CD Review

Peter Pot - diatonic accordion, Arie van Lienen - diatonic accordion, Phillip Baumgarten - double bass
Peter Pot
August 11th 2000
Rep en Roer
de Witte Ballon
Voor Jeanne
Les Noto

Another extraordinary combination of instruments in a band: two diatonic accordions and the double bass, playing their own compositions written by Arie van Lienen and Peter Pot.

Peter Pot, diatonic accordion, has been a drummer for many years before starting to play the diatonic accordion. Ari van Lienen is a well known diatonic accordionist and teacher in the Netherlands.

The difference between van Lienen's and Pot's pieces is easily distinctive. Van Lienen's compositions are more influenced by Celtic and French music, they are melancholic and lofty, while Peter's pieces have strong emphasis on the rhythmical drive - the influence of his 'drumming' background. Phillip Baumgarten is one of the best Dutch jazz double bass players.

It is obvious that each player is totally in control of their own instrument, they each play skilfully, and as a unit they sound harmonious and sophisticated. If you are after a recording that is entertaining and easy listening, that contains 'Celtic like' tunes, then this CD is the way to go.
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