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Josef Purits & Ekaterina Mochalova "Folk Times" Concert – Russia

Folk Times poster
Josef PuritsJosef Purits (bayan) and Ekaterina Mochalova (domra) will perform in concert entitled "Folk Times" at the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM) in Moscow, Russia on February 5th, 2023.

The duo, who will be accompanied by the Governor's Chamber Orchestra "Russian Camerata" conducted by Andrey Kruzhkov, will perform a program of music from different countries such as "Suite of Spanish Folk Songs" (Manuel de Falla), Three miniatures on Georgian folk themes (Sulkhan Tsintsadze), Six Romanian dances (Bartok), Dance of Joy (Feidman) and "Brazilian Bahian" No. 5. (Vila-Lobos).

The concert will also include the world premiere of a double concerto “Jewish Dances” for domra, bayan and chamber orchestra by the Russian composer Mikhail Bronner.

The concert will conclude with a new interpretation of the music from the ballet "Petrushka" by Igor Stravinsky. For the first time, the ballet, subtitled "Russian Funny Scenes in Four Pictures", was staged in 1911 in Paris, France as part of Diaghilev's "Russian Seasons". The musical language of the work is based on the stylization of Russian folk dances and songs. The composer also used the melodies of urban song folklore. Stravinsky's masterpiece, which conquered the whole world, will be performed for the first time by domra, accordion and chamber orchestra. The combination of traditional Russian folk instruments with the instruments of a symphony orchestra will allow you to discover unknown facets in ballet music.

Josef Puritz is a laureate of more than thirty international competitions, including the Peace Trophy in Spokane (USA, 2012) and the Klingenthal Competition (Germany, 2013).

He has performed in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky, at Carnegie Hall (New York, USA), Wigmore Hall (London, UK), Konzerthaus (Vienna, Austria) and other leading concert halls.

For concert information phone: +7 (495) 730-10-11
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