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7th World Harmonica Festival, Trossingen – Germany

7th World Harmonica Festival poster
The 7th World Harmonica Festival takes place in Trossingen, Germany, from October 30th to November 3rd. Thousands of players from around the world will gather together in the ‘Harmonica Mecca’, where over one billion harmonicas have been produced since the mid–19th Century and where Hohner, the world-market leader has its headquarters.
The World Harmonica Festival has played an important cultural role in the worldwide harmonica scene in the last 24 years, and a record number of international visitors, competitors and artists is expected this year.
The best players from every continent will compete in the ‘Harmonica World Championships’ in various genres and age groups. The exclusive concert program will feature a diverse and rich number of world-class players such as Rick Estrin, Keith Dunn (both USA), Yasuo Watani (Japan), Steve Baker (UK), Tollak Ollestad (Alaska) or Rachelle Plas (France).
The World Harmonica Festival also offers workshops with top-rated instructors and ‘open sessions’ where players can perform with professional band accompaniment. The German Harmonica Museum, which features the world's largest harmonica collection, features attractions such as WHF - Special Exhibition, a performance from harp-customizing legend Joe Filisko, and an open - exchange market.
The World Harmonica Festival promises to be a fantastic event that will bring together players and enthusiasts from many different countries to celebrate their instrument in an atmosphere of friendship and harmony.
Application and further info can be found on the WHF website, on the WHF Facebook page, or by contacting the Féderation Internationale de l'Harmonica in Trossingen.

For further information email: info@whf-2013.de
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