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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Dec-2021
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Tragic Covid Death of Kazys Stonkus - Lithuania
¡El plan de estudios de ATG está disponible para comprar ahora! - ESTADOS UNIDOS
Ksenija Sidorova interpreta a Piazzolla con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Atlanta (ASO) - Europa / EE. UU.
XII Concurso Internacional de Moscú para Jóvenes Músicos "Lira mágica", Moscú - Rusia
Ville Hiltula se presenta en 2021 Osaka Tango Festival - Japón
Ideas de regalos de Navidad de acordeón para amigos y familiares
Vídeo: Composiciones de Volodymyr Runchak en la Coupe Mondiale 2021 - Alemania
Envío gratuito, libros de regalos de Navidad de gran valor - Francia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italy
Rita Barnea Begins Her 14th Year as Accordion USA News Editor
Vincent Peirani / Émile Parisien "Abrazo" - Austria
Mary Tokarski New CD “Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas" – USA
Zoe Tiganouria Interviewed on La Famiglia Radio – Greece
Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello Release Debut Album – Italy
Video: Phileas Rogue Performing Star Trek The Original Series - Main Theme

Future events

Mànran Winter Tour 2021/2022 – Scotland
“Le Vent du Nord” Concert Tour - Canada
21st Accordionists Meeting - Argentina
Martynas Levickis Performs at Cologne Philharmonic - Germany
Accordion Orchestra March Church Concerts – Switzerland
Murray Grainger Matinee Concert - UK
Online: ATG Presents Joseph Natoli Workshop - USA
“Razam” Performs at Cargo Gallery, Prague – Czech Republic
"A Glorious Christmas Concert" Features Mario Tacca - USA

Childrens Corner

Video: Accordion and Piano Duet - Russia

New and Updated Sites

Taller de Acordeón de Navidad en CNIMA - Francia
El popular eBook "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" ahora está disponible en idioma chino
Historia de las comisiones musicales de la AAA por el profesor Robert McMahan - EE. UU.
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Tragic Covid Death of Kazys Stonkus - Lithuania

Kazys Stonkus
Further details coming shortly as the accordion world is shook by this strongest of men being taken from us by Covid. This is a tragic loss to the international accordion community where Kazys served on the CIA Music Committee for some 8 years and was a prominent international jury member and teacher of many fine students.

Please send my very deepest condolences to his family, friends and the accordionists of your beautiful Lithuania. This is a very sad loss indeed for the accordion world.

Below is the CV for your information:

Kazys Stonkus – performer, professor in Kaunas "Vytautas Magnus" University Music Academy – the Head of the Accordion Department, President of Lithuanian National accordionist‘s union, member of CIA Music Commitee.
Kazys Stonkus was President of the Lithuanian National Accordionist's Union and Vice-President of the CIA when they hosted a most successful 2018 Coupe Mondiale in Kaunas, Lithuania.

In 1992 graduated the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy, 1992 – 1993 internship at the Music Academy in Paris, 1996-1997 internship at the Moscow Gnessin’s Institute.

Kazys Stonkus – regular concert accordionist – a soloist and ensemble player. Concert tour runs through the whole world : Lithuania, Riga, Tallinn, Parnu, Beijing, Changsha, Izmir, Shanghai, Ankara, Madrid, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Istanbul, Brussels, Kemer, Paris, Cannes, Ath, Toulouse, Moscow, Antalya, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Berlin, Cologne, Warsaw, Rome, Naples.

Kazys Stonkus wrote and recorded music for the film A.Griskeviciaus “Mikališkes Miracles” (demonstrated acceptance in New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Berlin), music of V. Gerulaitis anniversary.

