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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-May-2021
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Informes recomendados para su visualización: internacional
Friedrich Lips en el Festival de Arte Transiberiano Vadim Repin - Rusia
Louise Jallu Nominada al premio “Victoires du Jazz” - Francia
Concurso en línea de acordeón checo 2021, Ostrava - República Checa
Emma Wollum realiza el nuevo espectáculo "Klingalong" - Nueva Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Online: International Music Competition “Léopold Bellan”, Paris - France
Closing Date for AAA Virtual Festival - USA
Tracey Collins’ Successful Bay of Plenty Tour – New Zealand
Evgeny Volchek Performed at "Evenings of Bayan and Accordion Art", Krasnoyarsk - Russia
Marsel Numanaj New CD "ProffAccord" - Albania
Video: Antonio Figueroa Performance with a Difference - Argentina

Future events

Online: ORFEJ Accordeus Music Competition, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sorin Malinovsky Performs with “Folclor” Orchestra - Moldova
2021 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival - New Zealand
“Poor Man’s Gambit” Entertains at Longwood Gardens - USA
Online: Ian Lowthian 1920’s Music Weekend – UK
Håvard Svendsrud Ensemble Concert at Valdres Folk Museum - Norway

Childrens Corner

Video: Young Cowboy Entertains

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: ATG Wednesday Workshops - USA

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Informes recomendados para su visualización: internacional

World Accordion Day header
World of Accordions Museum1. Video transmitido por Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA). Vea el video de arriba en tamaño grande en: WorldAccordionDay2021 y todos los demás informes del Día Mundial del Acordeón 2021.

2. Video: Día Mundial del Acordeón 2021, Museo del Mundo del Acordeón - EE. UU. Esto se informó en 2021USWAM

3. La Associazione Promotion Arte dirigida por Renzo Ruggieri organiza el video online "Absolute Premiere" de:
- Vincenzo Abbracciante "Orizzonte"
- Andrea Di Giacomo "Suite Abruzzo"
- Marco Gemelli "Resíliens"
- Roberto Palermo Ensemble "Mediterranima"
- Renzo Ruggieri Mauro De Federicis "Ciak"
Video y detalles de cada nueva composición en italiano e inglés en: 2021 AbsolutePremiere

4. Día Mundial del Acordeón 2021, Brasil, Portugal, Otros - Internacional
Video 1: 10 clips de actuaciones de muchos jugadores famosos.
Video 2: Video de Fabrica de Gaiteiros presentado por Samanta Albuquerque del Instituto Oswaldinho do Acordeon
Absolute Premiere


Friedrich Lips en el Festival de Arte Transiberiano Vadim Repin - Rusia

Piazzolla Studio
Friedrich Lips “Piazzolla Studio” realizó dos conciertos en abril dedicados al centenario del bandoneonista y compositor argentino Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). El primero fue el 23 de abril en Berdsk y el segundo el 24 de abril en la Sala de Cámara Filarmónica de Novosibirsk como parte del Festival de Arte Transiberiano Vadim Repin que se celebra anualmente en la ciudad de Novosibirsk, Rusia.

El conjunto “Piazzolla Studio” está formado por Friedrich Lips (bayan), Svyatoslav Lips (piano), Vladislav Igolinsky (violín) y Kirill Rodin (violonchelo).

A principios de la década de 1990, Friedrich Lips, Artista Popular de Rusia y jefe del departamento de bayan / acordeón de la Academia de Música Rusa Gnesin en Moscú (fundador y director artístico de "Piazzolla Studio"), fue el primero en presentar al público ruso el música de Piazzolla.
Catálogo CD019 La Cumparsita CD y álbum eTracks
Catálogo CD020 ¡Buenos Dias, Astor! CD y álbum de eTracks
Catálogo CD023 Cóctel "Rio Rita" y album de eTracks


Louise Jallu Nominada al premio “Victoires du Jazz” - Francia

Jazz logo
Louise JalluLa bandoneonista francesa Louise Jallu (foto a la izquierda) ha sido nominada para la categoría “Revelación (premio Frank Tenot)” 2021 del premio “Victoires du Jazz”.

Las "Victoires du Jazz" son una ceremonia de premios anual francesa dedicada al Jazz y organizada por las Victoires de la Musique. Se cree que esta es la primera vez que un bandoneón ha sido nominado para el premio.

