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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Mar-2020
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Особенности Highlights

Примечание редактора:
Концерт Аккордеонного Дома - Хорватия
Влияние коронавируса на концерты Стаса Венглевского 5 - США
Нельсон Консейсау номинирован на Международную португальскую музыкальную премию - Португалия и США
30-й фестиваль AAMS 6 и 7 марта, Нью-Джерси - США
Марта Кубас Хондал получает 2-ю премию в конкурсе «Продигиос» TVE1 - Испания
Successful Accordion Band Workshop, Stockport – UK

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Cory Pesaturo & Leah Zeger Create an Album in 3 Hours - USA
Romano Viazzani Ensemble CD ‘London Tango’, London – UK
Frank Mucedola Accordion School Receives 2020 Best of Auburn Award - USA
Accordion Noir Virtual Concert – Canada
Emma Wollum, Humorous YouTube video - Watch the Throne - New Zealand

Будущие события

Corona Cancellations, Country Alphabetical Order
Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order
Online Bal Folk Party with Accordionist Rachel Bell
Traditional Hungarian Folk Music with Vardos Trio - Australia
Accordionist to Run Marathon Playing the Accordion - England
80th ATG Festival Hoping to Go Ahead in Los Angeles - USA
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concerts, New York - USA
2020 3rd Annual San Diego Accordion Camp New Date - USA
2021 Accademia del Ridotto Stradella International Music Competition – Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Примечание редактора:

Christine JohnstoneНа этой неделе мы рады сообщить вам хорошие новости о предстоящих аккордеонных событиях, обзорах конкурсов / фестивалей, а также о неудачных отменах и отсрочках событий, происходящих по всему миру, из-за коронавируса Covid-19.

В это время очень важно оставаться позитивным и мотивировать вас заниматься и наслаждаться своим аккордеоном.

В то время как правительства по всему миру закрывают свои границы и вводят ограничения на поездки и т. д., аккордеонисты заняты внедрением альтернативных способов донести свою музыку до общественности через Интернет, то есть видео, социальные сети, потоковое вещание, Skype и т. д.

Наши еженедельные новости сообщают вам об этих мероприятиях, поэтому, пожалуйста, напишите нам по адресу: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz с информацией о вашем мероприятии.

В это непростое время, пользуясь интернетом из безопасности и комфорта вашего собственного дома, вы можете продолжать пользоваться нашим любимым инструментом.

Желаем вам радостных дней с вашим аккордеоном от команды на Accordions Worldwid


Концерт Аккордеонного Дома - Хорватия

House concert poster
Martina JembrisakМартина Джембрисак объявила, что, к сожалению, все ее концерты в марте и апреле 2020 года были отменены.

Поэтому 29 марта в 19:00 она проведет House Concert для всех друзей и любителей музыки. Виртуальное представление будет транслироваться в прямом эфире из ее дома в Загребе, Хорватия.

Концерт будет включать премьеру произведения под названием «Les Couleurs de mon Ame», написанного молодой композитором Марианной Филиппой.

Мартина также хотела бы «пригласить других музыкантов присоединиться к этой инициативе и сделать прямой эфир их домашнего концерта, чтобы вместе мы могли наполнить эти трудные дни музыкой!»

Для деталей - электронная почта: jembrisakmartina@gmail.com


Влияние коронавируса на концерты Стаса Венглевского 5 - США

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Stas VenglevskiВидео 1: Летний солнечный свет в исполнении Стаса Венглевского. Ноты доступны онлайн, каталог: vstas056
Видео 2: Соната Скарлатти в CM и Соната в Cm
Видео 3: Феличе и Брайдо Брайант

Музыканты наиболее сильно пострадали от воздействия Корона вируса. Отмена всех видов развлечений. В добавок к этому, студенты переведены на дисстанционное обучение.

Недавно я заказал пять концертов за пять дней в столичном округе Вашингтон, округ Колумбия / Мэриленд / Вирджиния известного исполнителя Стаса Венглевского Stas Venglevski. Все пять концертов были отменены.

