CD Review

Lacides Romero (accordion) and Arnaldo Garcia (piano)
Lacides Romero
March 16th 2001
1. Mensaje - Ignacio Cervantes
2. Encantador - Ignacio Cervantes
3. Los Tres golpes - Ignacio Cervantes
4. San Juan Guaricongo y El Pajero Guarandol - Gerty Haas
5. Maricela - Diaz Pena
6. S'il vous plait - Piazzolla
7. Lo que vendra - Piazzolla
8. Contrastes - Piazzolla
9. Contrabajeando - Piazzolla
10. Cascadas - Joplin
11. Escorrendo - Ernesto Nazareth
12. Apanhei -te, Cavaquinho -Ernesto Nazareth
13. Brasileira de la Suite Scaramouche - Darius Milhaud
14. Que nadie sepa mi sufrir - Cabral
15. Adriana - L. Romero
16. Catalina - L. Romero
17. Marcela - L. Romero
18. Navidad negra - Jose Barros

This recording is a 'bouquet' of South American and Spanish folk dances, arranged for the accordion and piano. The idea was "to show that what is called native, folk music didn't appear spontaneously, but was the result of the coming together of the contributions each ethnic group made to American music, in similar fashion to the way a global village is being created at the end of the 20th century".

The recording begins with three Cuban dances, where elegant courtroom dances from Europe are combined with black American rhythms. Following are typical dances from Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia and Argentina which are brought from the dance to the concert hall.

This is meant to be an easy listening, enjoyable and entertaining recording and it is just that - it is not by any means ambitious.
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