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Steve Roxton Wows the French!, Avranches – France

Steve RoxtonBritish accordionist and vocalist Steve Roxton impressed French devotees of the instrument at the first ‘Festval d'Accordeon’, held in Avranches, Normandy, with his performances on both nights of the event. The week-end of March 14th and 15th attracted over 1,000 visitors to the Salle Victor Hugo, keen to listen and dance to the elite of the French accordion scene.

The festival, featuring Jean Dauvin, Jean-Marc Torchy, Jocelyne Daniel and Michel Lemenager, was headed by non other than the legendary king of "bal musette" himself, Andre Verchuren. At 88 years of age he gave an outstanding concert on the final night. As he sang and played his hits to an audience, many of whom gathered around the stage, the organiser, Daniel Dolley, invited Steve Roxton on to the stage to perform with the master himself. Steve, who has followed Andre Vercheren's career was overjoyed at this opportunity to meet his idol.

"Whilst we were shaking hands the microphone was thrust in front of me to say something" said Steve, "For everyone in life special moments arrive, and for me this is one of them" he said, (in French, of course). They then went on to play three well known musette pieces together, to the delight of the assembled crowd.

Steve's rise to prominence in France was brought about through a chance meeting with ex-World and European champion Jean Dauvin during a twinning association event in St Helier, Jersey, with the Normandy town of Avranches. Steve was booked to play French accordion music and during his performance he was suddenly surprised to hear the sound of another accordion behind him, duetting perfectly with him. Steve and his wife Margaret ran the accordion club ‘Les Amis de l'Accordeon de Jersey’ at that time, and immediately booked Jean Dauvin for a concert the following month. Since that time Jean and Steve have appeared at venues and festivals both in the UK and France and have recorded a CD together, ‘Entente Accordiale’.

Asked by Andre Verchuren how he had obtained such a high degree of technique with musette music he confessed to having listened to Andre's LPs at half speed to capture the intricacies of his style. During the meal after the concert Steve was greatly honoured to be formally dubbed "The English Verchuren" by those present.

After some 21 years in Jersey Steve and his wife Margaret are now back home in Middlesbrough in the North East of England, where he presents his one man show which covers Irish, Scottish, German Bier Keller, Country & Rock 'n Roll along with Old time sing-alongs and ballads

For further information email: margaret.roxton@sky.com
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