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6th October Daily Report

Prize Giving Concert

In the morning, 4 contestants from the Artist category were competiting, and in the later afternoon was the Prizegiving Concert. Picture above: Zhu Jingbai, and Li Cong (President of the China Accordion Association) at the concert. Front: Damir Sultanov (Kazachtan), Miljan Bjeletic (Serbia),
Back: Roberto Ottavianelli of Bugari Armando srl Accordion Factory, Italy, Ren Li Hong, Zhang Tianyu
Cao Xiao Qing and his wife. Wang Yuping, Frederic Deschamps and Franck Angelis.
Meng Hui, Weibi Jun, Honqiu Meng, Zhang Xin Cao Xiao Qing and Wang Shusheng
Zhang Xin Wang Yuping making a speech.
Frederic Deschamps presenting to competitors, Variety music under 18 years
Damir Sultanov and Li Cong presenting Variety music over 18 years.
Miljan Bjeletic presenting Ensemble category, under 18 years.
Franck Angelis presenting Ensemble over 18 years category
Roberto Ottavianelli presenting Chamber music groups.
Wang Yuping and Elsbeth Moser presenting Digital Accordion category.
Friedrich Lips presenting the solo concert music, under 15 years
presenting the solo concert music under 18 years
Xu Changjun, presenting the Artist concert group category.
Friedrich Lips Xu Changjun, President Tianjin Conservatory of Music
Nurlanov Olzhas (Kazachstan), 15 years and under winner He Qian, Digital Accordion category winner
Video of Prizegiving performance by Nurlanov Olzhas (Kazachstan).
Video of Prizegiving performance by He Qian who won the prize of a trip to compete in Rome, representing China
at the Roland International Competition in November.
Zhao Bo, Cao Xue Song, Wu Zhen winners Mao Junhao, winner of up to 18 years concert music.
Video of Prizegiving performance by Trio of Zhao Bo, Cao Xue Song, Wu Zhen
Mao Junhao, 15 - 18 years concert winner Fang Liye
Video of Prizegiving performance by Mao Junhao
Samgar Tollkynkhan, winner of Artist Category Samgar Tollkynkhan
Video of Prizegiving performance by Samgar Tollkynkhan who comes from Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, near the border of China. He studies accordion at the Gnessin Music Acadmey in Moscow with tutor Prof. Friedrich Lips. Samgar won the second prize in the international Trophee Mondial competition last year in Italy.
Ensemble playing Piazzola from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing
Every performer, guests and VIP on the stage for the end of the concert bringing to an end the Prize Giving Concert.
After the concert followed an dinner for jury, guests and teachers. Wang Shusheng made a thank you speech. also made a speech and toast.

Wang Yuping made the final speech thanking everyone
officially closing the event.

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