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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-May-2018
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Особенности Highlights

Примечание редактора
Два Аккордеониста военных Соединенных Штатов, Белый дом-США
В рамках VI Международном фестивале «Зеленый шум», представен Аккордеон- Россия
Чемпионат NAO UK 2018, Ливерпуль - Великобритания
WOW Folk Festival Castelfidardo, 10 to 14 May - Italy

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

World Accordion Day Reports are Being Loaded on the Weekend
New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy
Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s
New Ivano Battiston Arrangements, "Ricercare a tre" & 3 Balkan Dances - Italy
World Accordion Day: A Happy Family with a Vintage Accordion
Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia
Video: Elena and Gregory Fainshtein Present TED Talks About the Accordion - USA

Будущие события

1st Accordion Festival, Pera Oreinis – Cyprus
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert @ RAM, London – UK
World Accordion Day @ ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA
Accordion in Time/in honour of Gervasio Marcosignori - Italy
Marco Lo Russo ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Fjärås – Sweden
Elsa Gourdy Dancing Gig, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin - France
LAO and Percussion Concert, Ljubljana – Slovenia
Tobias Escher Concert, Dortmund – Germany
Accordion Gala, Auriac - France
Gemma Donald & Alan Small @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK
Martynas’ Summer Concerts Schedule – Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany
Karen Street and Karen Tweed’s ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Cambridge, Knutsford – UK
Multi Day Accordion Meeting 8-10 June, Ossiach - Austria

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA
Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany

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Особенности Highlights

Примечание редактора

Rob HowardWorld Accordion Day logoВоскресенье 6 мая - Всемирный день аккордеона, 6 мая 1829 года аккордеон был запатентован в Вене, Австрия, Сирлием Демином (часто англизированным как Кирилл Дамиен).

Хотя известно, что до 1829 года многие в Европе экспериментировали с тростником для изготовления аккордеонов, гармоник и других ранних инструментов. Сирлием Демином был первым, кто запатентовал аккордеон. Таким образом, 6 мая 1829 признан «официальным днем ​​рождения» аккордеона.

Аккордеон прошел долгий путь с начала 19 века и отлично адаптировался ко многим музыкальным стилям и жанрам во всем мире.

По всему миру с 6 мая проводится множество мероприятий, посвященных Всемирному дню аккордеона, некоторые из которых опубликованы в Accordions Worldwide. Я буду играть на общественных мероприятиях в Стокпорте, Чешир, Великобритания, 6 и 7 мая и чествовать наш любимый инструмент. Счастливого Всемирного дня Аккордеона!


Два Аккордеониста военных Соединенных Штатов, Белый дом-США

Frank Busso Jnr & Manny Bobenrieth
Manny BobenriethFrank Busso JnrРисунок выше: Мастер-сержант Буссо и сержант-майор Бобенрит, на репетиции за день до государственного обеда.

Фотографии слева / справа: на снимке в вестибюле Белого дома.

Два аккордеониста вооруженных сил США были представлены исполнителями во время государственного ужина 24 апреля в честь президента Франции Эммануэля Макрона в Белом доме в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.

В начале вечера сержант-майор Мэнни Бобенрит и «Армейские струны США» приветствовали гостей в Восточном Портике, а старший сержант Фрэнк Буссо-младший и струны ВВС развлекали прибывающих гостей у входа в Восточное крыло.

Насладившись французской кухней в Государственной столовой, гости переехали в Восточную комнату на концерт. Шоу началось с выступлений известных Вашингтонских вокалистов Национальной оперы и хора армии США. Финалом концерта стала особая аранжировка “La Vie en Rose” сержанта-майора Бобенрита Эдит Пиаф.

Эта пьеса открылась теплым вступлением солирующего аккордеона в исполнении сержанта-майора Бобенрита, запели вокалисты и зазвучали инструменталисты армии Военно-воздушных сил США и завершилась песня звучанием сольного голоса и аккордеона в исполнении старшего сержанта Буссо.

Сразу же после концерта сержант-майор Бобенриет и старший сержант Буссо снова возглавили свои ансамбли, когда они прощались с гостями в Восточном крыле.
Мэнни Бобенрит, уроженец Консепсьона, Чили, присоединился к американской армии в 1986 году и стал ее лидером в 2004 году. Помимо военных, он выступает в качестве музыканта-фрилансера в районе большого Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, и предлагает частные уроки в своей студии Potomac, MD. Мэнни также входит в Совет директоров американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (AAA).

