CD Review

3 CD Set: Inspiration, Lars Karlsson Band, Lars Karlsson Band 2002
Lars Karlsson Band and Lars Karlsson
Lars Karlsson
14 November 2003

CD: Lars Karlsson Band 2002
1. 2002
2. Another Circle
3. Hawaiiboogie
5. Polka (Polkapotpurri)
6. Footswing
7. Stampe
8.Erlings Valz
9. Swing the Thing
10. Irska
11. Panik i Chokladfabriken
12. Hemlangtan
CD: Lars Karlsson Inspiration
1. Rikoschettpolka
2. Juneor
3. 25-arsvalsen
4. Trolldans
5. Titano-Cajun
6. Toe Step
7. Stilla Hostvind
8. Westernpolka
9. Inspirationsmazurka
10. Frasans Marsch
11. Har e ingen 30-vag
12. Soren's Polska
13. Grattisschottis
14. Smartterbandet
CD: Lars Karlsson Band
1. ForResten
2. Jazzpolska
3. Swing Over
4. Lidhultarns Vals
5. Bluesbuttons
6. Svenskens Schotis
7. Hysterisk Snoa
8. Octaviana
9. Tango Draperi
10. Roccopolco
11. Lufsens Sista Vals
12. Durdragarnas Ganglat
13. Pizza-shuffle
14. Norska Polkan
15. Hemfarden
16. Lerefanten

These three CD's of the Swedish performer Lars Karlasson belong in "one group" having a cheerful sound plus melodic melodies (from both the accordion and the diatonic folk instrument) in combination with other instruments to bring together a "sound of today" pop music style. Electric bass, percussion and guitar add to the popular folk touch to transform the product for everybody.

Lars Karlsson isvery well-known in Sweden with his own radio program and also for being a true ambassador of the accordion. Thinking of Swedish folk music, one does not think exclusively of short pieces and dancing (cliché of this type of music), but also of "good" melody and what enthuses me the most, with this musical project, the slow pieces.

Their rhythmic style with some taste of "commercial" sound also, features the accordion as the primary musical focus. Another important factor is the popularity - not in regards of reputation and richness but of communication, that this type of music possesses in respect "to the people" of every age.

I point to the slow pieces "Drop Höstvind" (CD Inspiration), and then the contrast with the hip-hop "FörResten" (CD Lars Karlsson Band) "2002" and "Panik the Chokladfabriken" (CD 2002).

I am certain that these pieces distinguish themselves especially for the excellent sound combination between accoustic and electric resonance.
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