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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Feb-2015
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Особенности Highlights

Фестиваль традиционной ирландской музыки ‘Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2015’, 9-16 августа 2015 года – Ирландия
Видео: выступления победителей конкурса ‘VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb’, 22 февраля 2015 года – Австрия
CD финского баяниста Янне Раттиа (Janne Rättyä) с записями сонат Скарлатти признано «классическим альбомом года» по версии YLE – Финляндия
Тулио Гасперини (Tulio Gasperini; 1922-2014), Род-Айленд – США
Видео: официальный ролик музыкального проекта ‘The Accordion King’ – Швеция

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

XVII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival Overwhelming Success - Finland
Video: Francisco Monteiro and João Oliveira 2015 Portugal Got Talent - Portugal
Young Basque Country Performer Oroitz Maiz Passed Away - Spain
Video: Victor Prieto Performing Ta Boa, Santa - USA
New CD: ‘Luke Daniels - Tribute To William Hannah’, Scotland – UK
Video: Aleksa Mirkovic Performs His Composition ''On the Wings of an Angel'' - Russia
North American Jazz Alliance CD ‘The Montreal Sessions’ – Canada
Video: Frédéric Langlais Tango Quintet Performs Calambre - France
Yuriy and Alex Chubarenko Single Releases, London – UK
‘14 Years Ago’: International Accordion Festival in Vienna, February/March 2001

Будущие события

Texas Folklife's Big Squeeze Accordion Contest, Houston – USA
NAO Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, Carrickfergus – UK
Ken Maltz/Sy Kushner Klezmer Duo Concert, New York – USA
CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Stellenbsoch – South Africa
Gjovalin Nonaj Concerts, Brussels – Belgium
John Romero @ Carlisle Accordion Club, Cumbria – UK
Mazaika International Women's Day Concert, London - UK
Pekka Kuusisto and Dermot Dunne Concert, Minnesota – USA
XX1V Gala Internacional de Acordeao, Raposeira – Portugal
Scandinavian Music Concert, Warsaw – Poland
Jack Emblow & Tony Compton Concert, Essex - UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: NZAA Prospectus and Site Update - New Zealand
Updated Site: Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert Berlin Philharmonie Double CD
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Released - Israel
Updated Site: Douglas Ward eSheet Music Page - UK
Updated Site: Fang Yuan Site Update With Video - Singapore
Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Arrangement Released - Israel

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Особенности Highlights

Фестиваль традиционной ирландской музыки ‘Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2015’, 9-16 августа 2015 года – Ирландия

Fleadh Cheoil logo‘Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann’ является крупнейшим в мире фестивалем традиционной ирландской музыки с повсеместным участием аккордеона, баяна и гармоник. В 2015 году фестиваль снова пройдет в городе Слайго с 9 по 16 августа.

Некоторые данные впечатляющей статистики этого огромного мероприятия, в котором такое большое место занимают наши инструменты.

Более 350 000 посетителей со всего мира, более 20 000 музыкантов, 1500 волонтеров, 190 конкурсов, и все это за 8 дней.

Фестиваль станет грандиозным праздником традиционной ирландской музыки.


Видео: выступления победителей конкурса ‘VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb’, 22 февраля 2015 года – Австрия

VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb logo
Video 1: Danijel Piller (Austria)
Video 2: Augustinas Rakauskas (Lithuania)
Video 3: Lukasz Nowakowski (Poland)
Победители категории 3 (взрослые исполнители) конкурса ‘VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb’, который прошел 22 февраля 2015 года в Вене. Конкурс проходил в нескольких возрастных категориях от детей 10 лет до взрослых исполнителей. Видео опубликовал Херми Калета.

Видео 1: Категория 3, Даниэль Пиллер (Danijel Piller), Австрия, 1 место
Ф. Анжелис «Тупик» 4 часть.