Я предложил Стасу сделать импровизированный домашний концерт. Ему понравилась эта идея, и тогда я быстро распространил его приглашения среди нескольких соседей, членов семьи и друзей. Многие сказали, что не хотят рисковать, поэтому собралась не большая, но очень благодарная аудитория из четырех человек!

Если ваши правила позволяют и у вас есть возможность провести домашний концерт, учитывая все рекомендуемые меры предосторожности, вы можете оказать большую помощь музыканту в это трудное время.


Нельсон Консейсау номинирован на Международную португальскую музыкальную премию - Португалия и США

Nelson ConceiçãoАлгарвийский аккордеонист Нельсон Консейсау (на фото слева) получил двойную номинацию на Международную португальскую музыкальную премию (IPMA) 2020 года. Победители будут объявлены 25 апреля в театре Zeiterion в Нью-Бедфорде, штат Массачусетс (США).

Нельсон Консейсау был номинирован в двух номинациях: «Лучшее инструментальное исполнение» с темой «Мистер Мачадо» и «Лучшее традиционное исполнение» с Чаролеской. Эти две темы являются частью CD Descobrindo-me, выпущенного в прошлом году.

Международная Португальская Музыкальная Премия 2020 года включает 13 номинаций с номинантами из восьми разных стран.
Nelson Conceição


30-й фестиваль AAMS 6 и 7 марта, Нью-Джерси - США

AAMS Festival header
Joan SommersJoan Sommers30-й фестиваль AAMS прошел 6 и 7 марта в Черри Хилл, штат Нью-Джерси. Это был вихрь аккордеонной музыки, семинаров, встреч новых и старых друзей, аккордеонных оркестров, солистов и многих других.

Во время фестиваля были мастер-классы и два фестивальных оркестра под руководством приглашенных дирижеров Ди Лэнгли и лауреата фестиваля Джоан С. Соммерс (Joan C. Sommers, фото слева).

Джоанна Арнольд Дарроу руководила аккордеонным оркестром Вестмонтской филармонии.

Отчет и фотографии на сайте: 2020AAMS

Фото ниже: президент ААА д-р Джозеф А. Чикконе, профессор Джоан С. Соммерс, директор фестиваля AAMS Джоанна Арнольд Дарроу, президент ATG Джо Натоли.


Марта Кубас Хондал получает 2-ю премию в конкурсе «Продигиос» TVE1 - Испания

Marta16-летняя аккордеонистка, Марта Кубас Хондал, заняла 2-е место в конкурсе TVE1 «Prodigios» из 200 кандидатов. Последние 9 были выбраны для выступления на телевидении, где они сыграли 4 тура в сопровождении симфонического оркестра Кастилии и Леона. Марта исполнила танго для Клода (Гальяно), Либертанго (Пьяццолла), Вальса де Амели (Тирсен) и Обливиона (Пьяццолла) в аранжировках своего учителя Горки Эрмосы.

Телепередача имела аудиторию около 2 миллионов зрителей каждую неделю. В состав жюри вошли известные испанские артисты современности: сопрано Айнхоа Артета, дирижер Андрес Саладо и лауреат Национальной премии классического танца Начо Дуато


Successful Accordion Band Workshop, Stockport – UK

Bert SantillyOn March 14th, the Stockport Accordion Club held an accordion band workshop at Woodley Methodist Church, led by visiting teacher Bert Santilly (picture left). This proved to be a superb and most enjoyable event in which Bert Santilly guided the participants with skill and patience through four contrasting pieces.

He shared his great musical knowledge and expertise, and all present learned a lot during the course of the day. After lunch Bert performed a short concert which included some songs from his wife Helen. The refreshments were plentiful and much enjoyed, including some of Marj Howard's super cakes.

The day finished with a performance of all four pieces for the audience, which included Stockport AC President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and North Staffs AC President Steve Hughes.

The four workshop pieces were 'A Man and a Woman' (Francis Lai), 'Roses d'Automne' (a French café waltz composed by Jean Peyronnin), 'Tom Hark' (a notable hit record in the late 1950s from South African band Elias and His Zig-Zag Jive Flutes), and 'Tates Freilach' (a klezmer piece composed by Joachim Johow, and played at a frantic pace).

