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Shane Brogan Concert, Edinburgh Cathedral – UK

Shane BroganSt. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland, presents accordionist Shane Brogan in concert, Thursday August 7th, 1.10pm (Free Admission).

Shane Brogan comes from the west coast of Scotland, where he was born along with his twin brother Paul in 1971. His late father, Neil Brogan, who played the accordion, was a huge influence on Shane’s desire to learn the accordion, and he studied with Jim Hutcheon, from Ayr.

Shane went on to study music at Napier University, Edinburgh, where he graduated with a diploma in music, specialising in the accordion, piano and composition. He was the very first accordionist ever to be accepted by the university. Shane went on to study jazz improvisation and also began writing music.

He began performing with his twin brother, Paul, who plays keyboards and drums, and later joined The Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra as one of their accordionists, which led to him going with them on three major tours abroad to Canada, USA and all around Europe, performing on TV and radio, whilst recording albums and videos.

For further information email: s.b.m.p.ltd@gmail.com
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