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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Aug-2020
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Saludamos a Yevgeny Pavlovich Rodygin, famoso compositor y héroe - Rusia
XI Concurso Internacional de Intérpretes de Instrumentos Populares "Copa Belogorya", Belgorod - Rusia
Nihad Hrustanbegovic actúa en el Festival de Cine de Sarajevo - Bosnia y Herzegovina
El dúo Aspera realiza un concierto con entradas agotadas en la 15a edición de Music & Nature 2020, Porto Torres - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Folk Trio Entertain at Folklore Evening in Druskininkai - Lithuania
2020 Virtual Accordion Camp Reunion - USA
2020 Australian International Accordion Championship Large Online Entry Success! – Australia
Brandon McPhee Plays Scottish Accordion Music - Scotland
New Site: Lian Jones, Accordion and Piano Teacher, North Shore - New Zealand
Postponed: Christchurch Accordion Orchestra Concert with Stedfast Brass Band – New Zealand
Cassotto Duo Performs Special Concert in Vermont – USA
Cancelled: 2020 MacLagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia

Future events

AKVR Accordion Orchestra Annual Concert, Recklinghausen – Germany
Alex Meixner Performs at Drive-In German Fest, Wisconsin – USA
Marc Berthoumieux Masterclass in Plescop - France
Scythian Perform at "The Big Hooley", Virginia - USA
Kosmos Ensemble Perform at Isle of Man – UK
CNIMA Full year Program Starts on September 21st 2020 - France
Alexander Maurer Styrian Harmonica Course, Trossingen - Germany

New and Updated Sites

Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia
Fechas de NAO 2021 y representantes de Coupe Mondiale Portugal - Reino Unido
Paulo Jorge Ferreira CD Sold Out, Now Percursos eTracks Album - Portugal
€20 for 6 albums, Castelfidardo Winners 1995-2000 - Italy

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Saludamos a Yevgeny Pavlovich Rodygin, famoso compositor y héroe - Rusia

Video 1:


Video 3:

Video 4:
Yevgeny RodyginVideo 1: Una grabación poco común de la actuación del Coro Folklórico de los Urales en la Televisión Central de la URSS, Moscú, Rusia en la década de 1950. Seguido de una actuación mucho más reciente del Ural Folk Choir del Ural Rowan Tree a la que asistió Yevgeny Rodygin.
Video 2: Obituario de TV, que también muestra la historia temprana de Rodygin tocando el acordeón.
Video 3: Video de un letrero conmemorativo abierto en el parque del río Chusovaya. Rodygin nació en Chusovoy.
Video 4: N.Kanaev. Fantasía sobre el tema de la canción popular rusa "Ural Rowan Tree" interpretada por Yuri Vostrelov. Grabado en 1980.

Saludamos la asombrosa vida de Yevgeny Rodygin, nacido el 16 de febrero de 1925 y fallecido el 19 de julio de 2020 a los 95 años. Fue el compositor de muchas canciones populares, cuando era joven aprendió el acordeón de botones, fue soldado de primera línea galardonado con la "Medalla del Valor "en 1944. Recibió muchos premios, incluido el de Ciudadano de Honor de la Región de Sverdlovsk y Ekaterimburgo. Artista del Pueblo de Rusia (1999).

Su obra más famosa fue "Hawthorn Tree" (chino: Shanzhashù), originalmente el "Ural Rowan Tree", fue la primera canción de amor de la era soviética escrita por Mikhail Pilinenko y compuesta por Evgeny Rodygin en 1953. La canción describe un triángulo amoroso, donde una niña, frente a dos pretendientes, se acerca al árbol Rowan en busca de ayuda.

Junto con una gran cantidad de canciones soviéticas, se introdujo en China en la década de 1950, donde esta canción se hizo inmensamente popular y sigue siendo extremadamente popular hasta el día de hoy.

Poco antes de la guerra, Yevgeny se alistó y durante la guerra, pasó de soldado raso a sargento mayor. En 1944 recibió la Medalla al Coraje. El 23 de abril de 1945 resultó gravemente herido en el río Oder.

