CD Review

Enigmatic Russian Soul
Alexander Dmitriev
Alexander Dmitriev
3rd September 1999
Shenderyov - Russian Dance
Shenderyov - Russian Suite in Three Parts
Vlasov - On the Fairground
Tikhonov & Kuznetsov - Saratov Ornamentalia
Panitsky - Variations on the two Russian Folk Songs
Peterburgsky - Blue Kershief
Blanter - Dark-Eyed Cossak Girl
Myaskov - Moldavian Dance
Semyonov - Bulgarian Suite in Three Parts
Dinicku - March Dance
Godzinsky - My Sweetheart is Beautiful
Gordzey - Moldavian wedding dance
Maximov - Lekurichi
Gridin - Ozornije Naigrishi
Gridin - Rassipuha

In the accordion field, Russian composing and performing schools had and still have tremendous influence in the development of the accordion as a classical instrument and on its repertoire. Today, the concert repertoire of many accordion concert artists worldwide is unthinkable without original Russian compositions and they are regularly used in schools and conservatories. Because of their characteristically colorful melodies and rare beauty, which has roots in traditional folklore, Russian music is very popular among the artists as well as appealing to the audience.

For this recording Dmitriev chose a collection of "pure Russian" compositions. He performs them with great technical freedom, deep understanding and feeling for their background, sensing and performing the melodic and harmonic turnovers which so very much decorate Russian music. "Wide Russian Soul" is heard throughout his performance on this recording which will bring you a lot of joy.
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