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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 01-Feb-2019
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芬兰手风琴协会年度巡航 - 芬兰,瑞典
Kokkola冬季手风琴音乐节 - 芬兰
第十届国际巴杨 - 手风琴比赛“Perpetuum Mobile” - 乌克兰
2019年Stradella国际音乐比赛 - 意大利
Leavenworth国际手风琴庆祝活动2019年 - 美国


Franck Angelis 发表了两部新作 - 法国
Michael Bridge 和 Ladom Ensemble 发行了新专辑 - 加拿大
法国手风琴家兼作曲家 Louis Ledrich 上周逝世
And All Because of a Bumper Sticker - USA
New DVD Release by Pierre Andre - France
Aiden Gort Receives Scholarship for Accordion Repair - USA


手风琴家们与 Camerata 弦乐合奏团和 Hudson Valley 手风琴乐团合作演出 - 美国
Valentine’s Day Concert – Belgium
Romano Viazzani Ensemble Concert – England


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International


CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

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芬兰手风琴协会年度巡航 - 芬兰,瑞典

Finnish Cruise
芬兰手风琴协会(Suomen Harmonikkalitto SHL)举办了第28届年度筹款巡游,从芬兰图尔库到瑞典斯德哥尔摩,再回到“波罗的海公主号”船上。 Silja Cruise系列船由2,000名手风琴家组成,其中包括一系列嘉宾艺术家,音乐会,比赛,展览,果酱会和社交活动。
其中包括中情局Coupe Mondiale的SHL资格。候选人包括Anniina Luukkainen和Lina Pontinen(钢琴),Pilvi Huta,Sonja Lampinen,Jere Rouvinen,Eveliina Uitto(全音阶),VilmaWirén,Janina Suihkola和Lida-Sofia Hanhikoski(中提琴),其中包括众所周知的客串外观芬兰艺术家Viivi-MariaSarrenkylä。

由Pasi Hirvonen,CIA总裁Mirco Patarini(意大利)和Sirpa Kainulainen组成的评委会批准Pilvi Huhta,Sonja Lampinen和Janina Suihkola代表芬兰参加即将在中国深圳举行的Coupe Mondiale比赛,参加Junior Virtuoso娱乐,高级Virtuoso娱乐和世界音乐类别。
音乐会的特色是2018年Coupe Mondiale国际世界音乐比赛的获奖者,由塞尔维亚的Danijel Piller(手风琴)和Darko Piller(小提琴)组成的Pillers,芬兰着名歌手EilaPienimäki,芬兰手风琴协会主席Kimmo Mattila,Lars Karlsson乐队,GlenQvarnström和波尔卡国王,着名的90年代Veikko Ahvenainen和他的妻子Carina Nordlund,Pirttilahti Tango体验,由七个独特的乐队主义者和弦乐组成,以及更多。
在盛大的闭幕式上,受欢迎的指挥家Henna-Maija Vannemaa被授予“年度手风琴家”奖。该奖项由之前的获奖者Viivi-MariaSaarenkylä颁发。 Henna-Maija的Valtakunnallinen Nuorten手风琴管弦乐队在闭幕式音乐会上演奏了一系列作品,让壮观的巡游结束。
Cruise Orchestra


Kokkola冬季手风琴音乐节 - 芬兰

Raimo VertainenposterKokkola冬季手风琴音乐节将于2月10日至17日在Kokkola举行,由艺术总监Raimo Vertainen组织(左图)。 活动将包括各种手风琴表演和风格,包括经典,民谣,摇滚,娱乐和爵士乐。

嘉宾艺术家包括Giorgio Dellarole(意大利),Oivind Farmen(挪威),Lars Karlsson(瑞典)和Esse Quintet(俄罗斯),Trio Fratres,海报上列出的其他艺术家以及着名的芬兰艺术家和管弦乐团。 下载海报:2019Kokkola.pdf

最后一场音乐会将由Raimo Vertainen与独奏家Mika Pohjonen和Jennie Storbacka共同演奏的极受欢迎的Guardia Nueva乐团演奏。

详情请联系Harriet Jossfolk-Furu:harrietjfuru@gmail.com


第十届国际巴杨 - 手风琴比赛“Perpetuum Mobile” - 乌克兰

“Perpetuum Mobile” header
参赛作品于2019年3月20日截止于5月3日至6日在乌克兰利沃夫州Drohobych举行的第十二届国际巴杨手风琴比赛“Perpetuum Mobile”。比赛的创始人是乌克兰教育和科学部; Drohobych Ivan Franko州教育大学;音乐艺术学院; Drohobych Vasyl Barvinsky音乐学院;乌克兰国家音乐联盟;国家科学和方法中心内容文化艺术教育。







2019年Stradella国际音乐比赛 - 意大利

Accademia del Ridotto
Accademia logoRegistrations for the 2019 Stradella International Music Competition organised by the Accademia del Ridotto close on March 10th, 2019. The event will be held at the Stradella Theatre, Vicolo Faravelli, 2, Stradella (PV) from April 4th to 7th.

