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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Oct-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Финалисты 6 международного конкурса исполнителей на цифровых инструментах Roland V-Accordion Festival, Рим – Италия
Концертный тур Марии Власовой, 10-18 ноября – Австрия
Сэр Джимми Шэнд (Jimmy Shand – 1908-2000) снова на вершине чартов – Германия
Паскаль Савар (Pascal Savard) представляет ТВ шоу “Au Bonheur de Nacre” TV Show, 28 сентября – Франция

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Guinguettes & Accordéon’ Compilation CD, Paris – France
Petar Maric Tour to Portugal and Upcoming Concerts - Portugal, Denmark, Belgium
‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists in World War Two

Будущие события

LATE NEWS: Stefan Andrusyschusyn & Denise Leigh on the Alan Titchmarsh Show - UK
Pascal Contet Dates – France, Argentina
Santa Maria Accordion Band Perform at Mass, Attard - Malta
34th Autumn Accordion Day at Acme Accordion School, New Jersey - USA
Delphine Lemoine Plays for Dancing, Paris – France
Petar Ralchev and Jovan Pavlovic Balkan Music Accordion Workshop – Serbia
Jovan Rnjak Concert @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK
Accordion and Keyboard Continental Music, Pretoria – South Africa
All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK
Tomasz Drabina Recital, Krakow – Poland
Igor Outkine Accompanies 1922 Horror Classic ‘Nosferatu’, London – UK
The 5th Encuentro Mundial de Musicas de Acordeon‏, Valledupar – Colombia
Claudio Jacomucci Contemporary Accordion and Multimedia, Grenoble - Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Franck Angelis Work Titled 'Beijing 2011' - France
Franco Cambareri new music
Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated sites

CD Отзывы

Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips

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Особенности Highlights

Финалисты 6 международного конкурса исполнителей на цифровых инструментах Roland V-Accordion Festival, Рим – Италия

6th Roland International V-Accordion Festival
Компания Roland EU назвала имена конкурсантов, которые вышли в финал 6-ого Международного конкурса Roland V-Accordion Festival, который состоится в Риме 2 и 3 ноября.

Первый тур конкурса пройдет в зале отеля Cicerone Hotel, а второй, финальный, тур, состоится в престижном зале Auditorium Parco della Musica.

Победителями национальных конкурсов и, соответственно, финалистами этого года стали: Rafael Petry (Бразилия), John Lettieri (Канада), Qian He (Китай), Netta Skog (Финляндия), Guillaume Clerget (Франция), Michael Rettig (Германия), Paolo Forte (Италия), Tsuyuko Mirin (Япония), Павел Янаш (Польша), Клавдия Тарабрина (Россия), Javier Arocena (Испания), Лариса Бодель (Великобритания), Светлана Иванченко (США).

Ежедневные отчеты с фотографиями, а также видео трансляции в прямом эфире можно будет посмотреть в Интернете на 2012 Rome Festival. Расписание выступлений появится в эти выходные. Читайте подробнее о предстоящем мероприятии, участниках и жюри на 2012 Rome Festival.

Члены жюри этого года: Wang Han Zhi (Китай), Toni Perttulla (Финляндия), Uwe Steger (Германия), Пьетро Адранья (Италия), Грейсон Мейсфилд (Нова Зеландия), Вячеслав Семенов (Россия), Воин Васович (Сербия).

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с представительницей Roland EU Алессандрой Курци (Alessandra Curzi) по e-mail: acurzi@rolandeur.com


Концертный тур Марии Власовой, 10-18 ноября – Австрия

Maria VlasovaС 10 по 18 ноября известная аккордеонистка Мария Власова даст серию сольных, а также совместных концертов с такими музыкантами, как Стас Венглевски (Stas Venglevski – аккордеон, США) и Миша Литвин (Misha Litvin – домра) в австрийских городах Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Leobendorf, Hochegg, Graz, St. Stefan, Neunkirchen, St. Paul и Hermagor.

В ее программе произведения Моцарта, Скарлатти, Паганини / Листа, Мендельсона, Чайковского, Стравинского, Альбениса, Броннера, Беринского, Пьяццоллы, Мурены, Виссо и На-Юн-Кина.

Мария Власова принадлежит к поколению чрезвычайно одаренных молодых русских аккордеонистов. С 1999 по 2004 год она училась у профессора Фридриха Липса в РАМ им. Гнесиных в Москве, где также закончила аспирантуру в 2007 году.

Мария Власова – многократная победительница престижных международных конкурсов. Она много гастролирует в Италии, Испании, Швейцарии, Дании, Польше, Англии, США, Германии, Китае, а также многих городах России.

В 2011 году Мария Власова записала и выпустила 4 сольных CD. В настоящее время она является солисткой Московской филармонии, а также организатором и художественным руководителем двух международных музыкальных фестивалей.

