CD Review

Tania Lukic-Marx now gives the CD reviews a rating system. This system includes a number of stars at the completion of the review, for example 5 stars (*****) means the CD was "brilliant" or "excellent", 4 stars = impressive, 3 stars = good, 2 stars = satisfactory and 1 star = didn't impress.

Spaghetti Time
Renzo Ruggieri Group - Renzo Ruggieri (accordion), Paolo Di Sabatino (piano), Massimo Manzi (drums) and Massimo Moriconi (double bass).
Renzo Ruggieri
February 28th 2003
1. Fascinating Rhythm (G. Gershwin)
2. Spaghetti Time (R. Ruggieri)
3. Misty (E. Garner)
4. Chacarera for Renzo (P. Di Sabatino)
5. Chi tene O'Mare (P. Daniele)
6. Tango Italiano (R. Ruggieri)
7. Piccolo Valzer Italiano (R. Ruggieri)
8. M.D. (R. Ruggieri)

CD coverRenzo Ruggieri's Group brings together some of Italy's finest jazz players, has a mixed repertoire of original pieces and jazz standards. This combination of musicians was also used by Ruggieri on his previous album " Accordion Voyage" which entered the Italiana Top 20 Jazz chart.

"Spaghetti " in the title is used as an Italian metaphor for "Blues" and the word "Time" refers to the rhythmic elaborations in each piece.

Renzo is becoming more and more in demand as both an accordion player and as a jazz teacher. He holds regular courses at the Pescarese Musical Academy and has written a new Jazz course - "Elementi di Musica Jazz" published by Berben in Italy. He has an interactive course on his web site also.

This CD, like the previous, contains interactive tracks featuring all of the original compositions.

Renzo's latest recording "Spaghetti Time" once again proves that Renzo is an excellent jazz accordionist. Through the language of the contemporary jazz, Renzo brings to the listener: moods, flavors, colors, feelings, nuances. This is contemporary jazz accordion at its best.
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