Видео 2: Категория 3, Аугустинас Ракаускас (Augustinas Rakauskas), Литва, 2 место
С. Прокофьев «Наваждение» op. 4/4

Видео 3: Категория 3, Лукаш Новаковски (Lukasz Nowakowski), Польша, 3 место
В. Власов «Пять взглядов на страну ГУЛаг», 3 часть

Правила конкурса и информация для участников 2015 года на немецком и английском языках: 2015VAMÖ

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: kaleta.hermi@aon.at


CD финского баяниста Янне Раттиа (Janne Rättyä) с записями сонат Скарлатти признано «классическим альбомом года» по версии YLE – Финляндия

Click left to start soundtrack:
CD Coveryle logoАудио: Д. Скарлатти Соната С moll, K22.

Классический альбом года по версии национальной телерадиовещательной компании YLE содержит сонаты Доменико Скарлатти (1685-1757) в исполнении финского баяниста Янне Раттиа.

Каждый год YLE вручает почетный сертификат за лучшую запись классический музыки. В 2014 году этой чести удостоился альбом Янне Раттиа.

По словам жюри, игра Раттиа заставляет и плакать, и смеяться, танцевать и философствовать, создавая из коротких сонат Скарлатти смысловое целое.

Почетный сертификат YLE вручается с 1971 года. Музыкальные журналисты и продюсеры компании YLE выбирают победителя из альбомов с классической музыкой, выпущенных в течение года, содержащих финскую музыку или записанных финскими артистами.


Тулио Гасперини (Tulio Gasperini; 1922-2014), Род-Айленд – США

Tulio GasperiniВидео: «Моему Учителю» – в 8-минутном документальном фильме Кори Пезатуро (Corey Pesaturo) можно увидеть Тулио Гасперини, играющего на аккордеоне в возрасте 91 года, а также фотографии из его жизни.

Тулио Гасперини у себя в стране был признан как аккордеонист-виртуоз со своим очень индивидуальным стилем, а также как опытный композитор и педагог.

Тулио считался вундеркиндом и в возрасте 6 лет регулярно появлялся на радио WJAR. В 1938 году он занял второе место вслед за будущей известной оперной певицей Марией Каллас на самом известном национальном американском радио-шоу талантов 'Major Bowes Amateur Hour’.

В дополнение к тому, что он привел к победе свое трио на Всемирной выставке в Нью-Йорке в 1939 году, Тулио стал чемпионом США, когда в 1941 году на конкурсе Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (AAA) в Нью-Йорке он был удостоен первой премии как Национальный Солист. Впоследствии Тулио выступал как солист со многими оркестрами, а затем учился в Бостонском университете, пока его учеба не была прервана Второй мировой войной.
В 1943-1946 Тулио служил в военной разведке армии США. Когда война закончилась, он закончил учебу в 1946 году со степенью бакалавра музыки по композиции, что привело его к созданию одного из своих выдающихся сочинений – ‘Symphony Tune-Up’ для аккордеона.

На протяжении почти 40 лет компания ‘Gasperini Music’ еженедельно обучала более 500 студентов игре на всех музыкальных инструментах, а также занималась розничной и оптовой торговлей инструментов. Тулио воспитал многих чемпионов США, один из которых занял 4 место на «Кубке Мира», а также 12-летного студента, который выступал в Белом доме для президента и госпожи Клинтон.

Именно благодаря настойчивости Тулио в колледже Род-Айленда ввели основной курс обучения игре на аккордеоне. Тулио был принят на факультет и преподавал теорию музыки и гармонию для продвинутых студентов.

Тулио Гасперини скончался 20 февраля в возрасте 92 лет. Он был любимым мужем Долорес (Броги) Гасперини на протяжении 66 лет и 61 год проживал в Линкольне.


Видео: официальный ролик музыкального проекта ‘The Accordion King’ – Швеция

The Accordion King Poster16 февраля 2015 года был опубликован официальный рекламный ролик проекта 'The Accordion King’ («Король аккордеона») – четырехминутный фрагмент концерта для нескольких видеоэкранов, симфонического оркестра и аккордеона соло композитора Фредрика Хогберга (Fredrik Högberg). Премьеру концерта исполнили аккордеонист Йорген Сундеквист (Jörgen Sundeqvist), Никлас Виллен (Niklas Willen) и Северный Камерный Оркестр.