Дополнительную информацию об австрийском туре Марии можно получить по e-mail у Херберта Шайбенряйфа.


Сэр Джимми Шэнд (Jimmy Shand – 1908-2000) снова на вершине чартов – Германия

BBC Scotland report on the 'Shander' Track

The original ‘The Linton Ploughman’, played by Jimmy Shand and his Band.
Sir Jimmy ShandДиджей Стив Леннон (Stevie Lennon) из Беллшиля (Шотландия) выпустил танцевальный ремикс серии записей Сэра Джимми Шэнда (Jimmy Shand) 60-х годов под общим названием ‘The Linton Ploughman’, в которые вошли ‘The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre’, ‘Lady Nellie Wemyss’, ‘Braidley’s House’, ‘Major Mackie’.

Танцевальный ремикс ‘The Linton Ploughman’, переименованный в ‘Shander’ занимает 1 строчку в немецком чарте Top 100 Download Chart.

DJ Стив говорит: "Это вернет веселье и блеск Джимми Шэнда современной клубной аудитории».

Композиции Джимми Шэнда не первый раз попадают в чарты. В 1955 году Джимми покорил британский Top 20 со своим синглом записи ‘The Bluebell Polka’.

По верхней видео ссылке можно посмотреть репортаж BBC Scotland об этом треке, а также услышать сам ремикс. Чтобы услышать оригинальную версию ‘The Linton Ploughman’, которую исполнял Джимми Шэнд и его группа, кликните на видео ссылку ниже.

Сэр Джимми Шэнд (1908-2000) был самым записываемым аккордеонистом Шотландии, карьера которого началась в 1933 году и продолжалась вплоть до 1990-х годов.


Паскаль Савар (Pascal Savard) представляет ТВ шоу “Au Bonheur de Nacre” TV Show, 28 сентября – Франция

Pascal Savard28 сентября 2012 года Паскаль Савар (фото слева) и TV station LM tv Sarthe (http://www.lmtv.fr) представили телепрограмму об аккордеоне 'Au Bonheur de Nacre' длительностью 26,45 мин. Программа представила публике аккордеонистов Кевина Моннье и (Kevin Monnier) и Энтони Гилберта (Anthony Gilbert).

LM tv-Sarthe – местная телестанция, расположенная в местечке Le Mans и транслирующая новости, а также программы о культуре и развлечениях . Le Mans – это город во Франции, расположенный на реке Sarthe.Станция LM tv охватывает Мэн, Анжу и Турень на канале 23.

13 ноября телевизионная программа "Au Bonheur de Nacre” и ее ведущий Паскаль Савар будeт отмечать свое 10-летие, и вместе с ними известный баянист и педагог Фредерик Дешамп (Frederic Deschamps) отметит 20-летие своей педагогической деятельности. Эту праздничную программу можно будет посмотреть в новостях.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Guinguettes & Accordéon’ Compilation CD, Paris – France

‘Guinguettes & Accordéon’ Compilation CD‘Guinguettes & Accordéon’ is a modestly priced double CD compilation featuring a mixture of instrumental tracks and songs by some of the great names of the 1930s to 50s in French entertainment.

The 50 tracks include accordion tracks by the likes of Emile Vacher, Andre Verchuren, Emile Prud’homme, Frehel, Jo Basile, Marcel Azzola, Aimable, Louis Ledrich, Yvette Horner, Tony Murena, Gus Viseur, and others, and songs by Edith Piaf, Maurice Chevalier, Mistinguett, Mouloudji, and more.

The CD is available via amazon.france.


Petar Maric Tour to Portugal and Upcoming Concerts - Portugal, Denmark, Belgium

Petar MaricPetar Maric (Serbia) shortly after the winning 2012 Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion category went to Portugal for a concert tour where he performed four concerts:
Lourinha, 5th October
Serpa, 6th October
Torres Vedras 7th October
Cartaxo 8th October.

Audiences were very impressed with the new sounds he created and the new electronic music performed using the Roland instrument.

Petar Maric is now preparing for two important concerts. He will perform in Norway (2nd November) and the following month, will perform in Brussels, Belgium (5th December) with a philharmonic orchestra as one of the events for the final meeting of European Union delegates.

Soon, Petar Maric will be releasing his new CD which will feature the disco electronic music he has recently composed.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists in World War Two

Nottingham Evening Post logoIt is a fact that accordions were frequently played by many soldiers, sailors and airmen in both the Allies and Axis forces in World War Two, in all theatres of the conflict. The Accordions Worldwide news for October 23rd 1998 included a true story about accordionist Arthur Oldfield, who was rescued at Dunkirk in June 1940 minus his accordion.


