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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Sep-2012
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Особенности Highlights

4 китайский аккордеонный фестиваль искусств “Tianjin China Accordion Art Festival”, Тяньцзиньская Консерватория – Китай
Сю Сяонань (Xu Xiaonan), Александр Коломийцев и Тиан Цзянань (Tian Jianan) – победители классических категорий – Кастельфидардо
Джо Сопрани (Joe Soprani) получит премию «За особые заслуги», Пенсильвания – США
Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) на фестивале “IV Festival Leo Brouwer de Música de Cámara” – Куба

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New Accordeon Melancolique CD‏, Sint Jacobiparochie - Netherlands
"Renaissance Men" by Helmut Lipsky, Montreal - Canada
Wanted – A Picture of Busson, Stockport – UK
Giorgos Kyriakakis 'os ech' for Accordion and Cretan Lyre - Germany
2012 Toronto Ukrainian Festival
Zoran Zorko Sets a New Guinness Record - Slovenia
‘14 Years Ago’ – AWW reaches China

Будущие события

Edwin Erickson Plays Carl Jularbo, Alberta - Canada
Damian McKee and Sean Og Graham Concert, County Antrim – Northern Ireland
Delphine Lemoine @ La Menara, Paris
Gjovalin Nonaj and Ilir Zoga Concert, Brussels – Belgium
Gala D’Accordeon de Bourgneuf – France
David Price @ Club Accord, Birmingham – UK
Eastbourne Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK
João Gentil / Festival José Afonso
‘The Great American Polkafest’, Nevada – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri new music

CD Отзывы

Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips

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Особенности Highlights

4 китайский аккордеонный фестиваль искусств “Tianjin China Accordion Art Festival”, Тяньцзиньская Консерватория – Китай

4th Tianjin China Accordion Art Festival
С 1 по 6 октября 2012 года в Консерватории Тяньцзиня, примерно в 140 км от Пекина, состоится 4-ый аккордеонный фестиваль искусств “Tianjin China Accordion Art Festival”. 2012 Tianjin

В рамках фестиваля пройдет конкурс исполнителей классической, популярной музыки, а также исполнителей на цифровых инструментах в категориях соло, а также ансамблей и камерной музыки. Кроме того состоятся семинары, мастер-классы и концерты китайских и зарубежных исполнителей. Также в рамках фестиваля пройдут встречи по вопросам педагогики.

Город Тяньцзинь хорошо известен благодаря проведению культурных фестивалей, и это крупное событие в мире китайского аккордеона состоится под патронажем Оргкомитета Консерватории Тяньцзиня.

Ежедневные отчеты о мероприятии можно будет смотреть, начиная с 1 октября, на: 2012 Tianjin.
Tianjin Conservatory of Music


Сю Сяонань (Xu Xiaonan), Александр Коломийцев и Тиан Цзянань (Tian Jianan) – победители классических категорий – Кастельфидардо

Mayor Mirco Soprani, Xu Xiaonan (China), Aleksandr Kolomittzev (Russia)
Castelfidardo bannerСю Сяонань (Китай) – на фото вверху слева с мэром Кастельфидардо Мирко Сопрани – стал победителем основной сольной категории конкурса в Кастельфидардо “Castelfidardo Premio”. Александр Коломийцев из Санкт-Петербурга (фото вверху справа) стал победителем взрослой категории солистов-исполнителей академической музыки, а китаянка Тиан Цзянань стала победительницей в категории юниоров (солисты-исполнители академической музыки до 18 лет).

Тиан Цзянань (на фото ниже с председателем жюри Клаудио Якомуччи), победившая также в юниорской категории солистов-исполнителей эстрадной музыки, стала единственной участницей, выигравшей одновременно две категории.

Все результаты, а также ежедневные отчеты о проведении 37-ого Международного аккордеонного фестиваля и конкурса в Кастельфидардо можно посмотреть на 2012 Concorso.
Tian Jianan and Claudio Jacomucci


Джо Сопрани (Joe Soprani) получит премию «За особые заслуги», Пенсильвания – США

Joe Soprani
Joe SopraniДжо Сопрани, из города Брумолл, штат Пенсильвания, который недавно выступил совместно с Phanatic Phillie во время Игр “Brewers and Phillies game”, прошедших в Национальном Парке в рамках празднования «Ночь Итальянского Наследия» (“Italian Heritage Night”), будет удостоен премии «За особые заслуги», вручаемой организацией "District Five Grand Lodge of PA” Ордена Сынов Италии в Америке. Мероприятие состоится в воскресенье 21 октября в 16.00 в Drexelbrook, Drexelbrook & Valley Road, Пенсильвания.