Репортаж о мировой премьере здесь:


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

XVII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival Overwhelming Success - Finland

XVII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival header
Kokkola logo, posterRaimo VertainenThe XVIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival’s eight event-packed days ended with Sunday’s Accordion and Ski event. Download the program at: 2015Kokkola

During the week the festival presented 35 events, half of which were admission-free. This year’s festival welcomed 4,500 festival-goers – an increase of 100 from last year.

A diverse and delightful weekend.

Kokkola Director Raimo Vertainen (picture right) sees many festival highlights when he looks back on the bustling week, which hit the ground running on Sunday with Indoor Accordion Orienteering. An enjoyable coffee concert followed in the afternoon, and the early evening kicked-off with a wintry walk around the historic district of Neristan. The high point of the day was without question the soviet ESSe Quintet’s skillful performance.

On Monday, the evening program included a regular festival favorite, Young Virtuosos Let Loose, and on Tuesday there were kids’ concerts, sled-rides and then an extreme culture shock curtesy of Roman Schatz. In the evening, Raimo Vertainen fulfilled a long-held dream in the conservatory concert hall.

“The idea to present Wagner’s music in accordion has been simmering away for more than 10 years. On Tuesday, my dream finally became a reality – and in such an extraordinary way! Baritone Esa Ruuttunen gave his all, Janne Valkeajoki astoundingly replaced a whole accordion concert with a single instrument and the whole thing was skillfully narrated by Roman Schatz, who told of Wagner’s life and his legendary operas. The whole thing was an extraordinary success!”

On Wednesday a packed conservatory hall witnessed Jorma Uotinen and Trio Avec deliver a passion-filled Parisian-themed performance. And then on Thursday, Winter Accordion celebrated its collaboration with neighboring Pietarsaari for the second year running. The day away included lunch music at Campus Allegro, the young Finnish accordion orchestra’s concert in Snellman Hall and M.A. Numminen & Pedro Hietanen at O’Leary’s jazzclub.

“The cultural collaboration between the neighboring cities worked spectacularly well. Snellman Hall is already booked for next year,” said Vertainen.

On Friday the Middle Ostrobothnia Chamber Orchetra presented an outstanding concert featuring Anna-Maria Helsing as conductor and Niko Kumpuvaara on accordion that was broadcast on YLE Radio 1. That evening, the cultural event Strada demonstrated just how diverse and eclectic accordion-playing in Kokkola can be.
On Saturday afternoon, audiences enjoyed a beloved festival tradition: music at the Kallentori marketplace. Due to the popularity of previous years’ events, the music went on for an hour longer than usual.

The week was crowned by Guardia Nueva’s two concerts with the outstanding tango king Teemu Roivainen and Yxpila’s young Satamakadun Seireenit-ladies as soloists. In the evening the entertainment continued to the beat of La Riipa Group at the Night Club Calle. Finally, on Sunday relaxation was the order of the day, with the ski trip to Rastimaja, where all were entertained by Jari Saarenpää.
Thanks to all and see you next year!

Festival Director Raimo Vertainen: “The festival went outstandingly well, even if at times I didn’t know what day it was! And it was just as easy to get lost in the enjoyment of the events. I am truly satisfied with Kokkola Winter Accordion yet again and wish to extend a huge thanks to the public, performers, followers and friends. Now it’s time for a well-earned rest – but first, be sure to mark your calendars for next year, when the XVIII Kokkola Winter Accordion will take place 14th to 21st February 2016."


Video: Francisco Monteiro and João Oliveira 2015 Portugal Got Talent - Portugal

Video 1: Francisco Monteiro
Video 2: João Oliveira
Video 1: Francisco Monteiro
Video 2: João Oliveira
on the TV program Portugal Got Talent, published February 2015.


