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‘14 Years Ago’ – Renzo Ruggieri scores music for play, October 1999

Renzo RuggieriThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending October 29th 1999 reported that Italian accordionist Renzo Ruggieri had recently composed and arranged music for a play, then on a very successful run in Italy. Renzo continues to this day to compose, arrange, teach and perform, with many international successes to his credit.

Ruggieri Composes for Musical – Italy

Accordionist Renzo Ruggieri composed and arranged the music for the play ‘Tra Moglie e Marito’ (Between Husband and Wife), an adaptation of a short story by the same name written by Antonio Amutti. The play is presented by the ‘Scenari Paralleli’ theatre company, directed by Paolo Perelli (who also adapted the text for the stage) and features an impressive cast including Luisa Jacurti, Donatella Zapelloni, Ciro Ruoppo, and eight dancers. The choreography is by Franco Bellani. This humorous play is based on romantic relationships at the turn of the millennium.

Paolo Perelli wrote the following notes on the program: "The musical pieces and songs by Renzo Ruggieri, inspired by the music-hall of old, are the links that hold the play together, highlighting beautifully the rhythm and scenes".

The play, which opened in August at the Magellano Theatre in Ostia (near Rome), has been acquired by several companies for their winter tours.
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