Tony Britton, a participant from the North Staffs AC afterwards aptly commented “The workshop was a perfect balance of tuition, pieces, venue, and hospitality. I'm so glad that a couple of us from North Staffs accepted the invite to join in. Many thanks”.

Bert Santilly, from Cambridge, is well known for his performances and for leading jazz accordion and busking workshops at the Caister, Seacroft and other accordion festivals.
workshop participants


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Cory Pesaturo & Leah Zeger Create an Album in 3 Hours - USA

Cory Pesaturo and violinist/vocalist Leah Zeger felt they could create an albums worth of music in a 3 hour recording session.

The video above includes snippets (many comedic) of how it came together; rehearsals were nothing but a few sentences, talking form and key, and even tune choices, were nothing but simple discussions. Incredibly - they did it!!

Cory thanks Stevie Blackie for his incredible studio work! Recorded in LA in 2020.


Romano Viazzani Ensemble CD ‘London Tango’, London – UK

CD cover‘London Tango’ is a much awaited debut album by the Romano Viazzani Ensemble. This superb recording – described in its publicity as “Argentine tango with a London twist” – features the considerable combined talents of Romano Viazzani (accordion), John Bailey (piano), Barbara Dziewiecka–Data (violin), Nick Pini (double bass), Jonathan Preiss (electric guitar), and vocalists Joanna Strand and Jacqui Tate.

The publicity says: “Superb performances by world class musicians and singers from the worlds of Jazz, Classical, Latin-American and the West End Theatre. All the fire and passion of Argentine tango but with an infusion of London added to the mix. Eight new compositions and some classic Argentine, European tangos too, with a good dose of Astor Piazzolla make this an irresistible album for any collector”. This CD has excellent sound quality, enabling the various band members to be heard with exceptional clarity.

Tracks: ‘London Tango’ (Ballet, Romano Viazzani), ‘The Tango Underground’ (R. Viazzani), ‘Libertango’ (Astor Piazzolla -Transcr/arr. John Bailey), ‘Chiquilin de Bachin’ (A. Piazzolla -arr. Jonathan Preiss), ‘Swing A Left Off Waltz Street To Tango Gardens Please Cabby’ (Tango-Waltz, R. Viazzani), ‘Jorge’ (Mario Fulgoni), ‘Yo Soy Maria’ (A. Piazzolla), ‘Canaro en Paris’ (Juan Scarpino/Alejandro Caldarella), ‘Barimar A Londra’ (Barimar/R. Viazzani), ‘Nature Boy’ (Ballet, Eden Abhez – arr. R. Viazzani), ‘Tango Italiano’ (Bruno Pallesi / Luciano Beretta / Walter Malgoni), ‘Scherzo’ (Mario Fulgoni), ‘Escualo’ (A. Piazzolla), ‘Getaway Car’ (R. Viazzani), ‘Terminal Tango’ (R. Viazzani).

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Frank Mucedola Accordion School Receives 2020 Best of Auburn Award - USA

music awardThe Frank Mucedola Accordion School in Auburn, NY has been selected for the 2020 Best of Auburn Award in the Music Instructor category by the Auburn Award Program.

Each year, the Auburn Award Program identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community. These exceptional companies help make the Auburn area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2020 Auburn Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Auburn Award Program and data provided by third parties.


Accordion Noir Virtual Concert – Canada

accordion noirThe Accordion Noir radio show (Bruce Triggs and Rowan Lipkovit) from Vancouver, Canada are looking at curating an Accordion Noir virtual concert (perhaps the first in a series), collecting live video streams of accordion performances by gigging musicians suffering from event cancellations.

If you are interested in participating, or have strong feelings or good insights into the best technologies for getting the performances to the home audience please get in touch.

Check out Accordion Noir fans - Facebook.


Emma Wollum, Humorous YouTube video - Watch the Throne - New Zealand

New Zealand accordionist Emma Wollum has uploaded a humorous video entitled "Watch the Throne". In New Zealand (and overseas) toilet rolls have been in high demand because of Covid-19 and the supermarket shelves in some places are nearly empty of toilet paper!

