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Milos Milivojevic News and Concerts – UK

Milos MilivojevicSerbian accordionist Milos Milivojevic performs a duet on Astor Piazzolla's ‘Libertango’, a track on guitarist Craig Ogden’s latest album release for Classic FM – ‘Craig Ogden and Friends’. The arrangement was done by pianist and conductor Paul Bateman. Craig's new album features a whole range of collaborators and friends, including pianist Ji Liu, cellist Natalie Clein, and flautist Gareth Davies.

Milos Milivojevic’s forthcoming concerts include:

July 3rd, 7.30pm – with Kosmos at the Chichester Festival, Halnaker Park Cottage, Park Lane, Halnaker, Chichester PO18 0QH
July 5th, 3pm - with Paprika at the Chichester Festival, venue as above
July 8th, 7.30pm - duo with Craig Ogden, Hoylake Chapel Station Rd, Hoylake CH47 4AA
July 16th, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 17th - with Paprika at Rhythmtree Festival, Three Gates Farm, Shalfleet, Calbourne, Isle of Wight PO30 4NA
July 21st, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland family opera, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 22nd, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 23rd, 6.30pm - with Kosmos, Holt Festival, St Andrew's Church, 15 Market Place, Holt NR25 6BE
July 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, all at 3pm – Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
August 1st, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
August 6th, 6pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 7th, 4pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 9th, 12pm and 4pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 21st, 7.30pm – with a classical ensemble that includes Craig Ogden, Burton Bradstock Festival of Music and Arts, Dorset
August 22nd, 7.30pm – with guitarists Craig Ogden and Gary Ryan, Birdfair 2015, Fishponds Cottage, Hambleton Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 8AB

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com
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