Calendar of Past Events



Winter Congress
23-25 February, 2024 Kungsbacka, SWEDEN Host: Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund


Winter Congress
3-5 March Paks, HUNGARY Host: "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány
76th Coupe Mondiale
5-9 September Bijeljina, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Host: Association of Artists (Bijeljina))


Winter Congress
1 May, 2022 Online meeting Host: CIA
75th Coupe Mondiale
4-9, October Zofingen, SWITZERLAND Host:


Winter Congress
13 March, 2021 Online meeting Host: CIA
74th Coupe Mondiale
6-10 October, 2020 Munich, GERMANY Host: Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)


Winter Congress
28 Feb. - 1 March, 2020 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Host: The Prague Conservatory of Music
73rd Coupe Mondiale - Cancelled due to unforseen Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions
6-10 October, 2020 Algarve, PORTUGAL Host: Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve


Winter Congress
1-3 March, 2019 Tallin, ESTONIA Host: Estonian Accordion Society
72nd Coupe Mondiale
12-17 August 2019 Shenzhen, CHINA Host: China Accordion Association


Winter Congress
16–18 February 2018 Kokkola, FINLAND Host: Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)
71st Coupe Mondiale
24-30 September, 2018 Kaunas, LITHUANIA Host: Lithuanian National Accordionist's Union


70th Coupe Mondiale
5–10 September 2017 Osimo, Italy Host: Italian Music Culture (IAC)


Winter Congress
2-4 December 2016 Nürnberg, Germany Host: Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)
Note: 2017 Winter Congress moved back into December 2016. The congress coincided with the 60th Anniversary of Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester and the world famous Nürnberg Christmas Market.
Winter Congress
18-20 March 2016 Calabria, ITALY Host: Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
69th Coupe Mondiale
11-17 September 2016 Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA International Music Center "Harmony" - Russia

2015 - CIA 80th Anniversary Year

Winter Congress
6-8 March, 2015 Paris, FRANCE Host: Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes (CIA)
68th Coupe Mondiale
6-11 October, 2015 Turku, FINLAND Host: Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)


Winter Congress
28 February-1 March, 2014 Eastern Sarajevo, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Host: Muzicka Akademija Istocno Sarajevo
67th Coupe Mondiale
27 October - 2 Nov., 2014 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Host: Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ)


66th Coupe Mondiale
17-25 August, 2013 Victoria, BC, CANADA Host: British Columbia Accordion Society (Canada)
Winter Congress
1-3 February, 2013 Vienna, AUSTRIA Host: Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ)


65th Coupe Mondiale
21-25 August, 2012 Spoleto, ITALY Host: Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
Winter Congress
25-26 February, 2012 Wiesbach (near Munich), GERMANY Host: Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)


64th Coupe Mondiale
1-6 October, 2011 Shanghai, CHINA Host: Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA))
Winter Congress
5-7 March, 2011 Ikaalinen, FINLAND Host: Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)


63rd Coupe Mondiale
18-24, October, 2010 Varaždin, CROATIA Host: Croatian Accordion Teachers Association (CAT)


Winter Congress
5-6 December 2009 Arrasate, SPAIN Host: "Hauspoz" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea
Note: moved up from January 2010 to coincide with Arrasate competition
62nd Coupe Mondiale
25-30 August, 2009 North Shore City (Auckland), NEW ZEALAND Host: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Winter Congress
30 January - 1 Feb, 2009 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA Host: Methodical Centre of Accordion "Marta Szokeová" (MCA)


61st Coupe Mondiale
22-26 October 2008 Glasgow - Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM Host: National Accordion Organization of United Kingdom (NAO)
Winter Congress
18-20, January 2008 Skopje, Republic of MACEDONIA Host: Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika in Skopje


60th Coupe Mondiale
14-18 August 2007 Washington DC, USA Host: American Accordionists Association (AAA)
Host: Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
Winter Congress
23-28 January 2007 Nagigia Island, FIJI Host: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA))


59th Coupe Mondiale
October 18-22, 2006 Asker, NORWAY Host: Norske Trekkspilleres Landsforbund (NTL)
Winter Congress
February 24-27, 2006 Ikaalinen, FINLAND Host: Finnish Accordion Association (SHL)


58th Coupe Mondiale
October 25-30, 2005 Castelo Branco, PORTUGAL Host: Conservatorio Regional de Castelo Branco, Portugal
Winter Congress
2005 Den Helder, NETHERLANDS Host: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Accordeon & Mondharmonica (NOVAM)


57th Coupe Mondiale
2004 Pontarlier, FRANCE Host: Confederation Nationale Francaise de L'Accordeon (CNFA)
Winter Congress
2004 London, UNITED KINGDOM Host: National Accordion Organization of United Kingdom (NAO)


56th Coupe Mondiale
2003 Sturovo SLOVAKIA & Esztergom, HUNGARY Host: Teaching Center of Accordion "Marta Szokeova" in Slovakia
Host: Hungarian Accordion Organization in Hungary)
Winter Congress
2003 Helsinki, FINLAND Host: Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)


55th Coupe Mondiale
2002 Copenhagen, DENMARK Host: Danske Harmonikaspilleres Landsforbund (DHL)
Winter Congress
2002 Copenhagen, DENMARK Host: Danske Harmonikaspilleres Landsforbund (DHL)


54th Coupe Mondiale
2001 London, UNITED KINGDOM Host: National Accordion Organization of United Kingdom (NAO)
Winter Congress
2001 London, UNITED KINGDOM Host: National Accordion Organization of United Kingdom (NAO)


53rd Coupe Mondiale
2000 Kragujevac, YUGOSLAVIA Host: Kragujevac Music School, Kragujevac, Yugoslavia