CD Review

Renzo Ruggieri Solo Accordion Project / Storie di Fisarmonica Vissuta
Renzo Ruggieri - CD available from the artists site on - Listen to Sound tracks online. Order by credit card using a secure server bank system.
12 April 2006

Improvisation. An unrepeatable event.

It’s a hard climb to the top of the mountain alone but Renzo Ruggieri reaches the summit without any worry. This is his second “Solo Accordion Project” a well fitting title that highlights a genuine understanding between the man and his instrument.

Ruggieri develops an improvised theme based on literary works written by him. Five brief stories in the accompanying book, which has the aim of supplying a commentary to the music. The musician advises the reading of the stories whilst listening to the music although he says that these have no artistic value in themselves, serving only as a springboard for inspiration.

Ruggieri does not content himself only with this work, in itself articulate and well presented, as well as the five pieces that are the nucleus of the CD there is the original live recording (1h 40m) from which these pieces were elaborated.

This gives the feeling that there is too much presented here, taking into account the question posed in the book (“…and if God did exist?”) but after listening – live session included – any doubts disappear. Renzo Ruggieri is a musician of rare sensitivity and has clear ideas. He lives his accordion, he breathes and talks to her and for us listeners opens up winning musical propositions, independently of the literary work that inspired them.

This is a gift, as is that of having only the accordion as his sound source, albeit treated electronically afterwards. The artist paints many sonorous landscapes and a voyage to discover them is highly recommended….

Review by Renato Belardinelli

This CD is available fromthe artists site on - Listen to Sound tracks online. Order by credit card using a secure server bank system.
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