Ron Grainer, became a piece that many British accordionists would be frequently requested to play, even many years after the TV show ended. Reg Hogarth is also remembered by many for his years with the Mantovani Orchestra.

An LP of the theme music from ‘Maigret’ plus numerous other TV and film themes written by Australian-born composer and pianist Ron Grainer (1922-81), recorded by Decca, has been released on CD by Dutton Vocalion. Titled ‘Ron Grainer & His Orchestra - The Maigret Theme & Other Film and TV Themes Singles’, the first half of the CD contains the original Maigret recordings, issued for the first time in stereo.

The Maigret tracks include: The Maigret Theme, Bistro, Night Prowl, Petit Louis, Arlette, Golden Fleece, Getaway, Along the Boulevards, Lost Memory, Poker Face, Ginette, Thieves’ Den, Midnight in Montmartre, The Maigret Theme (reprise). The remaining tracks are other film and TV themes written by the prolific Ron Grainer.

For further information email: info@duttonvocalion.co.uk
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