Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air by Mika Mika Väyrynen, accordion Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Mika Väyrynen, accordion

Alba Records OY
December 2013

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Once again, the Finnish accordionist, Mika Väyrynen, continues to provide the world with astounding solo performances! He never fails to perform with the most impeccable technique, musicianship and artistry for which one can ever hope. Every single piece on this CD is pure perfection. I am quite sure I have not heard these French Suites performed with such élan as Mika demonstrates.

Represented from the works for harpsichord are the last three of the Six French Suites. They were composed at a time when most composers singled out at least some part of their writing for the keyboard – either harpsichord or organ, or both.

The liner notes written by Mika for this recording are also impressive and most appreciated; they are shown elsewhere in this review because they are important for the listener to read. To quote, “The last three Suites are sunny, optimistic and cheerful, and they were composed at a time when Bach was entering a new period of family life.” And, indeed, these three suites are performed exactly like that; one senses this spirit throughout each and every phrase. It has been said that Baroque rhythm as applied to harpsichord music is spirited and vital, something Väyrynen captures throughout these Suites. His inspirational technique has allowed him to perform at tempi seemingly impossible; nevertheless, he plays each and every note, whether in the right or left hand, with unimaginable clarity!

The Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 543 was originally scored for organ and, although Bach was no longer a youngster, it displays “a youthful, uninhibited enthusiasm and lusty inspiration.” Mike Väyrynen’s performance gives proof of that statement. One of the elements which is of great interest to this listener is the absolute perfection with which Väyrynen controls his bellows throughout this CD. It is simply impossible to hear the changes whether the phrases or individual notes are long or short and regardless of tempi. The artistry exhibited by Mika is truly astounding in this regard! Oh, that it would that easy for all accordionists to develop!

And, finally, we hear the even more familiar Air from the Orchestral Suite No 3 in D major BWV 1068. Mika has given us music from the repertoire for keyboard, organ and strings on this CD and each piece has demonstrated his impressive attention to detail.

I have urged readers to purchase other recordings by Mika Väyrynen and I continue to do that with this one. It is a CD which you will not just listen to one time and then put it on the shelf; you will listen with continued enjoyment and admiration many times. Students and teachers of the accordion will benefit immeasurably by listening to and studying the scores for these particular pieces since they are staples in the broad education required for all musicians everywhere.

The CD is ABCD 361 recorded at Ylistaro Church on 6 – 8 May 2013 and produced by Alba
Records OY; The sound is outstanding.

Reviewed by Joan C.Sommers – December, 2013.

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