Джо Сопрани, чья блестящая карьера длится, начиная с 1955 года, когда он путешествовал по всему миру в качестве солиста-аккордеониста с Ансамблем Объединенных Воздушных Сил Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, до выступления с “Phanatic Phillie” в 2012 году, появится на мероприятии как солист, а также представит свой новый квинтет.

Джо Сопрани – единственный аккордеонист в истории Филадельфийского Оркестра под управлением Юджина Орманди, который выступил с ними в качестве солиста. Он пять раз выступал с Лучано Паваротти, выиграл шоу талантов "Arthur Godfrey Talent Show”, а также появился на телешоу Эда Салливана. Сопрани также представлял ВВС США, выступая в Ансамбле Воздушных Сил.

Джо Сопрани хорошо помнит радушный прием комитета Японской Аккордеонной Ассоциации, когда он приземлился в Токио в рамках первого тура Ансамбля на Дальнем Востоке в 1956 году. В настоящее время Сопрани является штатным аккордеонистом на радио-шоу Don Giovanni.

Для получения дополнительной информации о его многочисленных достижениях посетите его веб-сайт www.joesoprani.com.
Аранжировки Сопрани можно прослушать на: www.musicforaccordion.com/inform/jsoprani/.
Joe Soprani welcomed to Japan


Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) на фестивале “IV Festival Leo Brouwer de Música de Cámara” – Куба

IV Festival Leo Brouwer de Música de Cámara
Итальянский аккордеонист Марко Ло Руссо едет в Гавану, Куба, чтобы в эти выходные исполнить партию аккордеона в произведениях Лео Брауэра (Leo Brouwer), чьи композиции опубликованы компанией RAI trade. Фестиваль “IV Festival Leo Brouwer de Música de Cámara” – крупный фестиваль классической музыки – пройдет с 3 по 13 октября.

Марко Ло Руссо выступит в качестве солиста с камерным оркестром под руководством композитора и дирижера Лео Брауэра.

Также на этот фестиваль съедутся такие европейские музыканты, как пианисты Katia & Marielle Labèque (Франция), гитарист Ricardo Gallen (Испания), лютнист Edin Karamazov (Босния), гитарист Pedro Mateo (Испания), мандолинист Pedro Chamorro (Испания), ансамбль “Asteria” (Нидерланды) и камерный ансамбль “Brouwer Trio” (Испания).

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: ofibrouwer@cubarte.cult.cu
Marco Lo Russo


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New Accordeon Melancolique CD‏, Sint Jacobiparochie - Netherlands

New Accordeon Melancolique CD‏The accordion duo Accordeon Melancolique, Jean-Pierre Guiran and Cherie de Boer, have released a new CD, ‘Gratitude’. Their publicity says, “Sometimes in the lee of a storm, sometimes after an enlightening spring breeze, after an unexpected exchange during a meeting, or if you really should have gone for an appointment ...... and then .... behind the piano or accordion melodies unfold itself.

They vary therefore from exuberant dance tunes, through filmic sounds and ska rhythms to jazzy improvisations. A lot of original work, separated by a musette of Gus Viseur and blues that was the closing theme on Dutch Radio for thirty years.

But central yet the three original compositions Gratitude I, II and III. Melodies written by Jean-Pierre, but played by Cherie as if they fit her like a glove. We hope that many will enjoy these sounds”.

The tracks include: Eléphants Blancs, Swiss Affair, Flambée Montalbanaise, Gratitude I, Gratitude II, Gratitude III, Bailamos la Vida, Creole Love Call, Sans Queue ni Tête, The Singing Moon, Seaside, Cinquante, Farewell Blues, Santiago, Rose de Salon

For further information email: info@acmel.nl


"Renaissance Men" by Helmut Lipsky, Montreal - Canada

This newly released video of noted German-Swiss-Canadian violinist and composer Helmut Lipsky as he performs his piece "Renaissance Men" live in concert, together with his friends from the group L'Art de passage from Berlin, Stefan Kling on piano and Tobias Morgenstern, accordion, and his long-time friend and collaborator, bassist Jean-François Martel, in Montreal in March of 2011.