The Nottingham Evening Post included an article recently about "Arthur and the Songsters". 80 year old accordionist Arthur Oldfield has entertained for over 65 years and has some interesting tales to tell about his younger days. As a soldier he was stranded on the beach at Dunkirk as bullets rained down from enemy aircraft. Arthur was faced with a tricky decision - Should he leave his prized accordion behind or attempt to take it with him? Arthur survived the ordeal but his accordion wasn't so lucky! After returning to safety, he bought another accordion to entertain the troops at air bases and army barracks all over the country.

He has performed with Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon, Reginald Dixon, George 'I'm proper poorly' Williams, Neville King and the legendary Gracie Fields in 1941.


Будущие события

LATE NEWS: Stefan Andrusyschusyn & Denise Leigh on the Alan Titchmarsh Show - UK

Stefan Andrusyschusyn & Denise LeighLATE NEWS: Stefan Andrusyschusyn & Denise Leigh are performing on the Alan Titchmarsh Show this Monday, October 22nd, 3pm on ITV1 in the UK.


Pascal Contet Dates – France, Argentina

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet performs as follows:

October 20th, 8pm – Cité de la Musique, Paris, world premiere (with France Musique recording), of ‘Cantata no 4’, by Bruno Mantovani,  for choir, cello and accordion, featuring cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton

November 12th, 2pm until 5pm – master class, Conservatory, Perpignan

November 16th – broadcast of ‘Cantata no 4’, by Bruno Mantovani on Radio France

November 17th, 9pm - first performance of ‘Blaze’, by Benjamin Ellin, for accordion and chamber orchestra, with the Orchestre d'Auvergne, directed by Roberto Forès Veses, Chapelle des Cordeliers, Clermont Ferrand

November 18th, 11am – ‘Something out of Apocalypse’ - for accordion and soundtrack, Musiques Démesurées Festival, Le Velo, Clermont Ferrand

November 19th, 8.30pm – ‘Karl Koop Konzert’ for accordion and orchestra, by Bernard Cavanna (1951), Orchestre  Perpignan Méditerranée, MD Daniel Tosi, Festival Musique Aujourd'hui, Théâtre de l'Archipel, Perpignan

November 21st, 8,30pm – accompanying Japanese silent movie ‘Les Gosses de Tokyo’ (1932), Festival Jazz d'Or Salle du Cercle, Bischheim, Strasbourg

December 4th and 5th – with the Ensemble Ars Nova, MD Philippe Nahon (soloists Isabelle Soccoja , Rodolfo de Sousa, Pascal Contet), Teatro Côlon, Buenos Aires, Argentina
For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Santa Maria Accordion Band Perform at Mass, Attard - Malta

Santa Maria Accordion Band
On Saturday October 20th the Santa Maria Accordion Band will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary. For this occasion, the Band will be animating the 6.30pm mass at the Attard Parish Church.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band was formed in 1992 by its Musical Director Mrs. Marthese Busutill Cassar L.B.C.A. The Band has performed at a variety of events, including concerts, private parties, and national festivals. The Santa Maria Accordion Band is the only one of its kind on the Island! The Band's music varies from classical pieces to folkloristic songs, to more modern music.

For further information email: josephpgrima@gmail.com


34th Autumn Accordion Day at Acme Accordion School, New Jersey - USA

Stan and Joanna Arnold DarrowThe versatility of the accordion will be celebrated at the 34th Autumn Accordion Day Free Concert and Festival on November 4th at the Acme Accordion School, Westmont, New Jersey. This event is open to the public and free of charge.

Stanley and Joanna Arnold Darrow invite you to enjoy a day of music, from Classical to Baroque, Jazz, Show Music, Ethnic-Pop, Contemporary, Romantic and more. Guest soloists include: Tom Groeber, Dr. Lou Persic, Bernie Gardzalla, and others.

The program will begin at 10am informally with various soloists performing. The Annual Accordion Day Photograph will be at noon. Remember to bring your accordion! The goal is to have 100 accordionists in the photo. The event also features an accordion mart where anyone who books in advance can display.

In the afternoon, ensembles from the Acme Accordion School will perform concluding with the well known Westmont Philharmonia Accordion Orchestra.

For further information email: acmeaccordionschoolmusikgarten@verizon.net
2010 Autumn Accordion Day


Delphine Lemoine Plays for Dancing, Paris – France

Delphine Lemoine PosterOn Sunday October 21st, 12.30pm until 7pm, musette accordionist Delphine Lemoine and her orchestra play for dancing at la sale des fetes de Pontoise, Paris.


Petar Ralchev and Jovan Pavlovic Balkan Music Accordion Workshop – Serbia

Petar Ralchev (Bulgaria)
An accordion workshop for Balkan ethic music and jazz led by Petar Ralchev (Bulgaria) and Jovan Pavlovic (Serbia) takes place, October 24th to 27th, at the Tutti World Music Center, Belgrade, Serbia.