Young Basque Country Performer Oroitz Maiz Passed Away - Spain

OROITZ MAIZThe accordionist Oroitz Maiz, born in Gabiria in 1983, passed away this Thursday in Barcelona. According to the report of the television channel Euskal Telebista, on Saturday evening he choked while eating dinner and since then had been in a coma.

Oroitz Maiz (Gabiria, Basque Country, 1983) began his musical studies age 7 and continues his studies in classical accordion at the "International Studies Center Acordeonísticos" with teachers Carlos Iturralde and Miren Iñarga.

He studied harmony and counterpoint with the composer Jesús Torres, in Madrid and later still perfecting his accordion studies in Barcelona with Professor Iñaki Alberdi, and chamber music with Harry Sparnnay and Charles Tunnell. Later he moved to Germany to deepen their acordeonística training with the renowned Professor Stefan Hussong.

He has given recitals and concerts throughout the Spanish geography, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Egypt ... in auditoriums and concert halls as The Palace of Catalan Music, the venue, Gran Teatre del Liceu, National Auditorium, Auditori de Barcelona ... and has performed as a soloist with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Gran Teatre del Liceu, National Chamber Orchestra of Andorra, Barcelona Symphony Orchestra i Nacional de Catalunya (OBC), Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao, Barcelona 216, Granollers Chamber Orchestra under the baton of directors like Fabien Gabel, Sebastian Weigle, Yasuaki Itakura, Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, among others.

He has been awarded numerous competitions at state and worldwide as the Iberian Accordion Competition (Alcobaça, Portugal); International Competition of Les Corts, Guipuzcoano Accordion Competition, the International Accordion Competition (Andorra), music Youth of Spain, among others.

He has recorded for various media how: BTV, Catalunya Radio, National Radio of Spain, Com Radio, ETB.

He has also collaborated with several composers premiering their works for accordion: Joan Riera, German Moreno, Xao Ching ...


Video: Victor Prieto Performing Ta Boa, Santa - USA

Victor Prieto group performing Ta Boa Santa by E. Gismonti while on their 2014 USA Tour at the Emens Auditorium, Muncie, Indiana.


New CD: ‘Luke Daniels - Tribute To William Hannah’, Scotland – UK

CD Cover, Tribute to William HannahWilliam Hannah‘Luke Daniels - Tribute To William Hannah’ is a new CD, paying tribute to the pre-war button accordionists William Hannah (picture right) and delivered in style by Luke Daniels, present day winner of the BBC Young Tradition Award.

William Hannah is credited with being the first to form a Scottish dance band in about 1920, and as such was a major influence on post-war band leaders such as Jimmy Shand, Bobby MacLeod, Jim Cameron, etc. William Hannah recorded about 100 tracks, and also composed many pieces that found their way into the standard Scottish dance music repertoire of today.

For this CD, four of the UK's finest traditional players, Luke Daniels (melodeon), Neil Ewart (fiddle), Ian Carr (guitar), John Paul Gandy (piano), have come together to recreate Hannah's exciting music and playing.

A Wilkinson Excelsior circa 1927 (Hannah's own signature instrument) was restored specially and played on this recording along with an earlier model used by Daniel and Peter Wyper circa 1909.

William Hannah (1891 - 1961) was born in the mining town of Blackburn, West Lothian. Having started on the harmonica organ as a boy he moved on to the diatonic 2-row button accordion by the First World War, during which he served in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

His role in the development of the modern accordion was an important one. William Hannah was a creative recording artist, with companies such as Parlophone and Columbia, and a celebrated band leader in the 1920s and 30s.