The competition is open to musicians from any country and will include accordion categories for a variety of age groups in classical, virtuoso/variety, jazz, diatonic and ensemble music.

There will also be a professional performance prize for accordion “Mariano Dallapé” Accordion Prize.

Winners will be awarded with prize money, concert opportunities and scholarships to study at the Accademia del Ridotto.

Click here for competition rules: 2019AccademiaRules.pdf


Leavenworth国际手风琴庆祝活动2019年 - 美国

Poster: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration 2019



Franck Angelis 发表了两部新作 - 法国

Franck Angelis备受欢迎的法国作曲家 Franck Angelis 已经出版并发表了两部新作品:
ang568 - Spleen(独奏)查看信息和样本页
ang569 - Fantaisie(独奏)查看信息和样本页面

乐曲将以 pdf 格式通过电子邮件发送给用户。


Michael Bridge 和 Ladom Ensemble 发行了新专辑 - 加拿大

“The Walls are Made of Song” album手风琴家 Michael Bridge 和 Ladom Ensemble 发行了一张新专辑“The Walls are Song of Song”。这是一个很独特的合奏 - 手风琴、大提琴、钢琴和手打击乐 - Ladom Ensemble 10年前在多伦多大学成立,且曾在加拿大各地巡回演出


主打歌“The Walls is Song of Song”的灵感来自 Rumi 的一首诗,其中写道:“在爱人的家里,音乐永不停歇,墙是歌做的,地板也在跳舞。” 该曲由合奏团的钢琴家兼常驻作曲家 Pouya Hamidi 谱写。

通过他们的原创音乐、来自伊朗,巴尔干半岛,中欧,阿根廷(以及更多)的古典和民间音乐的改编、以及他们与加拿大作曲家的合作 - 他们不代表任何一种传统,而是呈现出了独特的加拿大拼图,一个通过音乐将世界汇合在一起的拼图。

他们的音乐可在 iTunes、Amazon 和 Spotify 上搜索到

手风琴家 Michael Bridge 过去五年里一直是该乐团的全职成员,并在多伦多大学攻读手风琴演奏博士学位。


法国手风琴家兼作曲家 Louis Ledrich 上周逝世

Louis Ledrich法国手风琴演奏家、作曲家 Louis Ledrich (来自阿尔萨斯,德国血统)于上周去世。Louis 在他的职业生涯中举办了许多音乐会,并发行了一些专辑,包括108首歌曲。他最著名的作品是《阿尔萨斯的春天》。


And All Because of a Bumper Sticker - USA

Art Piel“Who is this crazy person tailgating me??”, thought my good friend and fellow accordionist, JoAnn Pankow. She was driving to the Carver Center in Purcellville, Virginia to return containers that she uses to prepare and deliver meals through the center’s home-delivered meals program.

The woman behind the wheel, Karen Michaels, was not going to give up. She pulled into the left lane of the road (yes, where oncoming traffic could be an issue!) and asked JoAnn to please stop. She did, and what a sweet meeting that turned out to be!! Why did Karen tailgate and stop JoAnn? Karen had been desperate to find other accordionists to play with her father. Then she saw JoAnn’s “I’d Rather Be Squeezin’” bumper sticker.

Karen’s father, Art Piel, is an accomplished accordionist. Art now has Alzheimer’s and has moved near his daughter to a dementia facility. Karen wanted to keep her father busy and fulfilled, so she signed him up as an official volunteer in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Karen and Art were on their way to — you guessed it — the Carver Center where Art would play accordion for an adult daycare group. JoAnn returned her containers, then walked over to where Art was playing the popular music of the 1940s. She sat at the piano and joined him. Art was so pleased!

“My father lives in the moment,” Karen said. “If it’s a joyful moment, he will remember being happy.” She spoke of her father’s love of the accordion and of music in general. Art taught himself to play the accordion at the age of 5, then took lessons on and off, but he mainly plays by ear.

Art worked on his sight-reading skills when the Connecticut Accordion Orchestra was formed. He loved playing with this group, then under the direction of Linda Soley Reed. Linda described Art as “the sweetest person I have ever met. He always volunteered to help with everything and anything and was always the first to arrive at rehearsals and performances.” It was sad for all when it became apparent that Art was losing his memory.