Фрэнк Буссо-младший из Стейтен-Айленда, штат Нью-Йорк, стал аккордеонистом группы ВВС США в 2005 году и также является начальником отдела Live Production. В свободное время от работы, он руководит музыкальной школой Busso в Александрии, штат Вирджиния, и является директором Ernest Deffner Affiliates. Фрэнк работал в совете директоров AAA с 2007 года.


В рамках VI Международном фестивале «Зеленый шум», представен Аккордеон- Россия

VI International Festival 'Green Noise'
Фото 1 выше (слева направо): Юрий Шишкин, Каролина Десяткова, Никита Войтенко, Анна Крышталева, Ринат Валиев, Петр Яриненко, Денис Адаев.
Фото 2: Юрий Шишкин, Анна Крышталева

26 апреля в культурной жизни России состоялось большое событие в Сургутской филармонии. В рамках VI Международного фестиваля «Зеленый шум» известный музыкант Юрий Шишкин и его ученики, лауреаты международных конкурсов Анна Крышталева, Петр Яриненко, Каролина Десяткова выступили с симфоническим оркестром Сургутской филармонии под руководством Станислава Дятлова.

«Зеленый шум» - один из крупнейших фестивалей в России включает музыкантов с мировыми именами в различных областях искусства (музыка, балет, театр). Художественный руководитель фестиваля - выдающаяся пианистка Екатерина Мечетина.

Концерт прошел с огромным успехом. Программа была уникальной: каждый исполнитель играл сольную пьесу, играл с оркестром, а затем в ансамбле с Юрием Шишкиным и оркестром.

Ученики Юрия Шишкина впервые выступали с симфоническим оркестром.Прозвучала музыка В. Семенова, А. Цфасмана, А. Пьяццоллы, В. Гридина, Л. Пресиччи, В. Власова, Н. Даутова. Концерт завершился мировой премьерой «Seventango» композитор Роберто Молинелли, написанное для семи аккордеонистов и оркестра, которое стало кульминацией вечера.

Вместе с Шишкиным и его учениками «Seventango» исполняли музыканты Сургута, лауреаты международных конкурсов Денис Адаев, Ринат Валиев, Никита Войтенко. Должен сказать, что Сургутская школа аккордеона известна во всем мире, среди ее представителей - чемпионы мира, лауреаты престижных конкурсов.

Выступление «Seventango» превратилось в фейерверк тем из известных танго. Это был настоящий музыкальный спектакль, который вызвал бурные аплодисменты слушателей. Концерт планируется провести в нескольких городах России.

Картинки ниже: Юрий Шишкин, Каролина Десяткова
Юрий Шишкин, Петр Яриненко
VI International Festival 'Green Noise'


Чемпионат NAO UK 2018, Ливерпуль - Великобритания

NAO Presentations
Замечательный уик-энд – прошел в дружелюбной атмосфере, и наполнен прекрасной музыкой для присутствовавших на Чемпионате NAO UK 2018.

В рамках фестиваля присуждена награда NAO Merit Award 2018 знаменитому композитору Дугласу Уорду, за его преданное служение музыке и аккордеону!

Фестиваль был рад приветствовать вице-президента CIA Герберта Шейбенрейфа (Австрия). В своем выступлении на заключительной премьере Герберт Шейбенрайф воспользовался возможностью, повторно представить перед всеми членами НАО, премию CIA за заслуги в 2017 году перед бывшим президентом CIA Раймондом Боделлом и заслуженным приятелем CIA в номинации «Церемония награждения 2017» Анне Боделл. Эти награды были первоначально представлены на Купе Mondiale в Осимо, Италия, в сентябре прошлого года.

Жюри, включая Герберта Шейбенрейфа, Грэма Лори, Алистера Гиллеспи, Ларису Боделл, Каролин Бродхед, Дугласа Уорда, Джерри Келли и Александра Боделла, были заняты конкурсом, проходивший в трех местах в течение выходных.

Выдающиеся успехи на конкурсных прослушиваниях включали в себя 4 победителя в номинации «Annalize Bodell», который стал победителем старшей категории, а также 17 и под «Bell Trophy» Solo, победителями нескольких категорий Clelland, Blythe и Inver Shand, а также отличными выступлениями Бен Кобба, Подготовительной группы Colchester .