Un grupo profesional de periodistas, programadores, tour managers, etc. propuso a los candidatos iniciales que luego pasaron por dos rondas de actuación. A continuación, se anunciaron al público los 3 finalistas de cada categoría.

La ceremonia de resultados se realizará en forma de documental, que se emitirá en octubre de 2021 en el canal de televisión France 5.

Louise interpretará piezas de Astor Piazzolla de su nuevo álbum "Piazzolla 2021" con su cuarteto en este evento de finalistas.
Jazz poster


Concurso en línea de acordeón checo 2021, Ostrava - República Checa

Dr. Marcela Kysova-Halmova, Marketa LASTOVICKOVA
Video arriba: Entrega de premios

La Competencia Internacional Checa de Acordeón en Línea se llevó a cabo recientemente bajo los auspicios del Centro Creativo de Ostrava.

En tiempos de pandemia, esta nueva competencia tenía que realizarse íntegramente en línea. Estaba abierto a acordeonistas de todas las nacionalidades que cumplieran con las reglas. Las categorías fueron los siguientes grupos de edad:
1) hasta 8 años, 2) hasta 11 años, 3) hasta 14 años, 4) hasta 17 años, 5) hasta 18 años, 6) Virtuoso Entertainment Music (sin límite de edad).

Miembros del jurado (orden alfabético), Fernando Avila, Wojciech Golec, Janka Halacova, Gorka Hermosa, Spodris Kacans, Dariusz Kownacki, Marcela Kysova, Eva Lis, Daniel Lis, Jiri Lukes, Michal Matejcik, Jan Meisl, Oto Mello, Milan Osadsky, Joachim Pichura, Iosif Purits, Zoran Rakic, Elzbieta Rosinska, Herbert Scheibenreif, Raimondas Sviackevicius, Borut Zagoranski, Jaromir Zamecnik, reconocidos artistas escénicos, directores, compositores y pedagogos.

Todas las decisiones de los jueces fueron definitivas. Los participantes pueden recibir comentarios de los jueces, por correo electrónico, si así lo solicitan.

3) NIÑOS II: Maria Ines Vieira ORNELAS

¡Muchas gracias a los organizadores, especialmente a la Dra. Marcela Kysova-Halmova que hizo un trabajo maravilloso en estos tiempos difíciles! ¡Esperamos que sea posible una competencia en vivo el próximo año!


Emma Wollum realiza el nuevo espectáculo "Klingalong" - Nueva Zelanda

Emma Wollum, acordeonista, comediante y vocalista apareció en el episodio tres de la televisión de Nueva Zelanda de "The Green Room Series", que contó con su participación en el Festival Internacional de Comedia de Nueva Zelanda.

Emma ha hecho videos recientes con los productos Best Foods (ver video arriba) y su versión de la canción “Electric Kiwi” (compañía eléctrica) en el acordeón.

Emma ha creado un nuevo espectáculo titulado "Klingalong: The Sci Fi Fantasy Singalong" que se estrenará en el Q Theatre Loft en Auckland el 21 y 22 de mayo de 2021.

El programa incluirá la versión de Emma de los clásicos del pop de Split Enz, Queen, Dolly Parton, Ginuwine, Pixies, Lauryn Hill y más, traducidos al klingon (Star Trek), quenya (El señor de los anillos) y Dothraki (Game of Tronos).

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: etwollum@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Online: International Music Competition “Léopold Bellan”, Paris - France

comp poster
Janusz WojtarowiczRegistrations are now open for the 95th (online) International Music Competition “Léopold Bellan”, held in Paris, France in June 2021.

The accordion jury will include Janusz Wojtarowicz (Poland - member of the Motion Trio - picture left), Milolir Dojcinovic (Serbia), Basha Slavinska (Hungary), Boban Bjelic (Serbia) and Theo Ould (France).

The closing date for entries in June 1st, 2021.

Results will be published online on June 20th, 2021.

Download competition rules in French and English languages here: 2021BellanRules.pdf


Closing Date for AAA Virtual Festival - USA

AAA Header
Mary TokarskiThe closing date for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Virtual Contest is June 1st, 2021.

Contest Chairman, Mary Tokarski (picture right) announced that the Festival 2021 Competition Categories will be virtual this year because of Covid-19.