Translation for non-New Zealand viewers:
- Throne - toilet seat
- loo roll = toilet paper
- Farro Fresh = (capital-F) Fancy supermarket
- Remuera = one of the most affluent Auckland suburbs. Emma says "I live in Remuera but let's face it I am a comedy accordion player so I will never not be renting!"

Enjoy and have a laugh!


Будущие события

Corona Cancellations, Country Alphabetical Order

cancellationsEmail cancelled events to: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz for immediate listing

Vardos Trio Performance at Yackandandah Folk Festival in Victoria – event cancelled

Geoff Berner Concert Tour to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands - cancelled

Roman Jbanov has announced that all his Masterclasses for March and April have been cancelled

Musikmesse, Musikmesse Plaza 2020 and all Musikmesse Festival events - cancelled
57th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - cancelled

Accademia del Ridotto Stradella International Music Competition - April - cancelled - see news item below for 2021 competition information

3rd Accordion Festival of Malta - April - cancelled

Black Pencil Concert in AT Mook, Limburg - cancelled
All April concerts by Black Pencil are also cancelled

New Zealand:
‘An American Journey’ an Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends, Dargaville - cancelled - ticket holders can ask for a full refund, leave it as a donation to the Museum, or use it to exchange for a ticket to the next scheduled concert in November 2020
Music Education Centre Performance Afternoon in Takapuna, Auckland in April - cancelled
Milonga de Cuatro concert in Mt Eden Village, Auckland on April 8th - cancelled

Swaledale Squeeze Concertina Weekend – May 2020 – cancelled
Leyland Accordion Club, Lancashire, England - all meetings are suspended until further notice
Sinfonia Cymru, Wales - all events cancelled up until April 1st, when further announcements will be made
Guildford Accordion Club March meeting cancelled, April meeting TBA

2020 National Accordion Convention in Texas - cancelled - they advise that hotel reservations can be cancelled using your confirmation number
Milwaukee Accordion Club - all March events cancelled - Future events will be dealt with as the conditions change.
AWAM World Accordion Day celebration (May 2nd) and Eighth Annual Dr. Willard A. Palmer Festival (May 3rd) - both cancelled
2020 AAA (American Accordionists Association) July 8th to 12th Festival in Alexandria - cancelled


Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order

Fairbridge Festival 2020 in WA, Australia - April - postponed for 6 months

2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions - postponed indefinitely

2020 Annual ATAM New England Music Festival in Massachusetts - postponed
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concert in New York on March 26th - postponed - see news item below for April concert still going ahead at this stage
San Diego Accordion Camp - postponed until July - see news item below for details


Online Bal Folk Party with Accordionist Rachel Bell

Folk partyAccordionist and music teacher Rachel Bell from Pennsylvania has organised an Online Bal Folk Party for Sunday March 22nd at 7pm. She will perform with Becky Tracy (violin). They will play tunes for a variety of dance types, and will give brief reminders of the steps.

Bal folk is European folk dancing (largely from Central France and Brittany) that's very popular across a wide demographic.

This online event is to replace their cancelled concert at the Greenfield Porch House Bal Folk.

Tune in to Rachel Bell's Facebook page for this event. For details email: rachel@rachelbellmusic.com


Traditional Hungarian Folk Music with Vardos Trio - Australia

Vardos Trio
Vardos Trio which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman, will entertain at the Korona Csárda Restaurant, 760 Boronia Rd, Wantirna, Victoria, Australia on March 29th from 12 midday until 3.30pm.

The event will include traditional Hungarian folk music with Vardos Trio and a local folk dance group as well as a buffet lunch.

For bookings phone: 9801 8887


Accordionist to Run Marathon Playing the Accordion - England

Carmine De GrandisNorth Norfolk News have reported that 49 year old Carmine De Grandis (picture right) is planning to get in the Guinness book of records by doing the Mammoth Marathon playing an accordion all the way and raising money for Dementia UK.

"I grew up in the Abruzzo region in Italy," said the dad-of-three. "I started playing the accordion when I was a child - it was quite traditional in that area. I'm a seasoned runner, and a couple of years ago I had the idea of doing these things together".