Después del final de la guerra, ingresó en el departamento de composición del Conservatorio Estatal de los Urales. En 1950 se graduó del conservatorio, tras lo cual se convirtió en el director de la parte musical del Coro Folklórico de los Urales, donde se desempeñó hasta 1956 promoviendo el desarrollo de la música folclórica rusa. Las canciones escritas en la década de 1950 le dieron popularidad al joven compositor. Realizó muchas giras por la Unión Soviética, también visitó Polonia, Checoslovaquia, la República Democrática Alemana, Bulgaria, Rumania.

En 1957 Yevgeny Rodygin fue admitido en la Unión de Compositores de la URSS. Sus partituras musicales se publicaron y las canciones de Rodygin se reproducían regularmente en radio y televisión. Sus principales obras de las décadas de 1950 y 1960 fueron comedias musicales.

En las décadas de 1960 y 1970, el compositor realizó muchas giras por la Unión Soviética, interpretando sus canciones, participó en las décadas del arte ruso en las repúblicas de la URSS. Como parte de los "trenes de las artes" también visitó rincones remotos del país.

El 4 de mayo de 1986 fue condecorado con la Orden de la Guerra Patria, 2º grado. En 1998 fue elegido ciudadano honorario de Ekaterimburgo.

2020 ha sido declarado el año de Yevgeny Rodygin en la región de Sverdlovsk. En febrero de 2020, se celebró el festival "Facetas del arte de Yevgeny Rodygin".

Hasta el final de su vida, Evgeny Pavlovich Rodygin continuó participando en la creatividad musical.
Yevgeny Rodygin


XI Concurso Internacional de Intérpretes de Instrumentos Populares "Copa Belogorya", Belgorod - Rusia

Lips presenting trophies
Kubok logoImagen de arriba: el presidente del jurado, Friedrich Lips, presentando trofeos en el evento de 2019

La ciudad de Belgorod acogerá el XI Concurso Internacional de Intérpretes de Instrumentos Populares "Copa Belogorya" del 23 al 27 de noviembre de 2020.

Las clases de competencia incluirán:
Solistas (estudiantes a partir de 10 años, estudiantes de la SSUS, Universidad, intérpretes sin restricción de edad)
Duetos & Tríos (estudiantes a partir de 10 años, estudiantes de la SSUS, Universidad, intérpretes sin restricción de edad).

El profesor Friedrich Lips (Jefe del Departamento de Bayan y Acordeón de la Academia de Música de Rusia llamado Gnesin, Artista Folklórico de la Federación de Rusia) es el presidente del jurado de la Sección de Acordeón de Bayan del concurso.

La competencia es parte del sistema de toda Rusia de selección de artistas en el bayan y el acordeón "Campeón de Rusia - Campeón del Mundo" para participar en las principales competencias internacionales "Copa del Mundo" y "Trofeo del Mundo".

Las inscripciones cierran el 23 de octubre de 2020. Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: rumc@bgiik.ru

Descargar las bases del concurso en ruso: 2020BelogoryaRules.pdf


Nihad Hrustanbegovic actúa en el Festival de Cine de Sarajevo - Bosnia y Herzegovina

Sarajevo Film Festival
Nihad HrustanbegovicVideo: Nihad Hrustanbegovic interpretando The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain del compositor Yann Tiersen.

El Festival de Cine de Sarajevo está actualmente en marcha en Sarajevo, Bosnia y Herzegovina y se extenderá hasta el 21 de agosto con transmisiones en vivo de BHRT desde el escenario de la alfombra roja del Teatro Nacional de Sarajevo a cargo del acordeonista Nihad Hrustanbegovic.

Nihad contará con 5 bandas sonoras de películas y música de la siguiente manera:

- Adiós a Cheyenne de Ennio Moricone (compositor, orquestador y director italiano fallecido el 6 de julio de 2020) - Once Upon a Time in the West

- La valse d'Amélie de Yann Tiersen - Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain

- Los niños del Pireo de Manos Hatzidakis - Nunca el domingo

- He visto esa cara antes (Libertango) Grace Jones (Astor Piazzolla) - Frantic

- Take Five de Paul Desmond - impecable.


El dúo Aspera realiza un concierto con entradas agotadas en la 15a edición de Music & Nature 2020, Porto Torres - Italia

Video: Duo Aspera interpreta 'Song of the Far North' compuesta por Gary Daverne.

