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The 16th Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - USA

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Paul PasqualiVideo above: Grayson Masefield performing Tico Tico in Las Vegas.
Picture gallery at: 2015LV
Picture right: Event organiser Paul Pasquali

The Las Vegas International Accordion Convention goal, has always been to present the highest quality entertainment and educational seminar classes in a professional manner.

The event began on June 21 with Riders in the Sky who gave a five star performance at our Monday welcome concert. For many this was worth the price of admission alone to see this Grammy award-winning group perform in an intimate concert setting.

Our grand finale featured five-time world champion Grayson Masefield. Grayson’s performance displayed a stunning show of technique and musical artistry. His program included a delightful variety of music, which captivated the audience and brought them to their feet.

Each morning began with classes and workshops followed by a luncheon program. Afternoons were again filled with classes and orchestra rehearsals.

Each evening included a dinner with a concert. These exceptional concerts featured Grayson Masefield, Joey Miskulin, Walter Ostanek, Mary Tokarski, Stas Venglevski, Joan Sommers, The Europa Trio, Pete Barbutti, Paul Betken & Jerry Cigler Duet, Gordon Kohl, Chuck Henry, Gina Brannelli and our grand finale performance by the Las Vegas International Accordion Orchestra.

This orchestra is made up of attendees who volunteer their talent to be a part of the orchestra under the direction of Professor Joan Sommers. Each of these concerts was planned to showcase the musical versatility of the accordion, whether it be Country, Broadway, Jazz, Classic, Polka or Rock.

Attendees are encouraged to take the stage at Club Concerto in an intimate cabaret setting after the evening concert. Many of these after hour concerts continued until the wee hours of the morning.

This year we saw attendees from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, France, almost every province of Canada, Mexico and from all over the United States.

Some comments from attendees.

The entire week was filled with outstanding artists! I shall cherish the wide range of musical talent, friendships, great food, lack of sleep, and new experiences forever! We loved it!!!
Donna D. – Huntington Beach, CA

I just had the time of my life at The 2015 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention! Paul Pasquali sure knows how to throw a Party! This Event is "always" the most Fun I have all year long…
Linda W – Corryton, TN
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