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‘Weird Al’ Yankovic at Peabody Opera House, Saint Louis - USA

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic‘Weird Al’ Yankovic presented a concert on June 28th, singing parodies of popular songs, such as Pharrell Williams’ popular song, ‘Happy’, which was turned into ‘Tacky’. With his four piece band, he made fun of songsters of today and of the past. The show took place at the Peabody Opera House, Saint Louis, Missouri.

His concerts are always sold out. He is also famous for recreating popular songs as polkas, using his accordion.

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic is an American singer, songwriter, parodist, record producer, satirist, actor, music video director, film producer, and author. He is known for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts, original songs that are style pastiches of the work of other acts, and polka medleys of several popular songs, featuring his favored instrument, the accordion.

Since his first-aired comedy song in 1976, he has sold more than 12 million albums (as of 2007),recorded more than 150 parody and original songs and has performed more than 1,000 live shows.

His works have earned him four Grammy Awards and a further 11 nominations, four gold records, and six platinum records in the USA. Yankovic's first top ten Billboard album (‘Straight Outta Lynwood’) and single (‘White & Nerdy’) were both released in 2006, nearly three decades into his career.

His latest album, ‘Mandatory Fun’ (2014), became his first number one album on its debut week. With many costume changes and constant videos on the screen, the show is high energy and full of laughs. And, the accordion always has its special place in his shows.
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