Duo Aspera, que incluye a la acordeonista Ghenadie Rotari y Valentina Vargiu (piano) realizó un concierto con entradas agotadas en el 15 ° Festival Music & Nature 2020 celebrado en el Jardín del Hotel Libyssonis en Porto Torres, Italia el 15 de agosto.

El evento fue organizado por la Associazione Musicando Insieme e incluyó dos clases magistrales y 15 conciertos en total de una variedad de artistas.

El dúo interpretó piezas de Makkonen y Piazzolla.
Duo Aspera


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Folk Trio Entertain at Folklore Evening in Druskininkai - Lithuania

Folk poster
Nerijus BakulaThe Folk Trio entertained at a Folklore Evening held at the Druskininku Kulturos Centras in Druskininkai, Lithuania on August 7th hosted by Kukumbalis, Dainavos krašto folkloro švente (Dainavos Edge Folk festival).

The project was funded by the Lithuanian Council of Culture and the Municipality of Druskininkai.

Folk Trio includes accordionist Nerijus Bakula (picture left) and the group enjoy performing a variety of Lithuanian folk songs that tell the history of their nation.


2020 Virtual Accordion Camp Reunion - USA

Video 1:

Video 2:
Frank Marocco Accordion Event logoVideo 1: Les Miserables Medley arranged for accordion orchestra & conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers at the 2014 Mesa Accordion Event
Video 2: "A" Train arranged for accordion orchestra & conducted by Frank Marocco at the 2011 Frank Marocco Accordion Event

In 2006 Frank Marocco asked Joan Grauman and me to run an accordion orchestra camp for him. We had previously attended accordion orchestra camps, but had never run one. We couldn’t turn Frank down, so we agreed to give it a try. Eight wonderful camps followed starting in January 2007, where lots of friendships were made.

Frank had the foresight in 2009 to name Stas Venglevski as Assistant Music Director. When Frank sadly passed away on 2012, we were able to continue the camp for three more years, culminating in the 2014 event at which we celebrated Joan Sommers’ 80th birthday with an orchestra of 55 accordionists plus percussion and upright bass.

The onset of the Corona Virus has certainly changed the way we live. Seeing all the virtual concerts that are taking place online, it occurred to me that a virtual reunion with people who attended our camp over the years might be feasible. I polled past attendees, and 35 signed up to participate in a video conference.

With that many participants, we had to limit each person to talking for no more than two minutes. Three videos were interspersed during the session, two of which are included with this article.

The reunion was a huge success lasting nearly three hours. While some of the participants have been communicating one-on-one, interacting virtually as a group was very exciting and meaningful. I highly recommend it!
Zoom participants


2020 Australian International Accordion Championship Large Online Entry Success! – Australia

AATA logoMore than 140 individual contestants (170 plus entries) are competing in the Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) online competition this year. The committee has been thrilled with the number of contestants from Australia, Russia, China, Canada, Belarus, New Zealand, Serbia, Slovakia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Taiwan, Montenegro, Croatia, Ukraine, Hungary, UK and Spain.

Originally scheduled for 22/23 August, the results will now be announced on 28th August. A special feature of the competitions is the younger age group classes provided to give international competition experience to younger players by the AATA, a premiere voting member of the Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes (CIA).

Picture below: AATA President Tatjana Marx and AATA Secretary Melissa She collating entries.
T Lukic and M She


Brandon McPhee Plays Scottish Accordion Music - Scotland

Video: Brandon McPhee playing Scottish Accordion Music from Wick, Caithness. This tune is called “Happy Hours” and is played a lot at Scottish Music functions, but originally comes from France under the title Plaisance Fox and was played by Emile Vacher in the early 1900s.


New Site: Lian Jones, Accordion and Piano Teacher, North Shore - New Zealand

Lian JonesVideo: Tango Project "Milonga De Cuatro", Astor Piazzolla "Triunfal" & "Libertango"Astor, performers: violin Irina Lgotkina, accordion Lian Jones, contrabass Marija Durdevic, piano Natalia Meyta.

Lian Jones AIRMT, Dip MusEd, is proud of to announce the launch of her new website https://lianjonesmusician.wixsite.com/lian designed by her daughter Alanah.

Lian is a performer and teacher of both the piano and accordion, based on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand.