Tracks: Eightsome Reels: Unknown/The Fair Maid Of Perth/Rachael Rae/My Love She's but A Lassie Yet/Roxburgh Castle; East Neuk Of Fife/The Drummer/Hey Johnnie Cope; Jigs: Bonnie Dundee/Wi' A Hundred Pipers/Rock And Wee Pickle Tow/Kinloch Of Kinloch; Inverness Gathering/79th’s Farewell To Gibraltar/Pibroch O' Donald Dhu; Waltzes: Leezie Lindsay/Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden/Skye Boat; Schottische: The Gordon Highlands; Reels: Duncan Davidson/Soldier's Joy/Lord Lynedoch/Fairy Dance; Dashing White Sergeant/Kenmure's On And Awa'/The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre; Waltzes: (Intro) The Auld Hoose/William Hannah's Waltz; Reels: Duke Of Perth/Staten Island/The Auld Grey Cat/Goodnight And Joy Be Wi' Ye; Boston Two-Step: Comp' Luke Cavendish Everett; Strathspeys: Glasgow Highlanders/Unknown; Waltzes: Little Annie Rooney/Peggy O'Neill/Molly O'Moran/Maggie Murphy's Home

The CD is available via the Music Scotland website. For further information email: jiml@musicinscotland.com


Video: Aleksa Mirkovic Performs His Composition ''On the Wings of an Angel'' - Russia

This is one of the first compositions by the young accordion player Aleksa Mirkovic . ''On the Wings of an Angel'' was recorded in hall of the Belgorod Philharmonic.


North American Jazz Alliance CD ‘The Montreal Sessions’ – Canada

North American Jazz Alliance CD coverThe North American Jazz Alliance are Kenny Kotwitz (accordion), Steve Hobbs (arrangements, vibraphone), Greg Clayton (guitar), Dave Laing (drums), Alec Walkington (bass), and John Labelle (vocals).

Montreal has long been known for its night-life, and its jazz music and musicians. The North American Jazz Alliance are modern exponents of a long held tradition, and this new recording, ‘The Montreal Sessions’, is a jazz accordion CD that represents the tradition very well indeed.

This CD – available via Amazon - is contains standards given a jazz treatment, plus Astor Piazzolla’s ‘Oblivion’, performed in typical Argentinian tango style. Accordionist Kotwitz leads the band through Cole Porter’s ‘Just One Of Those Things’, Neal Hefti’s ‘Cute’, etc, in a swinging style. Montreal-based vocalist John Labelle is heard to good effect on ‘Close Your Eyes’, ‘Nobody Else But Me’, and ‘Dancing In The Dark’.

Tracks: Just One Of Those Things; Close Your Eyes; Cute; Oblivion; Angel Eyes; Nobody Else But Me; Delilah; Charade; Dancing In The Dark; It Could Happen To You; Only Trust Your Heart; That’s All


Video: Frédéric Langlais Tango Quintet Performs Calambre - France

Fred Langlais Tango Quintet Performing Calambre by Astor Piazzolla at the Concert in the courtyard of the Hotel de Ville Angouleme on the occasion of the famous "Mardis Muziks.". Published on Oct 10, 2014

Performers: Avec Frédéric LANGLAIS (bandonéon), Héléna LYDA-MONDESIR (1st violin),
Sylvie MERIOT (2nd violin), Jean-François SALIES (viola) and Eric LYDA (cello).


Yuriy and Alex Chubarenko Single Releases, London – UK

Owl Generation logoYuriy Chubarenko studied the accordion at the Royal Academy of Music with Professor Owen Murray between 2004 and 2007, and his brother Alex went to Kharkiv Kotlyarevsky University of Arts in Ukraine, and completed his Masters in Classical Guitar Performance in 2011.

As solo artists, both have performed classical music extensively worldwide. In 2012 the brothers started to collaborate and in 2014 formed a band called ‘Owl Generation’. They have recently decided to rework a number of alternative music hits.

Their first single is an interpretation of ‘Paranoid Android’, composed by Radiohead and arranged for guitar and accordion. The second single is our version of Placebo’s ‘Meds’. It has also been arranged for guitar and accordion.

Yuriy and Alex Chubarenko have worked with some great musicians on this project, including our Grammy-winning mixing engineer Steve Price (Adele, Sam Smith) and our mastering engineer Tim Young (Queen, The Killers, Elton John, Placebo), who also won Grammy award for his 5.1 Surround Sound mastering on The Beatles’ ‘Love’ album.