2021 categories include all the Open and Standard Categories you have seen in the past with the addition of the new AAA Honors Categories.

Rules, Regulations and Entry Forms are online at: http://www.ameraccord.com/festival2021.php


Tracey Collins’ Successful Bay of Plenty Tour – New Zealand

Tracey & HarryAuckland accordionist Tracey Collins recently completed a very successful tour of Ryman’s Retirement Villages in the Bay of Plenty. Tracey entertained in Tauranga, Gisborne, Napier and Havelock North, performing four fully booked concerts.

During these concerts she has met many accordion players and enthusiasts who commented on the versatility of the instrument.

As we are not able to travel overseas currently (due to the Covid-19 pandemic), Tracey says the intention of her concerts is to transport her audience back to a time where they travelled to Paris, Italy or some other place in the world and hopefully bring back some lovely memories. “During my concerts, we travel to France, Italy, Ireland, Scotland and many more wonderful places”.

Tracey also talks to her audience about the many memories she has regarding starting the accordion and experiences she has had throughout her career.

Her concert at the Kiri Te Kanawa Village in Gisborne was very special as they had not had any entertainment for over 6 months. She had the biggest audience yet on this tour with 170 attending. It was well received.

Princess Alexandra Village in Napier was also very heart warming as Tracey Collins met 92 year old Harry (pictured above left). He was a new resident and was overjoyed to hear Tracey was coming to perform as he also played the accordion.

Final North Island concerts will be held in Auckland as follows:

Monday 17th May: Ryman Bruce Mclaren in Dannemora at 10am
Ryman Logan Campbell in Greenlane at 2pm

Tuesday 18th May: Ryman Miriam Corban in Henderson at 2pm

Wednesday 19th May: Ryman Keith Park in Hobsonville at 10am
Ryman Evelyn Paige in Orewa at 2pm

Thursday 20th May: Ryman Possum Bourne in Pukekohe at 11am

For details email: tracey@traceycollins.co.nz


Evgeny Volchek Performed at "Evenings of Bayan and Accordion Art", Krasnoyarsk - Russia

Evgeny Volchek poster
Evgeny Volchek performed at the final of the "Evenings of Bayan and Accordion Art" concert series at the Hvorostovsky SGII small Academic Concert Hall of the Institute of Arts in Krasnoyarsk, Russia on May 13th, 2021.

Evgeny Volchek is an assistant intern in the first year of training at the institute.

The creative leader, author of the project and presenter was Professor Sergey Naiko, honored artist of Russia.


Marsel Numanaj New CD "ProffAccord" - Albania

CD coverTrack listAlbanian accordionist Marsel Numanaj will release his first official CD entitled “ProffAccord” to Enrik on May 15th, 2021. The album is dedicated completely to Marsel’s first accordion teacher since elementary school as “he was not just a man who taught me simply how to play the accordion but he taught me how to love the accordion”.

The album includes “Evolution” (by Gianluca Pica), a piece that Marsel finds “interesting and exciting”, “A French Touch” (by Richard Galliano – played by Xhemali Uka from the Academy of Arts in Albania) plus a variety of musical genres with compositions by J. S. Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Agim Krajka, Astor Piazzolla and William Isabel.

For details email: marselnumani@yahoo.com


Video: Antonio Figueroa Performance with a Difference - Argentina

Video: This video by Antonio Figueroa from Buenos Aires, Argentina presents his new piece “The Miraculous Angelito” (tango) played with both hands performing on the left bass side of the accordion.


Future events

Online: ORFEJ Accordeus Music Competition, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina

ORFEJ banner
The ORFEJ Accordeus Music Competition will be held online this year for all primary and secondary school accordion soloists and chamber ensemble students from any part of the world.

Vanja Albijanic, Artistic Director of the Orfej Festival says “The goal of the competition is to encourage musicians around the world to perform and improve their craft”.

Competition winners will perform live at a gala concert as part of the "Orfej" Classical Music Festival which will be held in November 2021 in East Sarajevo and Sarajevo.

One of the Laureates will be declared the Absolute Winner of the Competition, by the votes of the audience, and will receive the Trophy of the "Orfej" Classical Music Festival.

Jury members include President of the jury Vanja Albijanic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Nikola Pantelic (Serbia), Miljana Ðurovic (Serbia), Milica Stefanovic (Montenegro) and founder and director of the "Orfej" Classical Music Festival, Stefan Ceha (Montenegro).