Participated in concert tours with artists Asta Krikšciunaite, Virgilijus Noreika, Gintare Skeryte, Judita Leitaite, Rasa Rapalyte, Egidijus Sipavicius, M.K. Ciurlionis Quartet. The records of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Amsterdam, Moscow, Rome, Eindhoven, Paris, Warsaw, Riga, Beijing, Brussels studio.
Recorded the music created by composers G. Puskunigis, B. Kutavicius, A. Martynaitis – a total of 65 performances. Inclusion in 14 CDs. Also recorded by Lithuanian composers – J. Tamulionis, F. Bajoras, O. Balakauskas, A. Kucinsko, O. Narbutaites, S. Dikciutes, A. Martynaicio, K. Stonkaus solo accordion pieces.
Music television broadcasts of LTV, LNK, TV1, TV projects Jury member.
Kazys Stonkus was involved in many national and international competition juries.
Kazys Stonkus


¡El plan de estudios de ATG está disponible para comprar ahora! - ESTADOS UNIDOS

ATG syllabus
Joan SommersJoan Sommers El Comité del Programa de estudios de ATG, presidido por el profesor Joan Cochran Sommers (imagen a la derecha), se complace en anunciar que el programa de estudios 2021 ya está completo y listo para su distribución. Consulte el sitio web de ATG: para obtener más información y solicitar su copia.

El programa ATG es un resumen de los requisitos prácticos y escritos para completar nueve niveles diferentes relacionados con el estudio del acordeón. Esto incluye los requisitos para la interpretación en solitario, el desarrollo de la técnica en ambas manos, las habilidades auditivas y de lectura a primera vista, así como el conocimiento musical general.

Hay sugerencias para cumplir con estos requisitos, pero también hay espacio para que se tomen las propias decisiones en las muchas selecciones de solos, ejercicios y estudios. Las obras de muchos compositores y arreglistas de varios países diferentes se incluyen en estas listas.

El precio es de US $ 30 para miembros de ATG y de US $ 50 para no miembros.


Ksenija Sidorova interpreta a Piazzolla con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Atlanta (ASO) - Europa / EE. UU.

Ksenija Sidorova
Durante la serie de conciertos del 3 al 5 de febrero de 2022, la reconocida acordeonista europea Ksenija Sidorova interpretará el Aconcagua de Piazzola en el Atlanta Symphony Hall en Atlanta, Georgia, EE. UU. Con la Atlanta Symphony Orchestra como parte de la serie Delta Classical.

Elogiada como "reveladora" (New York Times) con "virtuosismo impresionante" (The Observer), Ksenija Sidorova es una destacada embajadora del acordeón de concierto.

A Ksenija Sidorova le apasiona mostrar las vastas capacidades del acordeón. Su repertorio abarca desde Bach hasta Piazzolla, desde Efrem Podgaits y Václav Trojan, hasta Erkki-Sven Tüür y George Bizet, pasando por nuevos conciertos en acordeón compuestos especialmente para ella, además de multitud de proyectos de cámara.

Los boletos están disponibles en el sitio web de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Atlanta.


XII Concurso Internacional de Moscú para Jóvenes Músicos "Lira mágica", Moscú - Rusia

ML logoEl XII Concurso Internacional de Moscú para Jóvenes Músicos "Lira mágica" se llevará a cabo en Moscú del 14 de febrero al 27 de marzo de 2022. El evento incluirá un espectáculo abierto de actuaciones musicales en solitario y en conjunto en el marco de la Educación Juvenil Integral de la Ciudad de Moscú. Programa "Los niños de Moscú cantan".

Hay clases de solo de acordeón para todas las edades y la categoría Conjuntos incluye de 2 a 18 participantes de todas las edades.

La competencia es una plataforma pública donde los alumnos presentan los logros escénicos y el evento crea un amplio intercambio de experiencia musical y pedagógica para el desarrollo creativo de niños, adolescentes y jóvenes.

El concurso anima a estudiantes y músicos aficionados de diferentes regiones de Rusia y del extranjero, de 7 a 21 años en las categorías de interpretación y de 7 a 28 años en las categorías de "Creatividad del compositor".

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: ml-winds@choirsofmoscow.ru


Ville Hiltula se presenta en 2021 Osaka Tango Festival - Japón

Osaka fest
Ville HiltulaEl bandoneonista y músico de tango finlandés Ville Hiltula (foto a la izquierda) actuará con su cuarteto “Locura Tanguera” en el Festival de Tango de Osaka 2021 celebrado en Osaka, Japón, el 11 de diciembre de 2021.