Born and raised in the Fujian Province of China, Lian (Huang Lingling) started playing the piano accordion at age 5, and began to learn piano and keyboard soon after. At 15, she began her studies at Fujian Normal University, majoring in Music Education under Prof. Li Weiming. Lian has won awards and placed at multiple piano and accordion competitions both in China and internationally.

Lian has been teaching piano and accordion in Auckland for over 20 years, and has taught many accordion students who have gained success nationally at the NZ and South Pacific Accordion Championships and also represented New Zealand internationally at the Coupe Mondiale and other competitions. Her students in both accordion and piano also excel in examinations.

Alongside her teaching, Lian is an avid performer as a member of the Auckland Accordion Symphonietta, conducted by Lionel Reekie, and the Tango Project, Milonga de Cuatro.

Picture below: Lian Jones playing the solo for the Auckland Accordion Symphonietta's world premiere of Gary Daverne's 'Song of the Far North'
Lian Jones


Postponed: Christchurch Accordion Orchestra Concert with Stedfast Brass Band – New Zealand

PostponedCAAThe Christchurch Accordion Orchestra (conducted by David Thorne) concert in conjunction with the Stedfast Brass Band at the Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church in Christchurch, New Zealand on August 16th has been postponed due to Covid-19 regulations.

Please hold on to your tickets as the concert will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

For details email: thornd@xtra.co.nz


Cassotto Duo Performs Special Concert in Vermont – USA

Cassotto DuoThe Central Vermont Chamber Music Festival presented the Cassotto Duo in a special live and online concert on August 21st at the Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, Orange County, Vermont, USA.

The duo consists of Jeremiah McLane (accordion) and Annemieke McLane (piano) who played an hour-long program, featuring music of Couperin, J.S. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Dvorak, Piazzola, Jo Privat and Jeremiah McLane.

Because of Covid-19 guidelines, only 75 audience members were permitted in the hall (masks and social distancing was required), so the concert was also live-streamed.


Cancelled: 2020 MacLagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia

Festival poster
CancelledOrganisers of the 2020 MacLagan Squeezebox Festival are disappointed to announce that this year’s festival is cancelled due to Covid-19. The event was due to take place in Queensland, Australia in October.

They now are planning to “keep the traditions alive” with the October 2021 event.


Future events

AKVR Accordion Orchestra Annual Concert, Recklinghausen – Germany

AKVR poster
The Akkordeonklänge Vest Recklinghausen e.V. orchestra (AKVR) will perform a concert at the Bürgerhaus Süd in Recklinghausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany on 23rd August at 3pm.

The concert will be subject to Covid-19 regulations to ensure the safety of all attendees.

Everyone is welcome.

See poster for details.


Alex Meixner Performs at Drive-In German Fest, Wisconsin – USA

German fest poster
The Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties drive-in Germanfest will be held at the West Bend Germanfest Tailgate Grounds in West Bend, Wisconsin from August 27th to 30th, 2020.

The Alex Meixner Band is making only one stop in Wisconsin this summer & that is at this Germanfest fundraiser on August 28th at 7pm.

Due to Covid-19, organisers have set up the event so that each car (up to 4 people limit per car) will have their own dedicated Tailgate parking spot for their 4 chairs! So all you have to do is bring your chairs, your appetite and enjoy the show!

There will be beverage carts selling drinks and food cart lines will have social distancing spots for those waiting to order.

See poster for details.


Marc Berthoumieux Masterclass in Plescop - France

Marc BerthoumieuxMarc Berthoumieux (picture left) will hold a Masterclass in Plescop, Brittany, France on August 27th from midday to 6pm, hosted by Loric Accordéons.

The event will be held as part of the “Jazz in Plescop” festival which will take place on August 28th in Plescop with a performance by the Marc Berthoumieux Quartet.

The Masterclass is open to Chromatic and Diatonic accordionists with basic knowledge of harmony, groove and swing. Attendees will meet with the artist to learn his artistic approach and how he approaches the practice of the accordion.

For details email: fanch.loric@gmail.com


Scythian Perform at "The Big Hooley", Virginia - USA

Scythian poster
Dan FPopular band “Scythian”, (which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka) are pleased to perform their first live concerts since Covid-19 at “The Big Hooley” outdoor lawn show held at the B Chord Brewery in Round Hill, Loudoun County, Virginia, USA on September 5th and 6th, 2020.