The event will be held on May 17th from Sea Palling to Sheringham in Norfolk and will be the first full road race since the Norfolk Marathon ended in 1990.

North Norfolk District Council in partnership with the North Norfolk Beach Runners expect over 400 people will take part in the course which will take in some of the district's most iconic sights including Happisburgh Lighthouse, Walcott beach front and Cromer town centre.


80th ATG Festival Hoping to Go Ahead in Los Angeles - USA

ATG PosterAccordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) President Joe Natoli has announced the following:

"Our ATG Board continues to plan for the August 80th anniversary festival in LA.... We at the ATG suggest that you do not make any travel or flight plans currently, especially since many airlines are not offering flight insurance, which could cause you to forfeit your ticket investments if things do not progress favorably.

Let's all take a breath and wait for 2-3 weeks to determine how this will all unfold and at that time we will come back to you. This is all new to each of us, and is unfolding at unprecedented speeds".


Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concerts, New York - USA

HVAE poster
The Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble still plan to present a concert in New York in April. During their program Mary Mancini (vocals) & Mario Tacca (accordion and Music Director of the ensemble) will entertain as a duo.

The Mission Statement of the Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble is to have fun and gather with friends, to make great music together, to bring the melodic and unique sounds of the accordion to people of all age and to bring joy to others!

Concert details as follows:

Postponed: - March 26th from 7pm to 9.30pm: American Legion, Post 136, 1 Legion Way, Mt. Kisco, New York.

Still going ahead: - April 23rd from 6.30pm to 9.30pm: Taormina’s Restaurant, 59 Hudson Avenue, Peekskill, New York. Reservations Required.

For details email: manciniandtacca@gmail.com


2020 3rd Annual San Diego Accordion Camp New Date - USA

Gordon KohlThe 3rd annual San Diego Accordion Camp, under the musical direction of Gordon Kohl (picture left), has been postponed until June 4th to 6th, 2020 at the Mangia Italiano Restaurant in Chula Vista, California.

The camp emphasizes building accordion musicianship skills, enjoyment and self confidence in playing an accordion solo. Both acoustic and digital accordionists are welcome to attend.

This camp is designed for accordionists playing at Palmer Hughes book level 3 to 7. Workshop topics will include solos/duets/trios, exercises, chord harmony, bellow expression, group play and improvisation on two lead chart tunes. The modern tango, “Oblivion,” will be included along with some of Gordon’s original compositions in today’s pop style.

For more information email: GordonKohl@GordonKohlaccordions. com


2021 Accademia del Ridotto Stradella International Music Competition – Italy

Accadamia logoThe Accademia del Ridotto Stradella have announced the cancellation of their April 2020 event. However, plans are already underway for next year’s competition.

The next Stradella International Music Competition will now be held from April 14th to 18th, 2021. The Competition is open to musicians from any country. Winners will be awarded with prize money, concerts and scholarships to study at the Accademia del Ridotto.

The closing date for entries is March 14th, 2021.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

AAA Header
AAA FlierAmerican Accordionists' Association (AAA) Cancels its annual Festival and updates to the site have been made about future events.

AAA Festival 2020 Canceled
March 19, 2020

It is with great disappointment that due to the circumstances surrounding the Corona Virus (COVID-19) emergency, we have made the necessary decision to cancel the AAA Festival July 8-12, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites in Alexandria, Virginia.

Our guest artists have been working hard over many months to prepare this wonderful event and we are so sorry that we will not be able to share these magnificent performances with you. Hopefully our artists will be available to perform at our 2021 AAA Festival in West Philadelphia.

We are committed to public safety, including that of our many loyal attendees, guests and performing artists, and to help support the nation’s strong efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, we join a long list of events that have already been cancelled.

For those who purchased event packages and tickets, we offer them the following options: a full refund, leaving it as a donation or applying it to the 2021 AAA Festival at the Marriott Philadelphia West Hotel in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania July 14-18, 2021, The rate for the hotel remains the same - $130 plus free parking.

We sincerely apologize for this cancellation but feel it is absolutely necessary for the good of everyone at this time.

Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone, President


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