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‘14 Years Ago’: Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen UK Tour, March 2001Jörgen

Jörgen Sundeqvist, Steve Massam (BBC) and Oivind FarmenOivind Farmen and John ClelandAbove: Historic video of Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen performing a duet arrangement of the popular Jolly Caballero by Frosini, before a large crowd in Sweden, 1999.

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 6th 2001 included a report about Jörgen Sundeqvist (Sweden) and Oivind Farmen (Norway), who had just performed a concert in Hull, UK. It is not often that two virtuoso accordionists team up together for a tour of England, and audiences were treated to a series of exceptional performances, including a memorable one at the writer’s Stockport Accordion Club on Tuesday March 27th 2001.

Successful Radio Interview for Sundequist & Farmen – England
Contributed by Heather Smith

The Kingston upon Hull Accordion Club presented a concert on March 20th, featuring Scandinavian accordionists Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen. The evening's entertainment began with a performance by the club ensemble, who played ‘World's Fair March’ (Charles Nunzio), ‘Janita’ (tango) and ‘Spanish Eyes’, followed by 10 year old John Cleland (picture right of Farmen and Cleland) who played two pieces. John's teacher Heather Smith then played duets with another of her students, Colin Milner. Guests Jörgen and Oivind completed the successful program.

Prior to this concert, Jörgen & Oivind were invited to the BBC Radio Humberside studios, for an interview with presenter Steve Massam (picture left), who asked them to play two pieces of music live. Their performance of a Frosini composition and a beautiful Russian folk song greatly impressed the studio team and can only help in the promotion of the accordion.
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