CD Review

"T.I. Lundquist, metamorphoses - works for accordion"
Helmut C. Jacobs
18 December 2009

Here we have a rich and stimulating CD based on works for the solo accordion by the composer Torbjorn Iwan Lundquist, one of the most important, northern european musicians of the 20th century. The credit for the idea for this compilation, which has been skilfully carried out, goes to the german accordionist Helmut C. Jacobs. As well as having already made many interesting recordings, Jacobs is a noted musicologist and researcher in the field of classical accordion.

This compilation contains most of the works for solo accordion of the swedish composer who died in 2000. The his style, Lundquist can be compared to musicians like Herrmann, Abbott and Fugazza.

The CD contains pieces that are fundamentally didactic like "Nove Invenzioni a due voci" ( Nine inventions with two voices) , "Partita Piccola" and "Sonatina Piccola". In these pieces the composer uses musical styles of the past ( like baroque) and updates them to the era of the mid 20th century. There are also more elaborate pieces like "Plasticity" ( a folk theme with 5 variations and an "Epilogue") ; "Botany Play" - a collection of 10 short pieces inspired by flower and plants; or "Metamorphoses", one of the first (from 1966) "concert compositions" that helped the transition of original works for accordion towar a more modern repetoire. Lundquists' open and communicative style is further evidenced by tracks such as "Lappri" ( with modern jazz influeneces ) and "Assoziationen", in which melody and harmony combine rhythmically to give a strong dynamism.

Its important to note that the disc has been prodcued in Germany with the support of the swedish H.M. Gustaf VI Adolf foundation for cultural activities.

This is a CD that certainly should not be missing from the collection of any lover of classical accordion music.

Reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz
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