The event will include 3 other bands, all playing on an outdoor stage, a special show for children entitled “Cake for Dinner”, plus Scythian will feature different shows on each day.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


Kosmos Ensemble Perform at Isle of Man – UK

The Kosmos Ensemble will perform at the Isle of Man, UK on September 10th. The trio consists of London based accordionist Miloš Milivojevic, Harriet Mackenzie (violin) and Meg-Rosaleen Hamilton (viola).

They play a mix of classical and world music, an inspirational combination of Tango, Gypsy, Balkan and Japanese music.

For further concert information email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


CNIMA Full year Program Starts on September 21st 2020 - France

CNIMA Promotional Video:
The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix have announced their full year program will begin at the international accordion school on September 21st, 2020.

This program gives you the opportunity to achieve National French conservatory diplomas at high speed. Because of the intensive studying schedule, one year at the CNIMA equals (on average), 4 years in a music conservatory!

Students can live at the accordion school with full board at a very reasonable rate and not worry about anything but studying in a beautiful, quiet, family like environment.

The CNIMA also offers shorter study programs.

To register please email: cnima@orange.fr


Alexander Maurer Styrian Harmonica Course, Trossingen - Germany

Alexander MaurerHohner ConservatoryAlexander Maurer (picture above) will hold a Styrian Harmonica Certificate Course at the Hohner Conservatory (picture above right) in Trossingen, Germany beginning in September 2020.

The course entitled “The Styrian Harmonica in Artistic and Educational Practice” is a two-year certificate course for accordionists and harmonica players and is aimed at accordionists with degrees (Bachelor or StMP) or advanced accordionists/harmonica players.

The course orientation day will be held on September 20th, 2020 with registrations open until September 7th.

Further registrations are possible until October 15th, with the course due to begin on November 28th, 2020 and run until June 2022.

The course prepares students for their work in artistic and/or pedagogical fields. They acquire the skills to teach different musical styles in different formats, to develop new ways of musical mediation and to present themselves as stylistically versatile musicians as soloists or ensembles.

For information and registration email: bewerbung@hohner-konservatorium.de


New and Updated Sites

Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

Accordion Russia banner
Accordion Russia News in Russian language is updated with new items


Fechas de NAO 2021 y representantes de Coupe Mondiale Portugal - Reino Unido

NAO banner
La Organización National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) ha publicado las fechas para su evento de 2021: 23 al 25 de abril de 2021, en el Hotel Adelphi en Liverpool, Inglaterra.

La NAO también se complace en anunciar que 2 candidatos, Annalise Bodell y Ciaran Gilligan, han sido seleccionados (video) para representar a la NAO en la 73a Coupe Mondiale, que se celebrará del 6 al 10 de octubre en Castro Marim, Algarve, Portugal.

El anfitrión del evento es el miembro de la CIA Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve dirigida por el presidente João Pereira.

Próximamente se anunciará más información sobre los festivales del área de NAO en: NAO
NAO winners


Paulo Jorge Ferreira CD Sold Out, Now Percursos eTracks Album - Portugal

Paulo Jorge Ferreira
Percursos CD CoverThe CD Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira has sold out and is now being released as an mp3 eTracks Album.

The album has a number of popular concert tracks (15) including:
Steps, Sonata in C Major, K. 545, Malaguena (from Suite Andalucia), Gothique Suite for Organ, The Blue Danube Waltz (Arr. Oleg Sharov).

Tracks are available individually or purchase the album for €10, Catalog 1115eT Percursos

Read the review by Prof. Joan Sommers at: Catalog 1115eT Percursos


€20 for 6 albums, Castelfidardo Winners 1995-2000 - Italy

The historical eTracks mp3 download of 6 albums are being made available with a great price so that every teacher and serious student can add the music to their collection.

These historic recordings of the 1995 to 2000 winners are 6 complete albums of winners for only €20. There is an album for each year, and they are sent to you by internet. This special price is available for 3 weeks only. Catalog: JL0CD6Packs Performers include many famous names.

You may purchase individual albums too. Click the catalog number to view the tracks and winners of each year.
Premio e Concorso Winners 1995 Catalog: JL009 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1996 Catalog: JL013 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1997 Catalog: JL012 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1998 Catalog: JL010 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1999 Catalog: JL011 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 2000 Catalog: JL014 for €9


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