El cuarteto incluye a Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Kazuhiro Takagi (violín), Tomomitsu Fumoto (piano) y Masashi Goto (contrabajo).

El evento, organizado por Osaka Tango, incluirá una variedad de artistas y bailarines.

Ville Hiltula ha desarrollado una extensa carrera internacional a lo largo de los años actuando en todo el mundo, incluidos Argentina, EE. UU., Japón, Corea del Sur, Rusia, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Luxemburgo, Francia, Alemania, España, Inglaterra, Escocia, Irlanda, Dinamarca, Suecia, Finlandia, Estonia y Bulgaria.

Otras actuaciones incluyen:

• 4 de diciembre: Actuación con Yumi Kou (violín) y Asaka Yado (piano) en Mona Petro, Nagoya, Aichi.
• 5 de diciembre: Actuación en Swing Bird Cottage, Mie / Japón.
• 17 de diciembre: Actuación con Tdahito Yano (flauta) y Emi Yano (piano) en Mint Kobe Sannomiya, Kobe.
• 24 de diciembre: Actuación con Tomomitsu Fumoto (piano) en una cena especial de Navidad en Chouette De Lapin, en Kobe.
• 26 de diciembre: Actuación con Asako Yado - Tango en vivo en Classic Salon Amadeus, Kobe.

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: villehiltula@gmail.com


Ideas de regalos de Navidad de acordeón para amigos y familiares

MusicForAccordion.com header
Christmas giftsIdeas de regalos de Navidad para amigos y familiares en: 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Estas ideas se han recopilado para atraer el dinero de su regalo de Navidad para gastarlo con artistas de acordeón, compositores, arreglistas y editores.

Apoye el arte del acordeón y elija entre más de 2,400 piezas de eSheet, 310 CD / DVD, 2,000 eTracks, más de 1,000 trabajos impresos y numerosos libros (texto) para elegir. Ideas de regalos de Navidad 2021. 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas.


Vídeo: Composiciones de Volodymyr Runchak en la Coupe Mondiale 2021 - Alemania

2021 Coupe Mondiale header

Volodymyr RunchakLos videos de todas las presentaciones en la Coupe Mondiale 2022 están en el sitio web de Coupe Mondiale, cortesía del Proyecto de Educación y Archivo de Video de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) patrocinado por Scandalli Accordions and Accordions Worldwide.

Nuevas composiciones son una característica de la Coupe Mondiale y se interpretaron obras del compositor Volodymyr Runchak (Ucrania).

Video 1:
2022 El concursante de la categoría Coupe Mondiale Roman Puneiko (Ucrania) interpreta la composición de Volodymyr Runchak "Messa Da Requiem In 7 Movements For Accordion". Esto fue para la segunda ronda de la competencia Coupe Mondiale.

Video 2:
El concursante de la categoría Coupe Mondiale 2022 Alexey Murza (Ucrania) realiza un programa en la Ronda I que incluye una composición de Runchak:
Domenico Scarlatti Sonata G Dur K201
Páramo kosórico de Drazan
Volodymyr Runchak dedicado a Igor Stravinsky
Bundesministerium für Kultur und Medien


Envío gratuito, libros de regalos de Navidad de gran valor - Francia

Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logoEnvío especial gratis:
Los entresijos del acordeón de Thierry Benetoux (catálogo benetouxen00). Un libro de calidad sobre reparaciones de acordeón, afinación, etc. que es realmente muy popular. En inglés

En francés. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catálogo benetouxfr00).

Envío especial gratis:
Tocando el acordeón de Thierry Benetoux (catálogo bthierryen). Un libro de mucha calidad que se preocupa por el sonido y la afinación de tu acordeón. En inglés.

En francés. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catálogo bthierryfr).
Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon, L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italy

Strumenti & Musica Festival
Strumenti & Musica Festival performersThe Strumenti & Musica Festival was held in Spoleto, Italy from November 23rd to 28th, 2021, organised by the Italian Accordion Culture Cultural Association - Première Voting Member of the CIA, IMC, official NGO partner of UNESCO. Main organisers were Gianluca Bibiani, Mirco Patarini and Federica Celesti.

