Johann Sebastian Bach – Volume 1 by Mika Väyrynen (Accordion) - Album Review in English by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Johann Sebastian Bach – Volume 1

Mika Väyrynen

Mika Väyrynen
20 October 2012

Johann Sebastian Bach – Volume 1

French Suite 1 in d minor, BWV 812
French Suite 2 in c minor, BWV 813
French Suite 3 in b minor, BWV 814
Praeludium XXIV in b minor
Passacaglia BWV 582 in c minor

Once again the Finnish accordionist, Mika Väyrynen, astounds us with his performance! The field of the accordion could have no greater gift than to have this musician use this instrument, the accordion, as his performance voice. We have marveled at the great technique and utmost musicianship Väyrynen has exhibited in previous recordings and live performances, yet he continues to astound listeners with ever more remarkable ones.

Many musicians study the works by Johann Sebastian Bach and they often include these so called French Suites which sometimes seem to be a stepping stone to further repertoire by this composer. One cannot have a finer performance example of these particular suites, with exquisite attention to the differing styles, and often rather phenomenal execution of each and every note in the ornamentations or phrases! Vayrynen’s performance of the last piece on the recording, Passacaglia and Thema fugatum, BWV 582, is profoundly arresting when following the various voices as they are introduced. The question of how one person with only ten fingers can possibly do this must be asked! Listen to the phrasing. The bellows of the accordion could never be used more perfectly than throughout this CD. One cannot find more exciting performances of this repertoire than heard on this particular recording; it is simply splendid in every way. I agree that the composer not only would have approved them but, indeed, would have celebrated them!

The liner notes by Mika Väyrynen and Vilja Rydman are well-written and informative; they are indicative of the high quality of the repertoire and its interpretation within, something which is always apparent in the artist’s past CDs, also. It is this type of presentation which represents the instrument and the artist to the greater musical world in the best possible manner. This includes the fine stereo & multichannel recording, editing and mastering by Mika Koivusalo, too.

Regardless of dynamics, tonal ranges, or response demanded by the various tempi, Mika Väyrynen’s instrument, the Scandalli Extreme, 2011, does more than justice to the music and, seemingly, the performer. Some of the tracks really surprise the listener with the outstanding sounds produced by the performer’s choice of registers and the resulting timbres, once again providing admiration for their careful, thoughtful selection.

This CD (ABCD 346) is one of those we should purchase and present to libraries and presenters of concert performers with pride. While many of us realize the infinite musical possibilities of the accordion when played by a musician of Mika Väyrynen’s stature, not enough people outside of the accordion world do. It is really up to all of us to educate more listeners, to spread the word about great performers, and of the repertoire possibilities they now have. Mika Väyrynen has shown us a wide spectrum of both arrangements and originals in his recordings, all with great musical success; it becomes our duty to inform others. Obviously, I recommend this CD (ABCD 346) very highly. It is absolutely superb in every possible way.

Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers – October 20, 2012.

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