В течение выходных прошли мероприятия:
Международная феерия с превосходным исполнением оркестра Musika Akkordia из Германии, ансамбль ACE от Eire, а также британская и ирландская квалификация для открытого сольного конкурса CMA.

Спонсорская презентация порадовала аудиторию участием международного лауреата Александра Боделла, а также традиционного Ceilidh в субботу вечером с группой Highland Fling под управлением вице-президента NAO Hon Graham Laurie.

Полные результаты доступны на домашней странице веб-сайта NAO www.accordions.com/nao
NAO Presentations


WOW Folk Festival Castelfidardo, 10 to 14 May - Italy

WOW Festival Poster
Local talents and international guests are in the program for the 2nd edition WOW Folk Festival from 10 to 14 May.

The second edition is marked by the growth and the exploration of new musical territories after the positive experimentation of last year. From Thursday 10 to Monday, May 14, the city is filled with sounds, energy and passion thanks to the Wow Folk Festival organized by the Department of Culture in collaboration with the Pro Loco in the context of the patronal festivities.

"We have thought of a path that goes from younger talents to international guests, while providing dance workshops, street food, flea market and traveling shows that will revive the square with dances of communities capable of transmitting emotions and vibrations at the same contact in his hands ", explains Councilor Ruben Cittadini.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

World Accordion Day Reports are Being Loaded on the Weekend

World Accordion Day logoMay 6th is World Accordion Day! Reports are being loaded here and in the World Accordion Day site over the Weekend.


New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo above: "Il bosco incantato" premiere on 26th April performed by Marco Gemelli. This video does not include the intro of the work.

Renzo Ruggieri has released "Il bosco incantato" the first piece he has composed for free bass accordion.

Renzo writes: "I wrote the melody for a theatrical show by Marco Goldin - to whom the piece is dedicated - on the famous painter Edward Munch. In fact, the title recalls one of his paintings "The Enchanted Forest" of 1903. Then the simple melodic idea was reworked, arranged and used for "the guided solo", a moment that the soloist can freely interpret and personalize."

Available online, also view sample page, at catalog No: rrenzo517


Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

Joan Grauman, AAA HistorianRita Barnea, Editor USA News: This is the 5th article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the 80th AAA Anniversary Celebration. An article is planned each month containing a segment of the history of the AAA, from its creation on March 9th, 1938 through to 2018. Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s

Thank you Joan Sommers, Liz Finch, Joe Cerrito, Mark Yacovone, Linda Soley Reed, Rita Barnea, Karen Malan-Uribe and Marilyn O’Neil for their contributions to this article!

Read the full article by Joan Grauman at: Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s


New Ivano Battiston Arrangements, "Ricercare a tre" & 3 Balkan Dances - Italy

Ivano BattistonVideo: 3 Balkan Dances (Hum , Surduk, Rakita) catalog battiston106, performed as encores by David Bellugi and Ivano Battiston for a concert in Krasnoyarsk, Russia with the Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: Michael Beniumov). The famous theme of the last dance is an "audience winner".

Ivano Battiston newly released arrangements:

Catalog: battiston105 The "Ricercare a tre" arranged for accordion solo, is a three-voice fugue and the first piece of the Musical Offering (1747) by Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the most articulate and complex works ever composed, and is universally considered one of the highest points ever achieved in the history of music.

All the material is based on a musical theme created by Frederick II of Prussia and masterfully elaborated by the great German musician.

Catalog: battiston106 3 Balkan Dances are three short pieces written for recorder and accordion and inspired by the folklore of Serbia and Macedonia. The song titles are also the names of some Balkan villages. Hum, Surduk, Rakita. Exciting encore arrangements and hear the applause at the end!

Other works or arrangements recently released:
battiston101 Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla
battiston102 Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston
battiston103 Ples composed by Ivano Battiston
battiston104 Paganiniana arranged for two accordions.


World Accordion Day: A Happy Family with a Vintage Accordion

A Happy Family with a Vintage Accordion
World accordion day.... painting...repainted by Artist Philippe Agius from the island of Malta

Click for high definition picture: HFA-Picture.jpg

Phillipe Agius writes: "I had the opportunity to visit Castelfidardo (Ancona-Italy) in 1996 and visited also the Accordion Museum. So I decided to re-paint this picture, (attached) for the World Accordion Day that is being celebrated worldwide on 6th May, 2018. Let us teach our children this beautiful musical instrument."

