CD Review

Jean-Marc Marroni
Jean-Marc Marroni
29th October 1999
Bach - Chaconne Dmin
Daquin - Le coucou
Couperin - Les roseaux
Mozart - Sonate Dmaj
Rossini - L'air du Figaro
Albeniz -Asturias
Rachmaninov - Polka Italienne
Boelimann - Suite Gothique

Jean-Marc Marroni, born in Avignon in 1964, devoted himself to music at an early age - to all kinds of music as no style leaves him indifferent. His genuine passion for the accordion was rewarded by the prize of the President of the Republic in 1981 as well as by the SACEM prize. After winning international accordion competitions like Folkestone, Klingenthal and Lintz, Marroni received the first prize in the 1985 World Cup organized by the International Accordion Confederation in Paris. Currently Jean-Marc teaches, performs, and conducts seminars.

Jean-Marc selected very well known and often performed pieces for this recording, which in a way makes the artist's job more responsible. I like his performance: it is emotionally mature, intelligent and neat. Every detail is taken care of and a lot of thought has been given to the style and sound clarity.

A slightly "new" approach to the Bach's Chaconne is quite obvious. I would even say a somewhat romantic approach, which I found different, quite interesting and convincing.

Daquin, Couperen and Mozart were performed with great warmth, mellow, with a satin tone color to it. That together with excellent sound clarity and bellows technique which shows through the very even voice control makes Jean-Marc's performance one of a very high standard and this recording a great buy.
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