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Accordion Featured at the VI International Festival 'Green Noise' - Russia

VI International Festival 'Green Noise'
Pictures 1 above (left to right): Yuri Shishkin, Karolina Desyatkova, Nikita Voitenko, Anna Kryshtaleva, Rinat Valiev, Pyotr Yarinenko, Denis Adaev
Picture 2: Yuri Shishkin, Anna Kryshtaleva

On April 26, a big event took place in the cultural life of Russia with the Surgut Philharmonic. As part of the VI International Festival 'Green Noise', the famous musician Yuri Shishkin and his pupils, laureates of international competitions Anna Kryshtaleva, Pyotr Yarinenko, Karolina Desyatkova performed with the symphony orchestra of the Surgut Philharmonic conducted by Stanislav Dyatlov.

'Green Noise' is one of the largest festivals in Russia and includes musicians with world names in various fields of arts (music, ballet, theater). The artistic director of the festival is the outstanding pianist Ekaterina Michetina.

The concert was a huge success. The program was unique: each performer played a solo piece, then played with the orchestra and then a duet with Yuri Shishkin and an orchestra.

For the students of Shishkin, it was the first performance with a symphony orchestra. The music was performed by V. Semionov, A. Tsfasman, A. Piazzolla, V. Gridin, L. Presicci, V. Vlasov, N. Dautov. The concert ended with the world premiere of Seventango by composer Roberto Molinelli for seven accordionists and orchestra, which was the culmination of the evening.

Together with Shishkin and his disciples, Seventango was performed by Surgut musicians, laureates of international contests Denis Adaev, Rinat Valiev, Nikita Voitenko. I must say that the Surgut Accordion School is known all over the world, among its representatives world champions, laureates of prestigious competitions.

The performance of Seventango turned into fireworks from the famous tango themes. It was a real musical performance, which aroused the enthusiasm and applause of the audience. The concert is planned to be performed in several cities of Russia.

Pictures below: Yuri Shishkin, Karolina Desyatkova
Yuri Shishkin, Pyotr Yarinenko
VI International Festival 'Green Noise'
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