CD Review

Lars Karlsson Band
Lars Karlsson (diatonic accordion), Thomas Anderson (guitar), Bjorn Nilsson (bass) and Goran Viksten (drums).
Lars Karlsson
September 28th 2001
1. For Resten
2. Jazzpolska
3. Swing Over
4. Lidhultarns
5. Bluesbuttons
6. Svenskens Schottis
7. Hysterisk Snoa
8. Octaviana
9. Tango Draperi
10. Roccopolco
11. Lufsens Sista Vals
12. Durdragarnas Ganglat
13. Pizza-shuffle
14. Norska Polken
15. Hemfarden
16. Lerefanten

The Lars Karlsson Band includes Lars on the diatonic accordion, Thomas on the guitar, Bjorn on the bass and Goran on drums. Lars has been playing the diatonic accordion since he was ten years old and has performed in many different TV and radio programs. He made his first recording at the age of 11. Thomas and Goran have played on Lars's earlier recordings and they had a blues band some years ago, together with Lars. Lars and Bjorn have (on some occasions in the past) played together on diatonic accordions.

Wow! So far, honestly, I haven't heard a diatonic accordionist as brilliant as Lars is! Lars and his band have recorded a nice compilation of easy listening, entertaining tunes on this CD. They offer quite a variety of different styles, from swing and blues to polka, tango, "Frenchy" sounding tunes, folk songs, etc. Arrangements are REALLY great, fresh and modern, even with a touch of novelty - this is so refreshing!

Lars is indeed a great diatonic accordionist. He plays with fantastic technical ease and has a nice style, full of drive. I am most impressed!

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