The event included a variety of live concerts (all with free admission).
Tuesday 23 November features “Duo Una Sinistra” Russian accordionists Alexander Selivanov & Yulia Amerikova from the prestigious Russian State Music Academy “Gnessin”. The Mayor of Spoleto, Andrea Sisti, attended this concert.

Very complimentary was Candia Marcucci, Director General of the Consorzio Bonificazione Umbra, which has hosted the Festival for free since its inception: "We believed in this initiative from the very beginning. I must give credit to the organizers Gianluca Bibiani, Mirco Patarini and Federica Celesti for having made known the accordion (an instrument we were all little used to), to the general public and showing the highest levels". He continued, "and to see this full hall on a Tuesday evening, is certainly a good omen for the event and for the city" he concluded.

Wednesday 24 November bandoneonist / guitarist Roman Gomez and the singer Andria Antoniou and Greek violinist Loulia Selalmazidi. Jazz accordionist Antonino De Luca with his project in solo Confini.

Thursday 25 November Belgian duo Jef De Haes and Katrien Nauwelaerts, accordion and voice.

Friday 26 November trio of Patrizia Angeloni (professor of the accordion chair at the Conservatory of Latina), Stefano Di Loreto and Umberto Turchi Tribute to Spoleto Maestro Giancarlo Menotti.

Saturday 27 November accordionist Vince Abbracciante, a leading figure in Italian jazz.

Sunday 28 November, featuring Italian New Talents. The young accordionists, Camilla Celletti, Pietro Caldarelli, Sofia Santorelli and Emanuele Viti who represented Italy at the 74th edition of the CIA Coupe Mondiale held in Munich in October 2021.

The Italian Accordion Culture Cultural Association thanks the Comune di Spoleto, the Consorzio Bonificazione Umbra, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto, la Fondazione Francesca, Valentina e Luigi Antonini, l’ACEP (Association of creativity and music producers), UNEMIA (Union of Publishers and Authors of Italian Music) and the Scandalli Accordion company.

Full report at: Strumenti & Musica


Rita Barnea Begins Her 14th Year as Accordion USA News Editor

USA News header
Rita Davidson BarneaFrom December 1st, 2021, Rita Barnea will begin her 14th year as Editor of the Accordion USA News and she is enjoying every second of it!

Her goal is to “ensure that the Accordion USA News is eclectic, accurate, fun, exciting, educational, entertaining and relevant to all that happens in the accordion/musical world. I do not say “accordion world” because the accordion is part of the entire musical world and includes every type of music one might think of.

And, as long as you are reading this, I want you to know that you are welcome to submit your ideas and comments to me at Ritabelll@aol.com or text/call me at 201-675-4861. I am always available and look forward to hearing from you.”

Full report at: USA News


Vincent Peirani / Émile Parisien "Abrazo" - Austria

Duo AbrazoTwo years ago they conjured up a sonorous “Belle époque”, now the celebrated duo Vincent Peirani (accordion) and Émile Parisien (saxophone) have returned to the Vienna Konzerthaus to give the audience a musical embrace.

"Abrazo" is the name of the latest program by the two thoroughbred musicians who use soprano saxophone and accordion to create almost hypnotic soundscapes. The two in their mid-thirties are among the winners of the renowned French music award "Les Victoires du jazz" and are now probably one of the most extraordinary formations in European jazz. There are few musicians who know each other so well: The two have played more than 1,000 concerts together in the last ten years, over 600 of them as a duo. In “Abrazo” they now bow to a very special art form: Tango, its elegance, melancholy and rhythmic and melodic power.

Like any form of popular music, jazz is the music of strong personalities. The international recognition of accordionist Vincent Peirani is based on this essential, fundamental quality. His musical charisma, his highly idiosyncratic imagination, the conception of his art - the result of a career without blinkers - touched everyone's mind very early on. After a brilliant study of classical music (with numerous international awards), his entry into the world of jazz proved to be an immediate success, culminating in 2014 and 2015 with victories at the Victoires du Jazz.

