Classical Accordion by Paul Chamberlain - CD Review in English by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Classical Accordion

Paul Chamberlain

Pentland Music
January 16, 2012

Classical Accordion

This new recording by the Scottish musician, Paul Chamberlain, provides a fine example of repertoire which might be chosen for a recital. It has both original and arranged repertoire, shows very well the possibilities for both left and right hands on the accordion, and has a variety of musical styles by some of the more popular composers performed in the accordion world.

Many University/Conservatory music majors quite often open their recitals with the music of Bach, Rameau, Scarlatti, or Couperin; Paul Chamberlain includes both Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in d minor, BWV 554 and Rameau’s L’Egyptienne on this CD. While various ideas abound regarding ornamentations, touch and phrasing for music, particularly from these composers, it is interesting to hear those used by Chamberlain. Both pieces adapt quite successfully to the accordion.

Angelis is undoubtedly one of the most prolific and popular composers of music for the accordion today, and deservedly so since he offers such diverse techniques and melodically arresting ideas throughout his compositions. His Romance, included on this CD, has been heard on numerous recordings and in many competitions throughout the world. Angelis is both a fine accordionist and an outstanding composer, two attributes which, when combined, no doubt offer a multitude of reasons why his compositions are so exciting.

The Moszkowski Spanish Caprice and the Khachaturian Toccata also are heard in many competitions today since they demand fine displays of both technique and musicality from the performers.

Nagayev’s Sonata No. 1, although perhaps no longer as popular as it once was, is also one of the original Russian pieces which many soloists often feel rounds out a recital and offers compelling proof positive that they are familiar with, and well-versed in, the kind of comprehensive repertoire an accordionist of today must perform if they are to be taken seriously.

Paul Chamberlain has distinguished himself in many different accordion competitions and has performed extensively at music festivals across Europe as well as appearing on live television in Russia and Finland. He is an active concert performer, band leader and a founder member of “The Scottish Tango Ensemble.” The notes included in this CD tell more about his activities and honors.

You will enjoy this recording. Paul Chamberlain proves that accordion artistry is found in many countries around the world today; he is to be congratulated for selecting a musically interesting repertoire which gives him ample opportunity to show his strengths as a performer.

Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers... January 2012.

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