In February 2018: During a courtesy call at the office of the President of Malta, Dr Philip Agius, Hon President of the Santa Maria Accordion Band, since he also is an artist, presented one of his paintings to the President of Malta Her Excellency Marie. Louise Coleiro Preca at her residence at Attard,

There was present also the President of the Santa Maria Accordion Band Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar.

Her Excellency the President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca is in the middle of the photo. Photo source Photographer from the President’s Office. Click for high definition picture: 2018Aguis.jpg
Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar, President of Malta Her Excellency Marie. Louise Coleiro Preca, Dr Phillipe Agius


Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia

Gala Concert posterThe Macedonian Association of Accordionists (MAA) “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” Skopje is delighted to invite you to the World Accordion Day Gala Jubilee Concert which will be held at Macedonian National Theatre Skopje on May 6th.

This year, for the tenth time, the association organizes a solemn concert marking the celebration of the international event and birthday celebration of the instrument, the accordion. The project is supported by the national program of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia.

The concert will feature renowned artists from Macedonia and accordion students performing works by Zubitsky, Derbenko, Bete Ilin, Angelis, Piazzolla and others.

A last year’s special guest, Grayson Masefield from New Zealand, on the WAD concert performed the composition "The New Tomorrow" by Bete Ilin with string quintet (premiere performance was in March 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland). This year, May 26th, Grayson Masefield will perform this composition in Berlin with Berlin Philharmonic. On this year’s concert, the composition "Duellum" by Bete Ilin will have its premiere performance by AkordioM (Zorica Karakutovska and Filip Stameski) and a string orchestra.

The international project "May 6th World Accordion Day" is supported by the Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” with various events and successful realization of concerts at home and abroad.

An article with the information about the jubilee World Accordion Day Concert, being held on the 189th birthday of the accordion, is published in all main newspapers and portals in Macedonia. During this week, President of MAA, Professor Zorica Karakutovska and other association’s members, are promoting the event appearing live on the National TV and radio programs.

Stay tuned for the upcoming report of these activities to be listed here, shortly after the concert.


Video: Elena and Gregory Fainshtein Present TED Talks About the Accordion - USA

From USA News. Video 1: In this Talk, Elena explains how she lost her voice as a child and regained it through the gift of music. Elena and her husband Gregory, who are a part of the accordion movement, share their musical expertise in an awe-inspiring performance!

Elena Fainshtein is a professional musician, her instrument of choice from childhood has been the accordion.


Будущие события

1st Accordion Festival, Pera Oreinis – Cyprus

PosterCyprus’ first Accordion Festival, organised by Cleopatra Charalambous and Angelos Doukas, takes place from May 4th to May 6th in Pera Oreinis, Cyprus. The festival includes several workshops, seminars and concerts. Pera Oreinis is a village 19 kilometres south of Nicosia.

On Friday May 4th the festival opens with an Open Accordion Exhibition & Technical Support at the village cultural centre, an Interactive Musical Theatre for children, featuring Leon the Accordion. The First Accordion Band of Cyprus (MD Cleopatra Charalambous) will be entertaining from the central stage in the village square along with the visiting Leipzig Akkordeon Ensemble, from Germany, and, later in the evening, with the local group Parapera.

The following two days include seminars on subjects such as ‘Accordion in Greek Traditional Music’; concerts (including the Young Volunteer Choir featuring the Windcraft Kids’ Band, and DJ Vassilis Palamas); and the ‘Learn about the Harmonica’. There’s also a live performance on the third day which will see all the workshop attendees performing live in the village streets – a sort of wandering minstrel event with groups popping out of alleyways to delight and surprise. And the entire three-day event will culminate in a village square showcase which includes both the Bellw Epoque Music Band and the First Accordion Band of Cyprus.

For further information email: cyprusaccordionfest@gmail.com


Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert @ RAM, London – UK

‘The Spirit of Tango’ is a concert featuring Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi on Friday May 4th, 7.30pm, in the Duke’s Hall at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT. The internationally renowned Bandoneon virtuoso performs alongside Academy string, piano and accordion students with a programme inspired by tango music. Tickets are £7.50 (concessions £5.50) from the RAM’s Box Office.
The Academy accordion students will also be performing with the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy, at St David’s Hall, Cardiff on Friday May 18th and again at the Royal Festival Hall, London, on Sunday May 20th both at 7.30 pm.