Renaissance Men" starts with an original theme by Helmut Lipsky in a Renaissance style of composition, followed by several variations in a variety of musical idioms from different epochs and going back, at the very end, to an old and archaic style.

Several audio recordings by Helmut Lipsky of this piece are available online as digital download or CD format.


Wanted – A Picture of Busson, Stockport – UK

Busson Musical Instruments
Rob Howard is researching the life of Constant Busson, the highly prolific 19th Century accordion maker, based in Pars, and is looking for a photograph or other picture of him. Can anyone help? Busson was active from the early 1830s until his death in 1890, aged 99.

The research is for a forthcoming book, ‘More Vintage Accordions’.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Giorgos Kyriakakis 'os ech' for Accordion and Cretan Lyre - Germany

Published on Aug 25, 2012 by composer Giorgos Kyriakakis. Manolis Stagakis (accordion) and Aris Syskakis (cretan lyre) perform the composition of Giorgos Kyriakakis' "os ech'" in Hannover, July 2012.


2012 Toronto Ukrainian Festival

The 2012 Toronto Ukrainian Festival is reportedly North America's largest Ukrainian street festival, celebrating 16 years in the Bloor West Village.

The event was held September 14th,15th, and 16th. This year was also the 120th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada.


Zoran Zorko Sets a New Guinness Record - Slovenia

Published on Sep 25, is the video of Zoran Zorko setting a new Guinness record for the longest marathon diatonic accordion playing.

Slovenian Zoran Zorko started playing on Thursday, 23rd of August at 12:00 (noon), broke the record on Saturday, 25th of August at 1:19 am and continued to play until 6:37 am.

Altogether he played for 35 hours and 34 minutes and improved the previous record by 4 hours and 7 minutes.


‘14 Years Ago’ – AWW reaches China

Li CongThe Accordions Worldwide news for October 2nd 1998 announced the beginning of the weekly news in Chinese. Details of this landmark development are in the article…

‘Chinese Accordion’ Opening – China
Contributed by Li Cong

On August 28th the Chinese Accordions Worldwide internet site was opened, the first step being the publication of the Weekly News in the Chinese language. Since then the site has been growing steadily and this week another important first happened.

"Chinese Accordion" is the first regular internet news about local accordion events in China. The editor is Accordions Worldwide Chinese Manager Li Cong, President of the Shanghai Accordion Association which is one of the largest and most active in China. "Chinese Accordion" subjects include "Editor's note", general news, "music hall" of concert reviews, "interviews" with prominent Chinese accordion performers, teachers and administrators, and a "new internet sites" section, which lists new Chinese language accordion internet sites.

The first issue of "Chinese Accordion" is especially notable because virtually all of the famous Chinese accordionists, teachers and organisations have sent messages of congratulation and reaffirming what an important development this is for the accordion in China.

Professor Wu Shouzhi (Chairman of the Chinese Accordion Society) wrote "I deeply believe it is extremely important work that will widen our field of vision, to keep well-informed, improve Chinese accordion skills, communication as well as promote and develop the accordion in China. It is a great development. I represent all the Chinese accordion world, and by my personal name, express my respect and congratulations."

Accordions Worldwide Director Harley Jones in an email to Li Cong said "This event is a landmark in the development of the accordion, particularly communication of accordion knowledge within China and between China and the rest of the world. Accordionists worldwide in close cooperation can achieve wonderful progress utilising the internet, to promote education and popularise the instrument we all love." Li Cong replied that he hopes that "Chinese Accordion" and Accordions Worldwide can "serve the accordion world better and better".


Будущие события

Edwin Erickson Plays Carl Jularbo, Alberta - Canada

Edwin Erickson and his Orchestra Concert PosterAccordionist Edwin Erickson and his Orchestra perform the music of the great Carl Jularbo and other Scandinavian specialties at Rimbey United Church, Alberta, on September 30th, 2pm.


Damian McKee and Sean Og Graham Concert, County Antrim – Northern Ireland

Diatonic accordion duo Damian McKee and Sean Og GrahamDiatonic accordion duo Damian McKee and Sean Og Graham are the guests at The Northern Box & Fiddle Club, Lylehill Suite, Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick, Antrim, NI, on October 3rd, 8pm.