The competition closing date is May 16th, 2021. For details email: info@festivalorfej.com


Sorin Malinovsky Performs with “Folclor” Orchestra - Moldova

concert poster
Sorin MalinovskySorin Malinovsky, (picture right) accordion teacher at the "Nicolae Iorga" Theoretical High School, will perform a concert with the “Folclor” People's Music Orchestra on May 20th, 2021 at 6pm.

The event will take place at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau, Moldova.

Petre Neamtu is the Artistic Director and First Conductor of the Folk Music Orchestra "Folchlor" of the National Philharmonic "S.Lunchevici".

Their performance is held in conjunction with a televised festival of young performers of popular music in Moldova.

For details email: folclororchestra@yahoo.ro


2021 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival - New Zealand

South Pacific Accordion Championships header
2021 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships ProgramThe 2021 event is being held June 5th and 6th, at The Rose Centre, 4 School Rd, Belmont, Auckland 0622. Daily Reports of the event will be online over the weekend. The schedule and program is now published and you can download this on the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) website. Information about the Finale Concert, massed orchestra, prize giving and the Farewell Dinner are in the program.

The NZAA has run the event every year since 1971 and the 50th Anniversary Celebrations have been postponed until 2022. For the second time, the 2021 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival, due to Covid travel restrictions, will be open to only New Zealand residents or NZ passport holders.

A variety of age group classes for soloists, duos, trios, ensembles and orchestras will be available. Covid restrictions meant that non NZ residents and non NZ passport holders were not allowed to come to New Zealand.


“Poor Man’s Gambit” Entertains at Longwood Gardens - USA

Three piece band “Poor Man’s Gambit” will entertain live in the Longwood Gardens beer garden in Pennsylvania, USA from 6pm to 9pm on May 22nd, May 28th, June 24th and June 26th.

The trio, which includes Corey Purcell (diatonic accordion, cittern, vocals, bodhran, dance), Federico Betti (guitar, fiddle), and Deirdre Lockman (fiddle, vocals, dance) play a mix of Irish traditional music, which is influenced by traditional music of other cultures including France, Scotland, England, and America.

For details email: poormansgambit@gmail.com

Picture below left to right: Corey Purcell, Deirdre Lockman and Federico Betti.
“Poor Man’s Gambit”


Online: Ian Lowthian 1920’s Music Weekend – UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian will run an online 1920’s Music Weekend on May 29th and 30th, 2021 for mixed instruments including the accordion.

The event will include some favourite tunes from the 1920’s such as a “Five Foot Two”, “Charleston”, “Puttin' on the Ritz”, “Ain't Misbehaving”, “Happy Feet” etc.

Attendees are welcome to get dressed up in 1920’s style garments if they wish.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Håvard Svendsrud Ensemble Concert at Valdres Folk Museum - Norway

Håvard Svendsrud Ensemble
The Håvard Svendsrud Ensemble (pictured above) will perform a concert at the Valdres Folk Museum (one of the largest open-air museums in Norway) in Valdres, Norway on June 11th, 2021 at 7pm. The theme of the concert is “Per Bolstad in Words and Tones”.

The ensemble includes Håvard Svendsrud (accordion), Bente Midtsveen (accordion), violinists Arvid Engegård and Mari Lerseth, Rolf Erik Syversen (guitar) and Svein Haugen (bass).

All mandatory measures in connection with Covid-19 infection control will of course be observed in connection with the concert, which means that only a limited number of audience will be allowed.

The concert is conducted with financial support from the Arts Council Norway.

For details email: haavard@hsvendsrud.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Young Cowboy Entertains

Video: This young cowboy enjoys entertaining with De kleine Scaccella.


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: ATG Wednesday Workshops - USA

Liz FinchLarry GoldingsThe Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) is presenting “Wednesday Workshops” every Wednesday at 7pm in May, 2021 as follows:

May 19th: Madalynn Neu and Liz Finch Co-Host: "Plays Well With Others". A discussion and overview of accordion performances with other instrumental ensembles, featuring video clips of great examples from around the world.

May 26th: Larry Goldings presents Making your right hand melodies more interesting/emotional with: counter melodies, clusters, right hand chording ideas and the importance of ear training.

For details check out the ATG website


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