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


World Accordion Day @ ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA

Helmi Harrington's ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, 1401 Bellknap St, Superior, Wisconsin, plays host to events this weekend that celebrate World Accordion Day.

On Saturday May 5th and 6th, 10am until 9pm each day, the 6th Willard A. Palmer Festival takes place, featuring Joey Miskulin, Dee Langley, Kevin Friedrich, Michael Bridge, Stanislav Venglevski, and more. The event includes concerts and workshops. Tickets available at the door.

World Accordion Day, which began in 2009, is an initiative of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).   

For further information email: accordion@sprynet.com


Accordion in Time/in honour of Gervasio Marcosignori - Italy


Marco Lo Russo ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Fjärås – Sweden

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist, composer and producer Marco Lo Russo will be celebrating World Accordion Day in style by performing classical, jazz, and world music on Swedish made Bengts accordions (produced in collaboration with the Bugari Armando company of Italy), 11am until 5pm, at Karlssons Musik, Äskebackavägen 18, Fjärås, Hallands Län, Sweden.

Marco Lo Russo’s recent career has seen him performing internationally with appearances in Poland, Mexico, Cuba, Africa, and Canada, pursuing various musical projects, especially his ‘Made in Italy’ project. Recent accomplishments include composing the Italian entry for the the Eurovision Song Contest, producing the soundtrack of the film ‘CityZen’, directed by Ruggero Gabbai, broadcast on SKY TV, and the composition of the ‘Ave Maria’ dedicated to Pope Francis.

For further information email: press@marcolorusso.com


Elsa Gourdy Dancing Gig, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin - France

Elsa GourdyAccordionist Elsa Gourdy and her orchestra play for dancing on Sunday May 6th, 3pm until 8pm, at 1 Rue Gustave Eiffel, La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, in the Loiret department in north-central France.

Elsa Gourdy, accordionist, bandoneonist and composer, performs in many musical genres, from French chanson to jazz. She began the accordion at the age of 6, studied at a conservatory, and was later mentored by Frédéric Deschamps. To date she has performed in the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Russia, Mongolia, China, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Qatar, Switzerland, and Austria.

For further information email: contact@elsagourdy.fr


LAO and Percussion Concert, Ljubljana – Slovenia

London Accordion Orchestra, Slovenia Poster
On Sunday May 6th, 6pm, the London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) perform in a concert, titled ‘SToP, Slovenian Percussion Project’ with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra at Kongresni trg 10 (Philharmonic Hall), 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The accordion orchestra programme will include some new pieces of English composers and works of film music, as well as the work of Slovenian composers. The Slovenian percussion project will join the orchestra and will also be presented independently. This will be an unforgettable concert for lovers of accordion and percussion.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


Tobias Escher Concert, Dortmund – Germany

Tobias Escher
Jazz accordionist Tobias Escher is the guest at the Accordion Café, Eschwister-Scholl-Straße 33-37, 44135 Dortmund, Germany, on Monday May 7th, 7pm.

Tobias Escher from Waiblingen, with his solo programme ‘Gestastet, nicht gequetscht’ (Touched, Not Squashed) will present a mixture of jazz, blues, polkas, and world music.


Accordion Gala, Auriac - France

Accordion Gala, Auriac posterOn Monday May 7th, 4pm, an Accordion Gala featuring the female accordionists Sylvie Pulles and her orchestra, Nicole Berges, Stephanie Methot, and Fabienne Souques, all playing for dancing in Auriac, Correze, France.

Auriac is a commune in the Corrèze department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of central France.


Gemma Donald & Alan Small @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK

Gemma Donald & Alan Small
On Thursday May 10th, 7.30pm, fiddle player Gemma Donald and accordionist Alan Small are the guests at the Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is St Margaret Mary’s Social Club, Scalegate Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 4JX. Admission is £3.50 and £1.50 for local players. There is a raffle and a bar.

Alan Small was the All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2002, teaches the accordion, plays in a variety of styles, and is currently band leader with the Lomond Ceilidh Band. Gemma Donald is a fiddle player, accordionist and pianist, and also an accordion technician, trained in Castelfidardo.


