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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Nov-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора
Фестивали Национальной Аккордеонной Организации (NAO) и Чемпионаты Британии в 2015 году – Великобритания
Подарочный рождественский набор книг, бесплатная доставка
Шестой международный аккордеонный фестиваль ‘Akordeon Art’ – Босния и Герцеговина
XVII зимний аккоредонный фестиваль ‘Kokkola’, Коккола – Финляндия
Выходит книга ‘Tresors De Lames’, париж – Франция
Концерт Марио Стефано Пьетродарки (Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi) и Луки Луччини (Luca Luccini) в Ростове-на-Дону – Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Müller Harmonikas "Flying High",Martin Oberrauner , Carinthia - Austria
Graham Geddes Receives Loyalty Award, Bangkok – Thailand
Video: Beltango Quintet Accompany Fabian and Michaela, Munich - Germany
Rae de Lisle Research of 'Musicians Cramp', Auckland - New Zealand
Video: Motion Trio Perform "Carrousel" - Poland
Video: International Mozart Accordion Competition, Salzburg - Austria
Video: Roman Onyskiv Performs 'Devoted to I. Stravinsky' by Runchak - Ukraine
Accordion List, Higher Level Education in Europe, Paris - France
‘14 Years Ago’: Award made to Gary Daverne in November 2000

Будущие события

Septimo Encuentro Nacional de Acordeonistas, Rosario – Argentina
Folkwang Accordion Week, Essen – Germany
Zoltan Orosz CD Launch Concert, Budapest – Hungary
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Paisley – UK
Tres Movimentos (or Sinfonia opus 15: Buenos Aires) Swiss Premiere - Switzerland
Accordion Orchestra Concert, New Jersey - USA
Christmas Music @ The Lowry, Manchester – UK
Musiques Hispaniques’ Concert, Sierre – Switzerland
Mario Pedone/Nick Ballarini Accordion Clinic, Texas – USA
CNIMA - Christmas Accordion Course - France
VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb, 22nd February 2015 - Austria

Новые и обновленные сайты

New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

CD Отзывы

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора

Rob HowardДекабрь почти наступил, а это значит, что пора выбирать рождественские подарки для себя или друзей. Для любителей аккордеона задача значительно упрощается, стоит лишь рассмотреть рекламные предложения на нашем ресурсе Accordions Worldwide: широкий спектр инструментов, аксессуаров, книг, компакт-дисков, DVD, нот и т.д.

На наших ресурсах Accordions Worldwide и MusicForAccordion каждый действительно найдет что-то себе по вкусу. Процесс заказа прост и поможет сэкономить много времени, потраченного на посещения магазинов.

Вспомните старый рекламный слоган телефонной книги ‘Yellow Pages’: «позвольте вашим пальцам прогуляться»!


Фестивали Национальной Аккордеонной Организации (NAO) и Чемпионаты Британии в 2015 году – Великобритания

NAO UK Championships Banner
NAO 2015 PosterRaymond BodellФестивальный сезон NAO 2014/2015 продолжается. Февраль и март обещают быть очень насыщенными – в этот период пройдет 5 отборов британского чемпионата ‘NAO UK Championships’ 2015 года.

Даты отборочных конкурсов:
- 8 февраля, фестиваль ‘NAO Thames Area’ (Лондон);

- 28 февраля, в рамках фестиваля NAO отборочные прослушивания пройдут в Глазго, Шотландия, и Ларне, Северная Ирландия;

- 1 марта – Северо-Западная (Манчестер) и Восточная Англия (Колчестер).

- 17-19 апреля – основные прослушивания Британского Чемпионата NAO. В 2015 году конкурс будет проходить в отеле ‘Adelphi Hotel’, Ливерпуль. На конкурс поступило большое количество заявок в международных категориях солистов (академическое и эстрадное направления) и оркестров.

Правила и условия участия здесь: 2015NAO-UK.pdf
Дата окончания приема заявок 28 февраля 2015 года.