The workshop offers the opportunity to learn compositions from Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania as well as "jazz standards". There is a focus on ornaments from different Balkan regions, rhythmic variety, improvisation in folk music and improvisation, rhythm and harmony in jazz music.

There is no age limit but an high level of playing is requested. The workshop is open to participants from all over the world and therefore a knowledge of English is advisable.

For further information email: office@tuttiserbia.rs


Jovan Rnjak Concert @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK

Jovan Rnjak concert PosterThe versatile accordionist Jovan Rnjak is in concert on Thursday October 25th, 7.30pm, at Harlow Accordion Club, The Link Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT. The Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger) will perform a supporting spot.

For further information email: jeanhanger@ntlworld.com


Accordion and Keyboard Continental Music, Pretoria – South Africa

Theo ErasmusTheo Erasmus - accordion and Lieb Bester - keyboard perform Continental music at the La Fayette Restaurant Centurian Mall, Pretoria, on Saturday October 27th, 12noon until 3pm.

For further information email: theo_erasmus@telkomsa.net


All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK

All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival Banner
Jack EmblowThe 63rd All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place on October 27th at The Salutation Hotel, Perth, Scotland. During the day there will be a range of competitions including traditional and classical accordion sections, fiddles, bands, and trios. The adjudicators are John Carmichael, Alan Gardiner, Graham Geddes and Gary Donaldson – accordion sections, and Marie Fielding – fiddle.

The festival proceedings open with a dance in the Salutation on the evening of October 26th, 8.30pm, to the music of Alasdair MacCuish and the Black Rose Ceilidh Band. The following afternoon, 1.30 until 4pm, Alastair MacCuish and his band lead an informal session in the hotel bar.

The Grand Finale concert takes place in the Salutation Hotel, 4.30 to 6pm, starring jazz accordion legends Jack Emblow (picture left) & Tony Compton, with performances by fiddle duo Marie Fielding & Alison Smith, and Gordon Shand & his Scottish Dance Band.

For further information email: Audrey.Fenton@perthaccordionfestival.co.uk


Tomasz Drabina Recital, Krakow – Poland

Tomasz DrabinaAccordionist Tomasz Drabina performs a recital in the Malwa Club, 6 Dobrego Pasterza Street, Krakow, Sunday October 28th, at 4.30pm.


Igor Outkine Accompanies 1922 Horror Classic ‘Nosferatu’, London – UK

Igor OutkineOn Sunday October 28th, 7pm, Hither Green Cinema presents a candlelit screening of ‘Nosferatu’, a 1922 German-made silent horror film based on Dracula.

Accordionist Igor Outkine provides the musical accompaniment throughout this classic horror movie.

The venue is St Swithin’s Church Of England Church Hall, Hither Green Lane, London SE13 6QE. Cost: £8 adults, £5 concessions.

For further information email: contact@hithergreenhall.org


The 5th Encuentro Mundial de Musicas de Acordeon‏, Valledupar – Colombia

5th Encuentro Mundial de Musicas de Acordeon‏, ValleduparThe 5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’ takes place in Valledupar, capital of the province of Cesar, Colombia, June 19th to 23rd 2013. The festival includes competitions for solo and ensembles using accordions, and entries are invited before April 18th 2013.

Artists and craftsmen whose theme revolves around the accordion are also invited to attend the festival.

The event is organized by the Reyes Y Juglares Vallenatos Foundation.

For further information email: eldiariovallenato@gmail.com


Claudio Jacomucci Contemporary Accordion and Multimedia, Grenoble - Italy

Claudio Jacomucci poster
This event featuring Claudio Jacomucci and Kathleen Delaney (dance) will be held at the Salle Stekel, Conservatoire de Grenoble, 6 chemin de Gordes, 38100 Grenoble.


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Franck Angelis Work Titled 'Beijing 2011' - France

Franck AngelisFranck Angelis has released a new work titled 'Beijing 2011'. Click the catalog link ang567 to see a video description of each movement of the new work by composer Franck Angelis. The description of each movement is followed by the movement being played. The video was recorded at a seminar in Tianjin China on 4th October 2012.

'Beijing 2011', catalog: ang567

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri new music

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new composition for accordion available for purchase nline.

'Marching Parade, catalog:cfranco160,
'Papa's Blues' , catalog:cfranco161,
'Play 'n' Simple, catalog:cfranco162 and
'Samba De Rua (Street Samba), catalog:cfranco163

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated sites

Sue CoppardCharnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated her site with sound samples.

Sound Samples and PDF Music Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips

Under the Sign of ScorpioCD Reviews Index for the Review ofUnder the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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