CD Review

Tania Lukic-Marx now gives the CD reviews a rating system. This system includes a number of stars at the completion of the review, for example 5 stars (*****) means the CD was "brilliant" or "excellent", 4 stars = impressive, 3 stars = good, 2 stars = satisfactory and 1 star = didn't impress.

Podium Duo
Orosz Zoltan (accordion) and Ursu Gabor (guitar)
Orosz Zoltan
April 25th 2003
1. Indifference
2. O Sole Mio
3. Hungarian Dance
4. Sous le ciel de Paris
5. Czardas
6. Jalousie - Tango
7. Trompeten Echo
8. C'est la vie
9. Fernando kocsmaja
10. Street Rag
11. Ole Guapa
12. Fliegende Blatter
13. Gitarra Romana
14. Gyertyafeny keringo

Under the delicate accompaniment of the excellent guitarist Ursu Gabor, Orosz Zoltan presents his 2nd recording - pure entertainment, with popular numbers such as "O Sole Mio", "Jalousie - Tango", "Czardas" etc. Zoltan's first recording was reviewed on February 14th, 2003.

Characterized by confidence, clarity, technical freedom and sensitivity, Zoltan's style is sharp and a bit 'firmer' than your usual performance of these well known pieces, but it did not lessen his performing appeal. On the contrary, I enjoyed hearing something slightly different but with good taste and convincing.

Once again the combination with the guitar is a total winner! Partly because Gabor is so obviously a very good guitarist himself, I am sure that also greatly contributed to the success of this recording.

Sit back and enjoy this classy entertainment. I love what they are doing! *****
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