Председатель NAO и Презижент CIA Раймонд Бодель (Raymond Bodell – фото справа) сказал: « фестивали NAO продолжают привлекать достаточное количество участников, и я уверен, что Британский Чемпионат получит поддержку как в лице участников со всей Британии, так и из других стран».

Для получения полной информации о фестивальном сезоне и Чемпионате посетите сайт NAO (National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom) или напишите на e-mail: naouk@btinternet.com


Подарочный рождественский набор книг, бесплатная доставка

Merry Christmas logoИдеи Рождественских подарков для семьи и друзей – любителей аккордеона – на нашем сайте в разделе 2014Christmas Ideas.

Бесплатная доставка ТОЛЬКО до 20 декабря превращает ряд предложенных изданий в прекрасную идею для рождественского подарка.

Эти рождественские идеи были нами отобраны в надежде привлечь ваш подарочный капитал на покупку работ артистов, композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей, связанных с миром аккордеона.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство и выберите себе и своим близким подарки из более чем 2248 электронных нот, 300 CD/ DVD, 1702 электронных записей, 833 печатных работ и множества книг. 2014Christmas Ideas


Шестой международный аккордеонный фестиваль ‘Akordeon Art’ – Босния и Герцеговина

Akordeon Art 6. Internacionalni Festival Harmonike
Zoran Rakić6 международный аккордеонный фестиваль ‘Akordeon Art’ пройдет с 29 апреля по 2 мая 2015 года в Восточном Сараево.

Мероприятие включает в себя конкурсные прослушивания и концерты. Организаторы – Академия Музыки Университета Восточного Сараево (декан Зоран Ракич, фото слева) и Ассоциация Содействия Академической Музыке «Новый звук» ("New Sound").

Мероприятие состоит из конкурсов, концертов, лекций, презентаций композиторов, а также в рамках фестиваля пройдет выставка баянов, аккордеонов и аксессуаров. Конкурсные категории включают в себя 9 возрастных групп, начиная с детей младше 10 лет и заканчивая артистами без ограничения возраста.

Правила и условия, а также форму заявки на трех языках можно скачать здесь: 2015Art
Дата окончания приема заявок – 27 марта 2015 года.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: makss@spinter.net


XVII зимний аккоредонный фестиваль ‘Kokkola’, Коккола – Финляндия

XVII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival header
Kokkola logo, posterRaimo VertainenВидео выше: оркестр ‘Guardia Nueva’ исполняет «Танго для Клод» в зале Берлинской филармонии, Германия. Опубликовано 4 юля 2014 года.

17 Зимний аккордеонный фестиваль ‘Kokkola’ пройдет с 15 по 22 февраля, в программе разнообразные ежедневные концерты и мероприятия. Художественный руководитель Раймо Вертайнен (Raimo Vertainen, фото справа). Программа фестиваля: 2015Kokkola

Аккордеонная музыка будет звучать везде – в деревнях, на рынках и на уличных перекрестках.

В рамках фестиваля состоятся концерты для детей и пожилых людей, уличные концерты, выступят молодые виртуозы, аккордеонные оркестры и даже оперные певцы! Другими словами, каждый найдет что-то для себя.

Наполненная событиями неделя закончится большим развлекательным концертом оркестра ‘Guardia Nueva’ под управлением Раймо Вертайнена, который состоится в субботу 21 февраля. Солисты – король танго Теему Роивайнен (Teemu Roivainen), Сатамакадун Сейроеэнит (Satamakadun Seiroeenit) и Оона Айрола (Oona Airola).

Приезжайте и насладитесь фестивалем!

Дополнительную информацию и программу можно получить по адресу: 2015Kokkola
Или написать письмо на e-mail: talviharmonikka@gmail.com
Guardia Nueva


Выходит книга ‘Tresors De Lames’, париж – Франция

‘Tresors De Lames’ book coverПрезентация книги ‘Tresors De Lames’ производителя и реставратора аккордеонов и бандонеонов Лорана Жарри (Laurent Jarry) состоится в пятницу 5 декабря в 7 вечера в книжном магазине 'Librairie La Manouevre’ по адресу, 58 rue de la Roquette, 75011, Париж.

