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Online: ATG Presents Joseph Natoli Workshop - USA

JN Workshop poster
The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) will present an online workshop on “Using Accordion Registers Effectively” by Joseph Natoli (picture above) on December 8th, 2021. This workshop, which is part of the ATG Wednesday Workshop series, aims to get newbie and experienced accordionists alike to understand and have a greater appreciation for the right-hand and left-hand register switches on their instruments.

These amazing color combinations can be used extremely effectively to truly “orchestrate” your compositions or arrangements. Some examples will be provided to provide motivation for further exploration and exploitation of these registers. So many people, especially newbies, think that the Master switch is the only color on the accordion. This workshop will give you a detailed explanation why and how to consider all the other register switches for maximum musical effect.

The workshops are free for ATG members. For further information email: josephnatoli66@gmail.com
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