“My father is still physically fine, but the dementia has become very advanced. This doesn’t take away his passion for music and he still plays with feeling,” Karen noted. She asked JoAnn if she would consider accompanying her father again. JoAnn drove to the facility where Art now lives. His roommate is an accomplished guitar player and they frequently play together. JoAnn joined the duo playing the hits of the 40s. This time she brought her accordion. Art was thrilled!

Karen reflected on that first amazing meeting with JoAnn, which she feels was “God’s intervention.” Karen was running late that day, and she is almost never late for anything. “That car with the bumper sticker was RIGHT in front of me! If I had been on time....”
Bumper Sticker


New DVD Release by Pierre Andre - France

Pierre Andre DVDA new DVD by accordionist Pierre Andre entitled “N’arrete pas le vent” is now available. The DVD, which includes 17 tracks, is less traditional than his previous recordings and focuses on the sea, the south, the land and love.

It is intended to give listeners enjoyment, to make your day sunnier and to help you forget your worries!


Aiden Gort Receives Scholarship for Accordion Repair - USA

AWAM logo
Aiden GortIn honor of Ronny Setniker’s life, his daughter Shelby suggested the monies raised at A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) recent memorial event be used as a scholarship to benefit a promising accordionist who has expressed interest studying accordion repair at the institution. Ron Setniker, who died in 2018, was a professional accordionist, a popular entertainer, and active in many aspects of the accordion world.

Sixteen year old Aiden Gort of South Range, WI, has been chosen as recipient of this award enabling six two-hour apprenticeships at the museum and Harrington’s book, “A Technician’s Manual for Understanding Procedures”. His studies will include familiarity with major members of the accordion family, their quality criteria, and basic handling and repair procedures.



手风琴家们与 Camerata 弦乐合奏团和 Hudson Valley 手风琴乐团合作演出 - 美国

Camerata String Quartet2月3日,Mary Mancini 和 Mario Tacca 将与 Camerata 弦乐合奏团 (由 Victor Lionti 创办) 在纽约瓦尔哈拉教堂大楼75号格拉斯兰兹社区学院威斯特彻斯特社区学院(Westchester Community College)进行演出。 Mary 和 Mario 之前曾作为 Victor Lionti 弦乐四重奏的成员在他们一年一度的圣诞烛光音乐会上表演过。


几天后的2月7日,Mary 和 Mario 将在纽约 Peekskill 的 Hudson 大道59号的陶尔米纳餐厅与 Hudson Valley 手风琴乐团合作演出。

除了精彩的手风琴音乐之夜和美味的意大利风味餐点外,男高音 Rinaldo Toglia 也将与他们一起,为您带来精彩的表演。

Hudson Valley Ensemble


Valentine’s Day Concert – Belgium

Accordionist, composer and arranger, Gjovalin Nonaj will perform a Valentine’s Day concert on February 17th at Salle du Centre Européen de Médiations, 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies in Brussels.

For concert information phone: +32 479.640.534


Romano Viazzani Ensemble Concert – England

Roman Viazzani EnsembleThe Romano Viazzani Ensemble will entertain at the Pizza Express Jazz Club in Soho, London on March 10th. The concert will be a preview of the music for their forthcoming album of the same name which includes Argentine dance music as well as some of the most evocative and exhilarating original tango music from Argentina and around the world including works by Astor Piazzolla.

The group (pictured) includes Romano Viazzani (accordion), Corinna Hentschel (violin), Yaron Stavi (double bass), Jonathan Preiss (electric guitar), John Bailey (piano), Joanna Strand (vocals) and Jacqui Tate (vocals).



Philip_Malta“马耳他时报”上周刊登了一篇关于 Philip Agius 的文章。他是 Carmelo Abela 的手风琴学生,他希望出版一本关于马耳他和戈佐群岛手风琴(键盘手风琴,半音阶手风琴和六角手风琴)历史的书, 其中还包括一份生活手风琴家名录。

如果您有任何关于本书的信息,请发送到: PO Box 16, Msida, Malta.



What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

World Accordon Day Header
World Accordion Day LogoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.



CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

Hymn to Aphrodite CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Recent years Lips CD's:
CD028 Hymn to Aphrodite CD
CD027 Fachwerk | Kapote CD
CD026 Night Flowers CD
CD025 Lips Concerto CD
CD024 Under The Sign of Scorpio CD
CD023 Cocktail "Rio Rita" CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD022 Viva Voce CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD021 ecLipse CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD020 ¡Buenos Dias, Astor! CD & eTracks mp3 album


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