"Tresors De Lames" – красивое издание в твердом переплете, в котором представлены 200 аккордеоны и бандонеонов, выбранных за красоту, богатство материалов и тканей, разнообразие и оригинальность мастерства производителей. Некоторые из этих инструментов являются редкими и уникальными.

Книга выйдет в начале декабря 2014 года.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: contact@laboitedaccordeon.fr


Концерт Марио Стефано Пьетродарки (Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi) и Луки Луччини (Luca Luccini) в Ростове-на-Дону – Россия

Rostov posterВидео выше: Марио Стефано Пьетродарки (бандонеон) и Лука Луччини (гитара) на 5 международном фестивале «Аккордеон Плюс» 27031 марта 2014 года, Ростов-на-Дону. Полный репортаж о мероприятии здесь: 2014RostovReport

23 декабря Марио Стефано Пьетродарки и Лука Луччини вновь вернутся на сцену Зала Ростовской Филармонии, где выступят с Камерным Оркестром Ростова.

Харизматичный и неподражаемый Марио в дуэте с Лукой представят новую программу истории танго "Dolce Tango". Эти музыканты выступали на одной сцене с Андреа Бочеллли, Анной Нетребко и Хосе Каррерасом.

Концерт организован международным музыкальным центром «Гармония», членом CIA и организатором «Кубка мира 2016» в Ростове-На-Дону.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Müller Harmonikas "Flying High",Martin Oberrauner , Carinthia - Austria

The Carinthian Paragliders published a really different video. Alexander Klünsner says:
"I was just the pilot. Martin Oberrauner the musician. Paragliding is our mutual hobby that we started together almost 5 years ago. At this time, we also started the "Carinthian Paragliders" to share our activities with others."

Lucky it was not me on the paraglider - with my bad head for heights, you would have heard only the "bellows shakin" and the knees knockin!!!


Graham Geddes Receives Loyalty Award, Bangkok – Thailand

Graham GeddesAccordionist Graham Geddes and his Scottish Dance Band played for the St Andrew’s Ball on November 22nd at the Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok. This was their 19th year in Bangkok for this annual function.

Graham Geddes was “very proud” to receive a ‘team loyalty award for continued support over many years in Bangkok' from the Bangkok St Andrew’s Society.


Video: Beltango Quintet Accompany Fabian and Michaela, Munich - Germany

Published on Nov 5, 2014. An improvisation by dancers Fabian and Michaela with the Beltango Quintet, ""A Evaristo Carriego" at the 2014 Einstein Kultur, München, Germany.

Triple CD Pack available online at: Beltango


Rae de Lisle Research of 'Musicians Cramp', Auckland - New Zealand

Rae de LisleFocal dystonia of the hand, also known as ‘musician’s cramp’, has been the subject of almost a decade of study for pianist Rae de Lisle from the University of Auckland. The Senior Lecturer and Head of Piano at the School of Music, who graduates this week, undertook the research for a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

A neurological disease that causes involuntary muscle contractions, focal dystonia is estimated to affect one in a hundred professional musicians or approximately 10,000 performers worldwide.

The condition occurs when the brain sends incorrect information to the muscles and is thought to be due to a blurring of the areas in the brain responsible for individual finger movement.

The disorder is believed to result from repetition of specific tasks and usually occurs in musicians of a high level, who have intensively practiced their instruments over a number of years.

Rae de Lisle investigated whether it was possible to recover from focal dystonia through retraining at the instrument. The study, conducted with the guidance of renowned sports physician Dr Ben Speedy, clearly showed, with scientific method, that retraining a person’s neural pathways can improve the symptoms of the devastating condition in musicians.

Music performance at a professional level is one of the most demanding tasks for the human central nervous system as it involves the precise execution of fast and, in many instances, extremely complex physical movements at the same time as engaging the ears and the emotions.

