CD Review


Mauro de Federicis & Renzo Ruggieri
05 December 2008

Terre – Mauro de Federicis & Renzo Ruggieri

Renzo Ruggieri is an accordionist well known for his jazz improvisations; the planning of his work however is rarely improvised.

Here we find him in duo with a childhood acquaintance and noted guitarist Mauro de Federicis. Surprisingly, this collaboration came about by accident, after their musical paths crossed after many years of close proximity.

Together they take invite us to accompany them through their “Terre” (lands); this is also the co-composed track that gives this CD its title. It is a synopsis of all they wished to achieve in the record and is indeed varied throughout in sonority, style and tempo.

After this we stop at five Italian cities (all of which give their names to a track) and at each we are treated to both a song from the area and then an original composition by one or other of the duo.

Teramo, the home of both artists is preceded by an arrangement of the wonderfully melodic and lively “Taglia la Testa al Gallo” by the local singer/songwriter Ivan Graziani.

O Sole Mio is instantly recognisable when Renzo’s accordion whistles the first few bars to be followed by improvisations aplenty – apparently they recorded over 30 minute of improvisation and then picked out the best bits leaving almost 10 minutes on the album. This leads on to Mauro’s rather raunchy guitar introduction to Napoli based on the Neapolitan tarantella and some of Renzo’ signature accordion riffs.

Both artists get ringing endorsements on the CD from two of Italy’s’ most noted female singers for whom they have worked: Milva (for de Federicis) and Antonella Ruggiero (for Ruggieri – who is by the way, no relation)).

The tracks for Genova and Milano are dedicated to them, including a nod to Rome with Ruggieri including Ruggiero’s arrangement of Vacanze Romane.

The final stop on this tour is Sicily, and a homage to Franco Battiato whose “L’Era del Cinghiale Bianco” is arranged powerfully here for guitar and accordion in a dark, intense and brooding manner. Catania, an original piece by Ruggieri winds us down gently after what has been a very stimulating, very Italian journey.

This is a well written and well thought out CD, good arrangements and good performances from both artists. They give a flavour of the Italy we all think we know but also insight to the young talent that can put a modern take on traditional songs. I admit I was lost for a while in Naples but Catania seemed like the kind of place you’d like to stay in for a while.

The CD is available through AWW or Renzo’s website where some samples are to be found. If you are really of the modern era then both album and individual tracks are available on iTunes.

Reviewed by Frank Farmer, December 2008
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