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Lou Coppola Trailblazes Again, George Mason University, Virginia - USA

Lou CoppolaLou Coppola, he's at it again, acting in the role as trailblazer! At the age of 18, Lou was the first American accordionist to represent the AAA and enter the Coupe Mondiale competition, held in Brighton, England in 1955 (and at the same competition, Joan Sommers represented the ATG, another first). Now, years later, Lou is teaching the first and only course in strolling string music at an American college, George Mason University, Falls Church, Virginia.

Invited by music department chairman, Dr. Dennis Layendecker, to structure and teach this subject in a formal course setting, Lou Coppola eagerly accepted the challenge. With his decades of experience as accordionist for the United States Air Force Strolling Strings and his thousands of private engagements for civilian clients with his string groups, Lou has ample experience for the job.

It's a new world for these young people, previously playing only in classical ensembles. Learning the music is only one of the student’s responsibilities. There is chart memorization, choreography strategy and in addition, one must remember to smile, engage the audience one on one and execute ensemble elements as well.

While there is a lot of good humor and fun during the class time, there is also a lot of hard work. But we know it will pay off and give these young people the knowledge that will benefit them well in their future music careers.

It’s exciting for a person to bookend their professional life with projects that haven’t been tried before. This quest from the trailblazer Lou Coppola is an inspiration to us all.
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