For concert pianists, who have continually practiced the fine motor skills professional level playing involves, the stress on the body can be enormous. In such a competitive environment, musicians are required to practice long hours to try and achieve the level of perfection the public are accustomed to hearing on CDs, which increases the risk of developing focal dystonia.

The consequences of the condition have traditionally been dire for professional musicians, often ending their performing careers.

A personal interest initially drew Rae, a celebrated pianist, to the area following an overuse injury that she was unable to recover from. It was while searching for her own answers to what ailed her that she learnt about other musicians’ injuries, and became intrigued with focal dystonia.

Rae’s research showed that it was possible to improve the symptoms following a case study of six musicians afflicted with focal dystonia. Under her guidance they painstakingly reprogrammed their finger, hand and arm movements to activate new neurological pathways.

“For recovery from focal dystonia the brain needs to be reorganised through learning to play in a different way. With concentrated and focused repetition of the biomechanically most natural movements, gradually these pathways could become the default channel of communication, resulting in the return of playing ability,” says Rae.

New Zealand’s most revered concert pianist Michael Houstoun was helped by her retraining. The findings suggest rehabilitation from ‘musician’s cramp’ is achievable and the condition is possibly preventable.

For her next project Rae de Lisle is researching and writing a book on piano technique and injury prevention.


Video: Motion Trio Perform "Carrousel" - Poland

Motion Trio perform "Carrousel". Published on Oct 8, 2014.

Formed in 1996, the highly successful Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. They continually explore the new possibilities of the accordion in their performances and recordings, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

The group has worked with such artists as Bobby McFerrin and Michal Urbaniak, and won such prizes as the grand prix 4th Edition of the Krzysztof Penderecki International Contemporary Chamber Music Competition. Its members consist of accordionists Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn.


Video: International Mozart Accordion Competition, Salzburg - Austria

Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project
Mozart International Accordion Competition held at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale
1st Duo Karolina Mikolajczyk & Iwo Jedynecki (Poland) Program:
W.A. Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 5 A Major K 219, Mov. III Rondeau, Tempo Di Menuetto

2nd Mozart International Accordion Competition, Mladen Vukmir (Serbia) Program:
W.A. Mozart Concert for Piano and Orchestra A Minor Mov. 2 Andante

3rd Mozart International Accordion Competition, Violin and Accordion Duo (Lithuania) Salijus, Laimonas (Accordion) Kazakeviciute, Milda (Violin) Program:
W.A. Mozart, Sonata for violin and clavier G Major KV 301
Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project is sponsored by Pigini srl, with the assistance of Accordions Worldwide and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).


Video: Roman Onyskiv Performs 'Devoted to I. Stravinsky' by Runchak - Ukraine

Roman Onyskiv Performs 'Devoted to I. Stravinsky' by Volodymyr Runchak. This was recorded in the Ukraine and published May 2014.


Accordion List, Higher Level Education in Europe, Paris - France

Vincent LHermetAccordion Higher Level Education in EuropeVincent LHermet (picture left) has published the Accordion Higher Level Education in Europe List, with information about 108 accordion classes from 25 European countries.

This project was undertaken as part of his doctoral research by Vincent LHermet with the support of the Paris Conservatoire, the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), the Pigini manufacturing company, and carried out through the collaboration of 122 teachers, heads of institutions and students.

Download the list at: AHLE


‘14 Years Ago’: Award made to Gary Daverne in November 2000

Gary DahlThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 24th 2000 included an article about an award made to Gary Daverne, New Zealand’s most prolific and successful composer and arranger of music for the accordion. A highly accomplished pianist, conductor, composer, etc, Gary Daverne’s achievements in music would fill a book, and he is still actively involved as a guest conductor with orchestras and as a musical arranger and composer.

Orchestra Conductor Awarded Scroll of Honor – New Zealand
Contributed by Heather Masefield

Well known New Zealand accordion composer and orchestra conductor Gary Daverne was presented with the prestigious Scroll of Honor by the Variety Artists Club of New Zealand on November 19th by Auckland magician, Jon Zealando. The Event was held at the Aotea Centre in Auckland during a performance by the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Gary) before an audience of nearly 2,000 people.