Whatever style, Vincent Peirani turns everything he touches into gold: jazz of course (in addition to his own projects also in collaboration with Daniel Humair, Michel Portal, etc.), but also French chanson (Sanseverino, Les Yeux Noirs), film music (Composer for Mathieu Amalric's film Barbara in 2017), etc. And the audience follows him as he puts his audience at every performance in a position where the musically obvious (imaginative reruns of familiar themes) is balanced with the unexpected. He always remains familiar with the popular, which is what defines the high art of the great musicians.

Peirani, who completely renewed the language of the accordion for ten years, is now an indispensable artist in the world of music. One of those whose cosmopolitan and uncomplicated musical vision, as well as his incredible sense of style crossings and timbres allow him to convey this rare and precious magic.

Email: amelie@molpe-music.com


Mary Tokarski New CD “Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas" – USA

Mary TokarskiMT CD coverMary Tokarski has released a timeless solo accordion CD entitled “Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas” that brightens your holiday season and beyond. Her technique is flawless and textbook perfect and her interpretations and arrangements bring sparkle to classical and contemporary yuletide favorites.

Mary is a renowned international solo concert accordionist. She is also a former U.S. national champion and two-time US delegate to the Coupe Mondiale (World Championship). She is past president of the American Accordionists' Association (AAA).

The CD includes "March of the Toys", "Moon River", "On Thin Ice", “Shopping Center Suite" (by Gary Daverne), "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and many others.

For details email: mary.tokarski@comcast.net


Zoe Tiganouria Interviewed on La Famiglia Radio – Greece

Zoe T radio posterZoe TiganouriaAccordionist Zoe Tiganouria (picture right) was interviewed on La Famiglia Radio in Peiraia, Greece on November 28th, 2021.

Zoe answered questions regarding her love of music as a performer, music teacher and up-and-coming songwriter. She also performed on the show.


Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello Release Debut Album – Italy

Danilo Di PaolonicolaThe Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello (picture below) from Teramo, Italy, will release their debut Album entitled “Abruzzo” on December 6th, 2021.

The Orchestra project was created by accordionist Danilo Di Paolonicola (picture left) through his love of the famous "Saltarello", giving it a completely modern and innovative look that allows the general public to know the music without ever losing sight of the traditional aspect.

The group have a repertoire of popular songs from Abruzzo, ranging from Saltarelle, Spallate and Ballarelle performed by 10 musicians and an engaging corps de ballet.

For details email: orchestrapopolaredelsaltarello@gmail.com
Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello


Video: Phileas Rogue Performing Star Trek The Original Series - Main Theme

Video: Phileas Rogue arranged “Star Trek The Original Series - Main Theme” for accordion.

Star Trek is an American science-fiction television series (first broadcast in 1966) created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise and its crew.

The ship and crew are led by Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), First Officer and Science Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and Chief Medical Officer Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley).


Future events

Mànran Winter Tour 2021/2022 – Scotland

Manran poster
Gary InnesMànran, which includes accordionist Gary Innes (picture left), will begin their 2021/2022 Winter Tour of Scotland with a performance at The Lemon Tree in Aberdeen on December 3rd.

Further concerts as follows:

• December 28th, 2021: Mànran and Blazin Fiddles perform at Strathpeffer Pavilion in The Square.
• December 29th, 2021: Mànran and Skerryvore at The Albert Halls in Stirling. This concert is sold out!
• December 30th, 2021: Mànran perform in Killin.
• December 31st: Mànran perform at the Oban Hogmanay Party with special guests, in Oban
• January 1st, 2022: Mànran Perform in Skye, Portree

For details email: info@manran.co.uk


“Le Vent du Nord” Concert Tour - Canada

Le Vent du Nord
Video: Le Vent du Nord and Cirque Alfonse performing “La Mère à l'Echafaud”

“Le Vent du Nord” will begin their tour of Canada with a concert at the Church of Piopolis in Piopolis on December 4th, 2021.

The group which includes accordionist Réjean Brunet, have performed more than 2,000 concerts on 4 continents, and released 10 albums.

