CD Review

2003 3rd Planet Video Presents Accordion Evolution at the International Accordion Convention
A video profile of the popular convention in Las Vegas,
Produced by Leonard Imbery
3 Cowie Rd.
Regina, SK
Canada 545 652
Professor Joan C. Sommers
July 2004

To quote from the cover "Every year in the third week of June hundreds of accordion enthusiasts from around the world converge in Las Vegas for a convention. Accordion Evolution gives a glimpse into the world of this often maligned instrument…"

This is exactly what you get with this video . . . a peak into the convention! Several attendees are interviewed but one of the most interesting aspects of the video is the answer given by passers-by on the Vegas streets to the question of "What is the accordion?" The most popular answer seemed to be "Music" but there were others quite honest and revealing about the way most people think of the instrument.

The video attempted to give a better and more complete answer to all the things an accordion is and can be. Some of the featured artists at the convention were shown during their performances on the numerous concerts. The comedian Pete Barbutti opened and closed the video with his own special manner of monologues built around the travails of the accordion and its players. Again, the video provides a very brief glimpse of this highly popular accordion convention. But it may indeed be the impetus for you to pack your suitcase and attend the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention if you want to mingle with a crowd of accordion enthusiasts, players, manufacturers, people of all ages who are hungry for anything relating to the accordion.

Very briefly heard on the video were Mario Stephani Pietrodarchi, young Italian concert artist and winner of several solo competitions. performing the Rossini Figaro aria, vivacious Ginny Mac, 17 year old entertainer from Ft. Worth, TX, featuring Tex-Western Swing music, who garnered a special showmanship award, Mirco Patarini from Castelfidardo, Italy, showing his outstanding right hand technique, Janet Todd from Salt Lake City, UT and Renzo Ruggieri, from Italy, both showing the many attributes of electronic instruments.

There were short interviews with Mady Soave, a fine French performer (who is the wife of the very famous American soloist, Peter Soave), and the young French player, Julien Labro, winner of several European competitions, who explained some of the differences in the musical culture between Europe and the USA. Also seen in the background vignettes were many others including Myron Floren, Count Guido Robert Deiro, speaking of his Student Scholarships for Showmanship and Musicianship, Gina Branelli, from England where she is President of the National Accordion Organization, and, of course, the person behind the whole concept of the International Accordion Convention, Paul Pasquali. Again, if you wanted a glimpse of what this convention is about, then this is the video for you!

Reviewed by Joan C. Sommers .
April 2004
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