The scroll read: “for his dedication and skill in his craft and for bringing the joy of orchestral music to the people. We acknowledge his achievements and salute his professionalism”.

Gary has composed and arranged many pieces for solo and group accordion Including ‘Sonatina in G’, ‘Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra’, and ‘A Pocket Overture’.


Будущие события

Septimo Encuentro Nacional de Acordeonistas, Rosario – Argentina

The Septimo Encuentro Nacional de Acordeonistas takes place on Saturday November 28th, 9pm, at the Auditorio AMR (España y Tucumán), Rosario, Argentina. This is a concert featuring Morais Do Acordeon (Brazil), Jose Benavidez (Entre Rios), Guillermo Codino (Entre Rios), and Luis Farias (Entre Rios).


Folkwang Accordion Week, Essen – Germany

Geir DraugsvollMie Miki and Yuri ShiskinThe Folkwang Accordion Week takes place from December 1st to 5th at Campus Essen-Werden, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Germany. The Artistic Director of the Folkwang Accordion Week is Professor Mie Miki (picture right). The week includes concerts, lectures, master classes, and an accordion competition. Highlights include:

Monday December 1st, 7.30pm - Chamber Music Hall, Norwegian bayan virtuoso Geir Draugsvoll, now based in Copenhagen, performs a recital

Wednesday December 3rd, 7.30pm - Chamber Music Hall, Yuri Shishkin performs Viatcheslav Semionov – ‘Sonata No.3’, Franz Liszt – ‘Etude S. 484 Nr.16, Op.20’, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov – ‘The story of the Calendar Prince’, Vladimir Shishin - Suite ‘Im Zoo’, and George Gershwin – ‘Rhapsody in Blue’

The Folkwang Accordion Week includes a public master class with Professor Geir Draugsvoll on December 2nd, the first Folkwang Accordion Competition on December 3rd, and a lecture by Professor Mie Miki on December 4th. The week ends with a final concert featuring the students in the classes of Professors Mie Miki and Heidi Luosujärvi on December 5th.


Zoltan Orosz CD Launch Concert, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan OroszHungarian accordionist Zoltan Orosz and some of his musical friends host a CD launch concert on Friday December 5th, 7pm, at Csoma Kobányai Cultural Center, Szent László, Budapest. The CD is titled ‘Csak játék’ (‘Just play the game’).

Zoltan Orosz studied the accordion and the organ in Budapest. He has become a highly regarded professional accordionist, with an international repertoire and appeal, and with many recordings to his credit. These are available online at: Zoltan Orosz

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, Paisley – UK

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert posterThe Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra (MD Gary Blair) perform in concert at St Paul’s Church, 120 Brediland Rd, Foxbar, Paisley, Renfrewshire, on Friday December 5th, 7pm. Tickets cost £5, and the evening includes guest spots, carol singing, and a raffle.

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, originally formed by Jimmy Blair in the early 1970s, won many championship titles in NAO All Britain competitions until it was disbanded in the late 1980s. The orchestra was revived in 2009 by Gary Blair, and has since won several competition honours, and often performs.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra


Tres Movimentos (or Sinfonia opus 15: Buenos Aires) Swiss Premiere - Switzerland

PosterStéphane ChapuisAstor Piazzolla work Tres Movimentos (or Sinfonia opus 15: Buenos Aires) will appeal to a wide range of people with percussion and two bandoneon players.

The Swiss premiere of this work will be on December 6th by two bandoneonists (William Sabatier and Stéphane Chapuis) and the Orchestra of l’HEMU led by Leonardo García Alarcón. Venue on poster left.

Prof. Stéphane Chapuis (picture right) is the accordion head of department at l’HEMU-Lausanne and EJMA-VS in Switzerland.