Martynas’ Summer Concerts Schedule – Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany

Martynas’Lithuanian accordionist Martynas Levickis performs in concerts this summer, as follows:

May 12th, 7pm - Bilkent Concert Hall, Ankara, Turkey
May 17th – with TRNC Presidential Symphony Orchestra, Bellapais, North Cyprus
May 18th - with TRNC Presidential Symphony Orchestra, Ataturk Cultural & Congress Centre, Nicosia, North Cyprus
June 15th to 24th – Composers Summer Academy, Egles sanatorija, Druskininkai, Lithuania
June 27th to July 1st – International Chamber Music Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands
June 27th – opening concert, Utrecht
June 27th – late night concert, Utrecht
June 30th – Musical Tour of Utrecht
July 7th – with Vilnius City Ensemble Mikroorkestra, Mittlefest 2018, Cividale, Fruili, Italy
July 12th – with Ensemble Triole, Sudtirol Festival, Merano, Italy
July 13th – with Ensemble Triole, KLANGEfest, Runklestein Castle, Italy
July 15th – solo concert, Festival de Bellerive, Switzerland
July 25th – with Svang Harmonika Quartet, Festspiele Mecklenberg, Vorpemmern, Germany

Martynas Levickis, from Lithuania, graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and has since performed internationally to great acclaim. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV.

For further information email: newsletter@martynasmusic.com


Karen Street and Karen Tweed’s ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Cambridge, Knutsford – UK

Time to Sing PosterOn Saturday May 12th and Sunday May 13th, 11am to 5pm, accordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed lead two one-day accordion events called ‘Time to Sing’. These events are open to all accordionists and also those who like to sing. In the morning there is a workshop, rehearsing mainly sing-along tunes, and after lunch there is a public concert, with community singing. Each afternoon also includes accordion solos from specially invited guest players. Proceeds from the day will go to the Alzheimer’s Society.

May 12th – Barhill Church, Hanover Close, Bar Hill, Cambridge CB23 8EH
May 13th, 10am until 5pm - Marthall Village Hall, Sandlebridge Lane, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7SB

Karen Street was twice an All-Britain Virtuoso Champion, and is now a respected jazz accordionist. Karen Tweed was an All-Ireland Accordion Champion, and is a renowned player and teacher of several international folk music styles.

Music for the workshop is available in advance by email.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com
Time to Sing Poster


Multi Day Accordion Meeting 8-10 June, Ossiach - Austria

Entries Close 13th May 2018. The Kärntner Akkordeonverein (KAV) invites for the first time in June this year to a multi-day accordion meeting in Ossiach, Carinthia. This musical encounter is especially aimed at adult accordion beginners and amateur musicians who like to play accordion in their free time or in retirement for their own enjoyment.

In the foreground is getting to know other music enthusiasts but also the exchange of common musical interests. The participants are offered a number of different workshops for beginners and advanced learners such as:
Ø Musical games for everyone
Ø Easy song accompaniment
Ø Interplay in a small ensemble
Ø Rudimentary music theory
Ø Feedback on self-produced pieces

Furthermore, there is the possibility to practice and easy interaction with others. In addition to the musical exchange and cozy get-together, the beautiful landscape around the Ossiacher Lake invites to walks or to swim.

Depending on the interests of the participants, the content of the course will be adjusted variably! The speakers Stefan Kollmann, Roman Pechmann and Christoph Hofer are looking forward to a musical weekend!

Where: Carinthian Music Academy Ossiach
Cost: 220 € incl. Full board (single room supplement: 20 €)

For further information email: steveom@gmx.at


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA

AAA header
Dr. Robert Young McMahanElsie M BennettJust added to the new AAA website. Dr. Robert Young McMahan (picture left), Chair, AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee writes about Elsie M. Bennett (nee Blum, picture right) and the history of AAA Commissioning.

Over 60 new works have been commissioned by the AAA over the years to make an important contribution to accordion repertoire.

Click here for full article: AAA Composers’ Commissioning History.


Updated Site: Mike Middleton Adds Pictures and Text - USA

Mike Middleton
Mike MiddleonUpdated Site: Picture above of Texas accordionist Mike Middleton performing at the National Accordion Association (NAA) Convention. Updated site adds pictures and text to the website. Also lists future events.


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Catalog All Online - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionThe complete Karthause-Schmülling site is now online. There are over 520 line items of printed accordion sheet music (for solo, duo, ensemble and orchestra) as well as books (text) about accordion.

In stock. The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips, Catalog kslips03


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