Yuriy and Alex have uploaded the singles onto SoundCloud (http://soundcloud.com/owlgeneration), and they generated a great deal of interest.


‘14 Years Ago’: International Accordion Festival in Vienna, February/March 2001

Akkordeon Festival ViennaThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 2nd 2001 included an article item reviewing the second annual International Accordion Festival held in Vienna. This month long festival continues to be a splendid showcase for the accordion, involving many venues and a variety of players and performances. This year’s festival is currently in full swing, and details can be found in our news for February 13th

2nd Accordion Festival Begins – Austria
Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif, Manager of Friedrich Lips Productions

Vienna's 2nd International Accordion Festival began on February 24th 2001 with well received concerts in very crowded concert halls. The first concert was held by well-known Austrian accordionist Otto Lechner, who invited Arnaud Methivier (France) to perform with him. Arnaud was then joined by French soprano Catherine Estourelle (see photo) to perform a program of compositions by Gluck, Purcel, Puccini, Faurés, Ravel and others.

Actress Anne Bennent then read stories accompanied by Otto on the Styrian harmonica. The evening ended with a special birthday celebration for Otto (at midnight).

The following day (25th) Yann-Fañch Perroches presented a program of ethnic music from Bretagne (French region) with his group including Véronique Bourjot (vocals), Erwan Bérenguer (guitar) and Stéphane Morwan (flute).

The festival will continue until March 25th 2001.


Будущие события

Texas Folklife's Big Squeeze Accordion Contest, Houston – USA

Texas Folklife’s 9th annual Big Squeeze accordion contest for up-and-coming Texas musicians, takes place on Saturday February 24th at MECA, Houston, Texas. The contest, for those aged 21 years of age or younger, involves players in all genres of the Lone Star State’s accordion-based music, including German, Czech, Polish polka, Creole, Cajun, and zydeco; and conjunto, norteño, and Tejano.

The Big Squeeze contest – a talent showcase - will be held at Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts (MECA), Houston, from 3pm until 5pm. It is free and open to the public. Interested players are encouraged to reserve a showcase slot by contacting Texas Folklife, and should arrive by 2pm. Those who cannot attend the showcase may also mail or email their entries to arrive at Texas Folklife no later than March 30th.

Immediately following the talent showcase, the local ‘Band of Brothers’, Los Hermanos Cortez will perform. In existence for 40 years, the current band members are third generation brothers, and include: Monico Cortez Sr - lead vocalist, Monico Cortez Jr – vocals, Ray Cortez – drums, Freddy Cadriel – accordion, Alex Elias – bass, and Lawrence Torres - bajo sexto.
There will be nine finalists (three from each genre: conjunto, zydeco, and polka) for Big Squeeze 2015, chosen from the field of performers at the showcases - and those who send in their performances to Texas Folklife - by a panel of esteemed music professionals. The finalists will be announced on April 3rd.

The finalists will perform at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin on Saturday, April 25th, at a free concert and playoff. Three Grand Prize Winners will be selected. There will be one winner for each accordion category - polka, zydeco, and conjunto. All three winners will perform at Texas Folklife’s highly acclaimed annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre on Saturday June 6th, with Texas roots music accordion stars and legends.

The three Big Squeeze Grand Prize Winners will receive a prize package valued at more than $4,000, including a cash prize, a new Hohner accordion, performance opportunities in Austin and Houston, publicity, professional development, and other professional opportunities.
For further information email: sheree.scarborough@gmail.com


NAO Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, Carrickfergus – UK

NAO logoThe 18th annual NAO Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, organized by Clyde Johnston, take place on Saturday February 28th at The Clarion Hotel, Carrickfergus, Larne. The competition has attracted a record 240 entries with competitors from as far afield as England, Scotland, and the Irish Republic, as well as a strong local entry.

Catering for all types of accordion music there will be Solo, Duet, Group, Orchestral and Marching Band Sections suitable for all ages and grades ranging in styles from classical and continental to traditional. There will be three halls in use all day.