This work, a symphony composed in 1953 for a contest to try to win $250 and a scholarship to study in Paris with Nadia Boulanger. Piazzolla wins, sailed for Europe with the score and recording, which he presented in his first meeting with the illustrious educator. The meeting did not overflow with enthusiasm, far from it, that "the work is well written but lacks emotion."

It was not until nearly sixty years and the "flair" of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra for it to resurface in 2010 with a Naxos recording creating a new birth for this masterpiece. After this first American, the partition is experiencing a triumphant re-creation in Belgium and northern France two years later, thanks to the leadership of the chief Leonardo García Alarcón and work of "Sherlock Holmes" directed by guitarist Daniel Romagnoli, project manager "Greater Region" from the Royal Conservatory of Liege. It is thanks largely to them that we can now perform this music.


Accordion Orchestra Concert, New Jersey - USA

Westmont Philadelphia Accordion Orchestra
The Westmont Philadelphia Accordion Orchestra (MD Stanley Darrow) performs in concert on Saturday December 6th, 3pm, at the William G. Rohrer Memorial Library, 15 MacArthur Boulevard, Westmont, New Jersey.


Christmas Music @ The Lowry, Manchester – UK

Rob HowardMembers of the Stockport Accordion Club - Rob Howard, Brennan Wilson, Leo Hickey, Dorothy Brincat, and Josie McFarlane – will perform carols and seasonal tunes in aid of The Christie, the world famous cancer treatment hospital, outside at The Lowry Christmas Fair on Saturday December 5th, between 1 and 2pm.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Stockport Accordion Band


Musiques Hispaniques’ Concert, Sierre – Switzerland

Stephanie ChapuisA concert titled ‘Musiques Hispaniques’ takes place at theTheatre les Halles, Sierre, Switzerland, on Sunday December 7th, 5pm.

Performing are Stephanie Chapuis – bandoneon, Alain Metrailler – saxophone, and George Vassilev – guitar and the Orchestre du Conservatoire Cantonal conducted by Elie Fumeaux.

The program includes music by C. Chavez, H. Villa-Lobos, A. Piazzolla, J. Rodrigo, and A. Marquez.


Mario Pedone/Nick Ballarini Accordion Clinic, Texas – USA

Mario PedoneNick BallariniProfessional accordionists Mario Pedone and Nick Ballarini join forces to run their Texas Accordion Clinic at the TBarM Ranch, New Braunfels, Texas from December 11th to 15th.

The Accordion Clinic includes concerts, solo performances daily, study groups/bands of 4-6 players, ballroom dancing, group lessons, workshops, jam sessions, and the guest appearance of Tony Lovello.

Topics will include: Embellishments, Technique, Computer Music/Writing, Bellows Technique ‘A la Tony Lovello’, Delivering Your Message, Fake Books, and Harmonizing.

For further information email: Ballarini@sbcglobal.net


CNIMA - Christmas Accordion Course - France

CNIMA course
CNIMA J.Mornet Christmas Accordion Course. For further information contact: Nathalie Boucheix, directrice, Téléphone : +33473222745, Email : cnima@wanadoo.fr Website: CNIMA J.Mornet


VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb, 22nd February 2015 - Austria

VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb logo
The Annual VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb for accordion soloists will be held on the 22nd February 2015 in Vienna. There are categories from 10 years through to adults.

Download rules and entry information in German and English at: 2015VAMÖ
Entry closing date is 15th January 2015

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at


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New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Traditional Polish Carols eBook coverGary DahlGary Dahl has released a new eBook titled Traditional Polish Carols which he has arranged in collaboration with Fr. Boleslaw Zadora, advisor. The book contains 28 Polish titles and you can see samples of many pieces at Catalog: DH07-eB

eBook means that the book is emailed to you. Purchase online for only USD$16.50 or Euro equivalent at: DH07-eB

This eBook Traditional Polish Carols is Collection #7 in a series of eBooks by Gary Dahl that have proved to be very popular. There is a special for clients wanting to purchase all 7 eBooks at: DH01-07eB


CD Отзывы

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul ChamberlainCD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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