Further concerts as follows:
• December 11th: Centre Le Camillois in Saint-camille
• December 29th: Old Bell Tower in Magog
• December 30th: Live and online concert “La Veillée de l'avant-Veille” (The vigil of the Day Before) in Montreal

For details email: info@leventdunord.com


21st Accordionists Meeting - Argentina

Walter poster
Walter Gialdi is the guest performer at the 21st Accordionists Meeting due to be held on December 4th, 2021 at the “Teatro Marconi" (Marconi Theater) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Martynas Levickis Performs at Cologne Philharmonic - Germany

Martynas LevickisMartynas Levickis (Lithuania) will perform a concert at the Cologne Philharmonic in Cologne, Germany on December 5th, 2021 at 8pm.

The event is co-produced by KölnMusik (Cologne Philharmonie) and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and funded by Classical Futures Europe and the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Martynas will be accompanied by Benjamin Appl (Germany - baritone) and Iveta Apkalna (Latvia - organ).

Their program will include works by Schubert, Gubaidulina, Kujala, Navickas and others.

For details phone: 0221 280 280


Accordion Orchestra March Church Concerts – Switzerland

AO March
AO March logoThe Accordion Orchestra March, conducted by Beatrice Oetiker, will perform two Church concerts in Switzerland on December 5th, 2021.

The first will be held at the Musical Advent Service in the Church Altendorf at 9.30am.

The second will be at an Advent Concert in the Church Buttikon in Bremgarten at 5pm.

The orchestra has a varied repertoire, which allows them to adapt their schedule to the event.

For details phone: 055 444 20 80


Murray Grainger Matinee Concert - UK

Murray Grainger
Accordionist Murray Grainger will give a matinee performance at Green Note in Camden, London, England on December 5th, 2021 from 2.30pm.

Audience numbers are limited and masks must be worn.

On December 21st, Murray will perform at The Gather Arts Centre in Ennerdale, Cumbria, England with poet Jessie Summerhayes.

This concert will also be live streamed, so wherever you are in the world, you can experience this event.

For details email: mail@mgrainger.co.uk


Online: ATG Presents Joseph Natoli Workshop - USA

JN Workshop poster
The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) will present an online workshop on “Using Accordion Registers Effectively” by Joseph Natoli (picture above) on December 8th, 2021. This workshop, which is part of the ATG Wednesday Workshop series, aims to get newbie and experienced accordionists alike to understand and have a greater appreciation for the right-hand and left-hand register switches on their instruments.

These amazing color combinations can be used extremely effectively to truly “orchestrate” your compositions or arrangements. Some examples will be provided to provide motivation for further exploration and exploitation of these registers. So many people, especially newbies, think that the Master switch is the only color on the accordion. This workshop will give you a detailed explanation why and how to consider all the other register switches for maximum musical effect.

The workshops are free for ATG members. For further information email: josephnatoli66@gmail.com


“Razam” Performs at Cargo Gallery, Prague – Czech Republic

Aliaksandr YasinskiFive piece band “Razam” will perform at the Cargo Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic on December 15th, 2021 at 8pm.

The group features accordionist Aliaksandr Yasinski, Ilia Chernoklinov (viola), Radek Doležal (drums), Michael Vašícek (guitar) and Iva Marešová (vocals).

They perform a mix of original songs that are based primarily on the sound of the accordion and vocalist Iva Marešová.

Their name “Razam” means "together" in Belarusian.

For details email: info@cargogallery.eu


"A Glorious Christmas Concert" Features Mario Tacca - USA

Mario & Mary Xmas poster
Accordionist Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini (vocals) will feature in “A Glorious Christmas Concert” at the Church of the Assumption in Peekskill, New York on December 17th, 2021.

The event will include special guest Peter Blume (trumpet) and the Assumption Choir.

All proceeds will go to the restoration of the church pipe organ.

See poster for details.


Childrens Corner

Video: Accordion and Piano Duet - Russia

Young musicians Uliana Shamporova (piano) and Arseny Karpunskij (accordion) from Russia performing "Shutka" by Derbenko iat the VIII International Festival Competition of Keyboard Accordion Performers "Accordionissimo" held in Ufa, Russia from December 1st to 3rd, 2021.

