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BREAKING NEWS: With Great Sadness, We Report the Passing of Frank Marocco

Frank Marocco (2nd January 1931 to 3rd March 2012) died 3rd March in Los Angeles at the age of 81.Frank Marocco was born in Joliet, Illinois USA on January 2, 1931 and grew up in Waukegan, a Chicago suburb. He studied classical Accordion for 9 years in The Chicago area. Frank Marocco began to learn the accordion at the age of seven when his parents enrolled him in a six week trial program.

His first teacher was George Stefano who greatly inspired him. He studied with him for nine years. Frank was trained in the classics but was encouraged to explore other areas. He learned clarinet, Piano, Harmony & Theory. Frank began his professional career playing in clubs and hotels all over America with a trio which he organized at age 18.

Frank won first place in a national music contest and performed with the Chicago Pops Orchestra at Chicago's Soldier's Field. He then formed a trio touring the Midwestern states and met his future wife, Anne in Indiana. They decided to live in the Los Angeles area where they raised their three daughters.

He became one of the most recorded Accordionists in the world. He is well known for his recordings of film music with a long list of composers; John Williams, Quincy Jones, Elmer Bernstein, Michele Le Grand, Henry Mancini and dozens of others. Frank Marocco has also played with some of the best Jazz Musicians in America and Europe; Ray Brown, Jeff Hamilton, Zoot Sims, Joe Pass, Joey Baron, Herb Ellis, Ray Pizzi, Ivor Malherbe, Massimo Tagliata, Conti Candoli, Philippe Cornaz, John Pattatucchi, Mats Vinding, Mogens Baekgaard Andersen, Marcel Papaux, Angela Hagenbach, Ron Feuer, Richard Galliano, Peter Erskine, Klaus Paier, Renzo Ruggieri, Pete Christlieb, Larry Koonse, Simone Zanchini, Andy Simpkins, Bob Shepard, Frank Rossolino, Jim Hall, Abraham Laboriel, Dan Higgin, Grant Geissman, Luis Conte and Stix Hooper just to name a few. His passion was Jazz and he played to huge audiences all over the world.

Marocco was a modest person, even when celebrated throughout the musical world. He was generous with his time and talent. Frank said,“Although I've made a comfortable living, my primary goal has never been to make a lot of money. It has been to be the best I could possibly be. This takes integrity, hard work, and dedication. You must have respect for what you do.”

We will continue to forever learn from Frank. He touched so many lives in such positive ways. Frank Marocco will be missed by all.

Condolences may be sent to: Anne Marocco, 7063 Whitaker Avenue, Van Nuys, CAL 91406, USA. There will be a private cremation and no funeral service. A Memorial concert will be planned at a later date.
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