The competitions begin at 8.30am and finish at 5.30pm, with the prize presentation taking place later that night at a Gala Dance in the hotel. Daytime admission is free.

For further information email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk


Ken Maltz/Sy Kushner Klezmer Duo Concert, New York – USA

Ken Maltz/Sy Kushner Klezmer DuoThe Ken Maltz/Sy Kushner Klezmer Duo, clarinet/accordion, perform in concert on Saturday February 28th, 8pm, at Recologie, 49 Lawton Street, New Rochelle, New York. Charges are $10 Music Cover or Two Drink Minimum or Food Equivalent.

Clarinetist Ken Maltz, a founding member of Kapelye, the pioneering klezmer band, has performed throughout North America, Central America and Europe.

Sy Kushner has been involved in the New York Jewish music scene since he was 13 years old, has played accordion in many ensembles.


CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Stellenbsoch – South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleThe CT Tango Ensemble performs in concert on Sunday March 1st, 6.30pm, at Portchie House, Stellenbsoch, South Africa. All 3 CDs of the CT Tango Ensemble, as well as CDs of Melanie Scholtz, will be available for sale before or after the show.

The members of the CT Tango Ensemble are Stanislav Angelov (bandoneon, accordion, arranger), Albert Combrink (piano, arranger, composer), Petrus de Beer (violin), and Charles Lazar (double bass, composer) with Melanie Scholtz (guest vocalist).

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Gjovalin Nonaj Concerts, Brussels – Belgium

Gjovalin NonajThe Brussels-based Albanian accordionist Gjovalin Nonaj performs three solo concerts at the Centre Européen de Médiation (CEM), 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, Brussels. The dates and times are:

Sunday March 1st - 3pm until 4.30pm
Sunday April 26th - 3pm until 4.30pm
Sunday May 21st - 3pm until 4.30pm

Gjovalin Nonaj is available for accordion tuition.

For further information email: Gjovalin_nonaj@hotmail.com


John Romero @ Carlisle Accordion Club, Cumbria – UK

John RomeroJohn Romero is the guest at Carlisle Accordion Club on Thursday March 5th, 7.30pm, and the venue is St Margaret Mary’s Social Club, Carlisle CA2 4JX.

John Romero has been a professional entertainer and accordionist and organist for over thirty years. He spent the early years of his life based in Watford and it was here he learnt his trade as an entertainer around the London Clubs. Classically trained and an NAO All Britain Junior Champion in the early 1970s, John turned professional as a musician in 1979. Since then he has appeared three times on national UK television (his latest appearance was in 2006) and entertained on numerous cruise ships (the last was for 11 months cruising around the USA, Mexico and the Caribbean). John served as entertainment’s co-ordinator for a large holiday site in Clacton for seven years and has worked hundreds of clubs, pubs, hotels and restaurants during his career. He is also the organizer of the Eastbourne Accordion Festival.


Mazaika International Women's Day Concert, London - UK

duo MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (midi accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin, domra, vocals) – perform at a party to celebrate International Women's Day on Sunday March 8th, 8pm until 11pm, at Tito’s Peruvian restaurant (basement), 4-6 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG. Tickets: £15 on the door, £10 in advance.

Mazaika perform Russian folk and Gypsy music, tango and gypsy swing, romantic songs from Italy and Cuba, and international party pop hits.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Pekka Kuusisto and Dermot Dunne Concert, Minnesota – USA

Pekka Kuusisto and Dermot DunneOn Sunday March 8th, 2pm, the highly creative Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto and accordionist Dermot Dunne, from Dublin, Ireland, perform together in a program of J. S. Bach violin partitas interspersed with Scandinavian traditional tunes. This concert takes place at The Schubert Club, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, 345 Washington St, Saint Paul, Minnesota.