McKee and Graham both play in the well known Irish band Beoga.

For further information email: amanda030388@hotmail.com


Delphine Lemoine @ La Menara, Paris

Delphine LemoineAccordionist Delphine Lemoine performs at the restaurant La Menara, 20 Rue General du Gaulle, 95430 Auvers sur Oise, Paris, on October 4th, 8pm.


Gjovalin Nonaj and Ilir Zoga Concert, Brussels – Belgium

Gjovalin NonajAlbanian accordionists Gjovalin Nonaj and Ilir Zoga perform in concert as a duo on Sunday October 7th, 3pm, at the Centre Européen de Médiation (CEM), 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, Brussels.

Gjovalin Nonaj lives in Brussels, and Ilir Zoga is on tour from Albania, October 5th to 15th.

For further information email: Gjovalin_nonaj@hotmail.com


Gala D’Accordeon de Bourgneuf – France

Gala D’Accordeon de Bourgneuf Festival PosterThe two day festival Gala D’Accordeon de Bourgneuf takes place on October 6th, 9pm, and 7th, at 2.30pm. On the October 6th the guests include accordionists Sandrine Lion, Martial Vuillemin, Christine Rolland, Yannick Cattin, Jo & Youann, Jacky Guiliou, and Virginie et Cyril.

The guests on October 7th include Alain Musichini, Sebastien Farge, JR Chappelet, Dominique Bonato, Benjamin Durafour, and Virginie et Cyril. The festival takes place at the Salle Polyvalente, Bourgneuf, southwestern France.


David Price @ Club Accord, Birmingham – UK

David PriceMIDI accordionist David Price, from Leicester, is the guest at Club Accord, Birmingham, on Monday October 8th, 7.30pm.

Club Accord meets at the Catshill Social Club, 13A Meadow Rd, Bromsgrove B61 0JJ.

For further information email: dpmusic@hotmail.co.uk


Eastbourne Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK

Jack Emblow and Tony ComptonSue BennettThe Eastbourne Accordion Festival takes place from October 12th to 15th at the Cumberland Hotel, Eastbourne. The guests include Jack Emblow & Tony Compton, Ian Watson & Julie North, Harry Hussey, Andrea Marandini (Italy), Roman Voloshchuk (Ukraine), Romeo Aichino (Italy), and the The Lukins Family Ceilidh Band. The organizer is John Romero.

The festival workshops leaders are Jack Emblow(pictured-top left), Tony Compton(pictured-down left), Harry Hussey(pictured-middle left), Angie Lukins(pictured-lower left), Sue Bennett, and Jean Hanger.

The trade show includes The Accordion Shop, Birmingham Accordion Centre, Trevani, UKAO, and TSA Recordings.

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


João Gentil / Festival José Afonso

João GentilJoão Gentil in the formation of "Cordis & Convidados" will perform during the Festival José Afonso on the 28th of September, at 9.30 in the auditorium of the Music Conservatory of Coimbra!

During this concert, other guest musicians will participate to emphasize the great musical legacy of Afonso Zeca!

Musicians participating:
Luis Ant (drums), Luis Oliveira (bass), Edjam (sax & flute), Vasco Alves (cello solo), João Gentil (accordion & acordina), String Quartet of OCC, Sofia Vitória (voice), Ana Sofia Varela (voice), Cuca Rosetta (voice) and Nuno Silva (voice)

For further information: joaogentil1@gmail.com


‘The Great American Polkafest’, Nevada – USA

The Steve Balich Polka Band‘The Great American Polkafest’ will be held at Circus Circus, Reno, Nevada, on October 29th and 30th, 12noon until 9pm. There will be dancing to Polka Power California, The Gruber Family Band, and The Steve Balich Polka Band.

For further information email: info@cbproductions.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri new music

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new composition for accordion available for purchase nline.

'Grecian Holiday , catalog:cfranco156,
'Gypsy Fiesta' , catalog:cfranco157,
'Los Cubanos, catalog:cfranco158 and
'Foggy Lane, catalog:cfranco159

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips

Under the Sign of ScorpioCD Reviews Index for the Review ofUnder the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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