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Dan “Daddy Squeeze” Newton performs in the Washington, DC Area

Video 1: 'Just My Style' composed and performed by Dan Newton
Video 2: 'Who Been There' performed by Dan Newton and Elizabeth Rowan.

Dan Newton has been a full-time performing musician since 1980 and a resident of Minnesota since 1987. Dan has a fresh approach to the accordion and has a dazzling repertoire of both original and traditional material.

Known as “Daddy Squeeze”, Dan entertains and enlightens his audiences with stories and colorful anecdotes about the accordion’s history and of his experiences making a living by playing and singing with the instrument he loves.

He also enjoys mixing up styles and genres that do not generally seem compatible. “Music out of context”, or “Ethno-clectic Bop” is the result of his heartwarming experiments with Celtic, Tex-Mex, Creole, Blues, Jazz, Scandinavian, polka and pop music.

In April, Dan performed several house concerts in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, including one at our home, delighting an audience of 45 people. His wife, Elizabeth Rowan, accompanied Dan in some of the selections on percussion instruments, including the triangle, rub board and guiro.

Dan and Elizabeth also performed the following day for the Spring Guest Artist Concert of the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society. The room was filled to capacity and a great time was had by all.

Dan spends most of his time playing accordion with his fabulous group “Café Accordion Orchestra” performing French, American and Latin ballroom dance music. He frequently appears as a guest on Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion”.

He also performs regularly with the bands Jumbo Ya Ya (Cajun and Zydeco music), Rockin’ Pinecones (Louisiana R and B) and Guys Can Talk (square and contra-dance music).

He has appeared on recordings by Prudence Johnson, Peter Ostroushko, Peter Mayer, Ann Reed, The Proclaimers, Son Volt and Neal & Leandra.

In 2013, Dan released his 15th CD, “la Zingara” with Café Accordion Orchestra.
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