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Frank Marocco’s new CD, ‘Changes’, California – USA

Frank Marocco Changes CDUS jazz accordionist Frank Marocco has released a new CD, ‘Changes’, which contains eleven original compositions. Frank wrote his own CD notes:

"The idea of this project was conceived by my manager and good friend, Elke Ahrenholz, who thought that I should record my originals. In the past I had always recorded mostly standards or evergreens, so with this CD of originals she wanted other musicians to be able to hear my music.

On one of my last visits in Europe, Elke organized some studio time in Bologna and called Italian musicians to record with me. One of them is the tenor sax player, Carlo Atti, who I heard in a previous tour in Italy. I thought his style and especially his sound was exactly what I wanted. Both musically and personally, we connected immediately.

The title of the CD came out of one of my originals, a funky piece with many changing, repeated chord sequences, therefore the title ‘Changes’. The CD involved many different musicians. Some of the tunes were recorded in LA, where I played with Ron Feuer the great jazz organist, and George Green on drums.

There is only one standard, ‘Estate’, which is one of my favorite tunes, written by the Italian composer Bruno Martino. It was a total new experience to record in the relaxed Italian atmosphere, in between good Italian food and coffee breaks."

The tracks (all originals except the second, ‘Estate’, by Bruno Martino) are: ‘Changes’, ‘Estate’, ‘Get Over It’, ‘Blue Notes’, ‘Black is Beautiful’, ‘Starbrite’, ‘Sentimenti Nuovi’,
‘Serenity’, ‘In The Stillness’, ‘Stepping Out’, and ‘I Know You’

Frank Marocco is one of the most recorded accordionists in, having played on a vast number of movie soundtracks, television scores, commercial jingles and record albums, in the studios of Hollywood and beyond. He has recorded for and/or worked with artists ranging from Brian Wilson, Pink Floyd and Madonna to Luciano Pavarotti, conductor Maxim Shostakovich, and composer John Williams.

The new CD, ‘Changes’ is available directly from Frank: frankmarocco@yahoo.com

It is available in Europe: eahrenholz@me.com.
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