This year’s event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ufa College of Arts in Russia and will include the competition, concerts, master classes, scientific and practical conference, courses of professional development of teachers, excursions and round table.


New and Updated Sites

Taller de Acordeón de Navidad en CNIMA - Francia

Mornet book coverEl CNIMA dirigido por Nathalie Boucheix realizará un Taller de Acordeón de Navidad del 19 al 23 de diciembre de 2021.

Jacques Mornet un libro (sin) método (imagen a la derecha) jmornet01

El taller de Navidad es apto para todas las edades, niveles y estilos:
• Para jugadores jóvenes amantes del ambiente amistoso pero estudioso y supervisados, con total seguridad.
• Para personas apasionadas que se benefician de la emulación recíproca, el ambiente fraterno y planean convertirse en profesionales.
• Para adultos comenzando con sus instrumentos y dispuestos a progresar rápidamente sobre una buena base, con la benevolencia del equipo.
• Para acordeonistas confirmados o profesionales que se perfeccionarán confiando en el sistema educativo que ha capacitado a muchos grandes nombres del acordeón, artistas y maestros actuales.
• Para acordeonistas que preparan exámenes de ingreso a grados superiores o competencias internacionales importantes

Los participantes pueden trabajar 1 o 2 piezas de su elección y estilo (variedad, clásica, musette, jazz, balcánica, etc.) bajo la enseñanza de Jacques Mornet y Nathalie Boucheix, (profesores del CNIMA) o profesores externos.

El taller también cubrirá la sujeción del instrumento, el equilibrio de los fuelles, el giro del sonido, los toques musicales y la musicalidad.

Consulte el cartel para obtener más detalles.


El popular eBook "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" ahora está disponible en idioma chino

Chinese Bonica book cover
John BonicaPlay Your Accordion Without PainDebido a su popularidad, el libro electrónico de John Bonica titulado "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" se ha traducido al chino.

Un libro exclusivamente para acordeonistas, escrito por un acordeonista, sobre problemas y lesiones relacionados con el acordeón, basado en 50 años de experiencia clínica profesional. La referencia definitiva para jugadores de todas las edades, profesores y profesionales.

Este es un libro electrónico, por lo que se le enviará por correo electrónico como Acrobat pdf y lo tendrá de inmediato, sin esperar por correo o mensajería.

Catálogo en inglés: bonica00 Catálogo en chino: bonica-cn

Información en chino:


Historia de las comisiones musicales de la AAA por el profesor Robert McMahan - EE. UU.

AAA Header
Prof. Robert McMahanEl Dr. Robert Young McMahan, presidente del Comité de la Comisión de Compositores de la Asociación Estadounidense de Acordeonistas (AAA) (imagen a la izquierda) ha escrito una serie de artículos muy interesantes sobre las obras contemporáneas de concierto para acordeón que han sido encargadas por la AAA a lo largo de los años.

Robert McMahan es el profesor de música recientemente retirado en The College of New Jersey y también fue el coordinador de área de musicalidad y composición, así como artista-profesor de acordeón clásico.

Una lista completa de las comisiones de música AAA está en línea en:

Se ha revisado una breve historia del Comité de puesta en servicio de compositores de AAA y está en línea en:

En los próximos meses se publicarán artículos sobre comisiones musicales individuales de AAA con la lista de artículos que se publicarán en:

El primer artículo titulado: “La Primera Comisión [AAA]: Preludio y Danza, por Paul Creston” está en línea en: http://ameraccord.com/commissions/creston.htm

El Comité de Comisionamiento de Compositores de la AAA da la bienvenida a las donaciones de todos aquellos que aman el acordeón clásico y desean que su repertorio de conciertos original moderno continúe creciendo. La Asociación Estadounidense de Acordeonistas es una corporación 501 (c) (3). Todas las contribuciones son deducibles de impuestos en la medida de la ley. Pueden hacerse fácilmente visitando la tienda AAA en http://www.ameraccord.com/cart.aspx, que le permite hacer su donación y recibir su recibo deducible de impuestos en el acto.

Para obtener información adicional, comuníquese con el Dr. McMahan en grillmyr@gmail.com


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