XX1V Gala Internacional de Acordeao, Raposeira – Portugal

poster, XX1V Gala Internacional de AcordeaoThe 24th XX1V Gala Internacional de Acordeao takes place on Sunday March 8th, 3pm, at the Pavahao Multiosos, Raposeira, Portugal. The chief guests are world champions Julien Gonzales (France) and Pietro Adragna (Italy).


Scandinavian Music Concert, Warsaw – Poland

On Monday March 9th and Wednesday March 11th, 7.30pm both evenings, in the Chamber Music Hall, Warsaw Philharmonic, there will be two concerts of Scandinavian music, performed by Nikolaj Busk – accordion, Rune Tonsgaard Sorensen – violin, and  Ale Carr – cittern. The second concert also involves the Danish String Quartet.

The 150th anniversary of the birth of the Danish composer Carl Nielsen provides the context for the presentation of Scandinavian music to the audience in Warsaw. Nielsen combines European musical traditions with native folklore, and these concerts of Scandinavian music will consist of Nielsen’s compositions and also of folk and contemporary folk-inspired music by artists from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


Jack Emblow & Tony Compton Concert, Essex - UK

posterThe veteran jazz duo entertainers Jack Emblow and Tony Compton are the guest at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday March 12th, 7.30pm. The Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger) will perform a supporting spot. The venue is the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT.

Proceeds from this concert go to Cancer Research UK.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: NZAA Prospectus and Site Update - New Zealand

NZAA logoThe NZAA has an ammended Prospectus for the South Pacific Accordion Championships and its website updated. Closing date for entries is 12 April 2015. Entrants from all countries welcome.


Updated Site: Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert Berlin Philharmonie Double CD

Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert CD coverThe double CD was recorded live at the Berlin Philharmonie Tangokonzert by Guardia Nueva in 2014 and features 21 tracks that are headlined as "Latin and Finnish Tango with Passion".

The popular Guardia Neuva, founded and conducted by Raimo Vertainen (picture right) has enjoyed popular success in Finland and internationally. This double CD costs Euro 20 plus postage or you can download the eTracks mp3 files double album at: gnueva03


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Released - Israel

OY630 music sampleoybook coverAdina Oppenheimer has released the following work: Quadri D'israele 1 - Caravan To The Dead Sea (Solo), composed by the late Yehuda Oppenheimer which is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY630

This work was previously only published in the book about Yehuda Oppenheimer titled: The Man The Accordion And The Legend Catalog oybook


Updated Site: Douglas Ward eSheet Music Page - UK

Douglas WardThe internet page for the work Emancipation composed by Douglas Ward, catalog M375E published by Charnwood Publishing has been updated.


Updated Site: Fang Yuan Site Update With Video - Singapore

Fang Yuan site updated with new contact information and video. In the video, Fang Yuan, plays one of her compositions on her 2nd visit to USA in 1990.

Fang Yuan, a very talented, performer, teacher and composer said, that she spent many mornings listening to hundreds of birds before writing her composition which is based on a Chinese folk song interlaced with many bird calls.


Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price

Gary DahlUpdated site. Gary Dahl eBook (sent to you by email) collections. Each of the 7 books saves more than 50% off sheet music purchased individually. Updated, you can also purchase the Complete Gary Dahl eBooks Collection of 7 eBook's (value US$262), for a special price of only US$190 or the € equivalent. Cat: DH01-07eB

Individual eBooks:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! Collection #1- eBook
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards Collection #2 - eBook
DH03-eB - The American Songbook Collection #3- eBook
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas Collection #4 - eBook
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #5 - eBook
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #6 - eBook
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols Collection #7 - eBook


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Arrangement Released - Israel

OY608 sample pageoybook coverAdina Oppenheimer has released the following work: Toy Symphony by Joseph Hadyn arranged by the late Yehuda Oppenheimer which is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY608

This work was previously only published in the book about Yehuda Oppenheimer titled: "The Man The Accordion And The Legend" Catalog oybook


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Let Me Tell You A Story CD by Random Encounter

Let Me Tell You A Story CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Let Me Tell You A Story CD by Random Encounter, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers


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