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The 2017 Seminars - A Great Success!

AAA Seminar
AAA SeminarOur 23rd Smash Year! - The Title: #The Red Lantern Accordionist - the Accordionist who's is in to for the long haul. and, for 3 solid days to filled audience in the beautiful Tenri Space, we explored every aspect of #RED LANTERN culture.

In the afternoon master classes we had lectures - everything from Red Lantern topics, Buying an accordion, The original Greenwich Village art scene, Philosophies of Benjamin, Adorno, Derrida and other #DECONSTRUCIVISTS, #GRAPHIC NOTATION and writing for accordion as an backup factor for #ART SONGS - with vocalists.

The Concerts were traditional , theatrical and Avant Garde - ranging from Chamber pieces, Jazz, Fusion, Zombie Rock, Improvisational ETC. Ninety percent of the pieces were world premieres. In addition, The Seminars received two grants - one from the I-park residency and the other from ICSM - The international Society of Contemporary Music.

Participants included: Micki Goodman, Paul Stein (presented with a special Merit Award , Dr. Robert Young Mc Ma -han, Will Holshouser, Doug Makofka, Brian Dewan, Max Maples, Emmanuel Borowski, Gene Pritsker, Melissa Elledge, Mark Nathanson, Michiyo Suzuki, Akiko Hiroshima, Godfrey Nelson, Lorraine Nelson Wolf, Dragica Banic Curcic, , Erica Marie Mancini,Dave Soldier, Mayumi Miyaoka, Dan Cooper, The Yorkvillians, Rachel Swaner, The Main Squeeze Orchestra, Bachtopus, Milica Paranosic,, Peter Jarvis, David Stoler, Steve LaRosa, David First, Mary Spencer Knapp, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Lee Mc Clure, Ken Laufer, John Foti, Kathleen Tipton, Marni Rice, Bob Goldberg, The Famous Accordion Orchestra, Corn Mo, Rachid Eladlouni, Carl Riehl, Linda Reed, Rita Barnea, Dr Denise Koncelik, Alicia Svigals, Jeanne Velonis, Cecylia Barczk, Devon Tipp, Sydknee, Michiyo Suzuki, Genevieve LeLoupe, Robert Duncan, Jenny Cho, Elliott Sharp, Sarah Starpoli,Sam Day Harmet, Steph Babirak, Sal Azzarelli Jules A. and ….Dr. Schmmel - surprise guest New York City Opera Diva Lauren Flanigan with two students: Shelby Casalina and Siobahn Sung.

The photos were taken by Michael Ricciuti - compliments of Sari Kalin
Pictures at: 2017Seminar
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