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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Apr-2020
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32º Festival Internacional "Bayan y Bayanistas" y VII Concurso Internacional de Bayanistas y Acordeonistas, Moscú - Rusia
Video "Skerryvore" Homenaje a los trabajadores del NHS - Escocia
Actuación de la Orquesta del Proyecto Global Accordion - Mundial
Emma Wollum compone la canción de Covid-19 "Stay Away From Me" - Nueva Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Brooklyn Accordion Club Zoom Online Meeting - USA
Free Album for WAD - "Harley Plays Gary" eTracks Album Released Online - New Zealand
"Day of Harmonica" Cancelled - Austria
New CD Release: Giants in the Trees Volume 2
ISME 34th World Conference Cancelled – Finland
Virus and Lockdown Jokes

Future events

30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, California - USA

New and Updated Sites

World Accordion Day Streaming Program
New Scandalli Website Now Online - Italy
New Article: “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek
Major Changes to the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand

CD Reviews

Romano Viazzani Ensemble "London Tango" CD Review

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32º Festival Internacional "Bayan y Bayanistas" y VII Concurso Internacional de Bayanistas y Acordeonistas, Moscú - Rusia

PosterVideo arriba: Concierto de clausura 2019. 2019booklet.pdf
Videos de 4 conciertos principales y un informe escrito por el Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif está en: 2019Moscow

El 32º Festival Internacional "Bayan y Bayanistas" y el VII Concurso Internacional de Bayanistas y Acordeonistas se celebrarán en la Academia Rusa de Música (RAM) Gnessin en Moscú del 13 al 20 de diciembre de 2020.

Los patrocinadores del evento son el Ministerio de Cultura de la Federación Rusa, el Gobierno de Moscú, el Comité de Cultura de la Ciudad de Moscú, la Academia Rusa de Música Gnesin y la Fundación Caritativa Friedrich Lips.

La competencia es para jugadores de entre 18 y 32 años y constará de tres rondas: dos clasificatorias y una final. Los concursantes no deben repetir ningún trabajo y pueden usar un bayan o acordeón de cualquier tipo, tamaño, modelo (sin electrónica).

La organización del evento está dirigida por el director artístico Friedrich Lips y Alexander Gataullin (imagen a continuación).

Las solicitudes se cierran el 25 de octubre de 2020. Más información sobre la competencia en ruso e inglés, incluido el formulario de inscripción, estará en línea antes del lunes: 2020Moscow
Alexander Gataullin and Friedrich Lips


Video "Skerryvore" Homenaje a los trabajadores del NHS - Escocia

Skerryvore video poster
Gary Innes"Skerryvore" (que incluye a los hermanos Daniel en acordeón y Martin Gillespie en pipas, silbatos y acordeón - imagen a continuación) han grabado un sencillo especial y un video como tributo a los trabajadores del NHS que luchan contra el coronavirus.

La banda se sintió devastada al anunciar que tuvieron que cancelar su concierto del 15 aniversario en el castillo de Inveraray en junio de este año debido a Covid-19. Todos los boletos comprados serán reembolsados ​​al 100% en los próximos 10-14 días por la plataforma de boletos Eventbrite.

Querían seguir adelante con positividad y mirar al futuro con esperanza y optimismo, de ahí esta nueva grabación.

El sencillo titulado "Everyday Heroes", que fue arreglado, mezclado y masterizado por Scott Wood de Skerryvore, se lanzará esta semana en Tyree Records y fue escrito por el acordeonista y gaitero Martin Gillespie.

Otros veinte músicos se unieron a la grabación, incluidos los jugadores de Mànran (que presenta al acordeonista Gary Innes - foto a la izquierda). Debido al bloqueo, el single y el video se grabaron de forma remota, de forma aislada, en varios lugares.

Todos los ingresos se destinarán a la Campaña de urgencia Covid-19 de NHS Charities y les piden a todos que escuchen y apoyen esta valiosa causa. Los detalles de la donación están en el video de arriba.

Para más detalles, correo electrónico: info@skerryvore.com
“Skerryvore” Band


Actuación de la Orquesta del Proyecto Global Accordion - Mundial

Ian WatsonAcordeonistas de todo el mundo se unen para formar Global Accordion Project Orchestra (GAPO) y dar esta presentación virtual de 'Peace' de Ian Watson.

A medida que el mundo ha cerrado sus puertas a la actuación de música en vivo, ha creado una oportunidad para ver la música de una manera completamente diferente. A lo largo de los años, muchos artistas han utilizado la tecnología para la enseñanza, mostrando actuaciones en solitario / en grupo o transmitiendo orquestas en vivo. El mundo del acordeón no es una excepción a esto, y desde el cierre en el Reino Unido, Ian Watson (director musical de la London Accordion Orchestra - LAO) y Sam Cullen (bajista principal) crearon la "Orquesta Global del Proyecto de Acordeón".

La llamada se realizó el 21 de marzo, se publicó un video en la página de la Orquesta de Acordeón de Londres, invitando a jugadores de todo el mundo a formar parte de esta orquesta virtual. El 8 de abril, el estreno fue transmitido por Facebook y agregado más tarde en You Tube.

La pieza seleccionada fue titulada "Paz" por Ian Watson. Esta pieza fue seleccionada como el proyecto inaugural mundial, ya que fue compuesta por Ian Watson, y lanzó los derechos de autor. Fue inspirado por su visita a los campos de batalla de Normandía y los desembarcos en la playa de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Líderes de las secciones:
1 ° - Julie Luck (Reino Unido)
2 ° - Marco Rottig (Alemania)
3 ° - Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda)
4to - Kevin Friedrich (EE. UU.)
Bajo - Liz Finch (EE. UU.)
Percusionista principal - James Hulme (Reino Unido)

Hubo 112 jugadores de 15 países diferentes que presentaron un archivo de video o audio. Los jugadores utilizaron la actuación de LAO en 2017 en Union Chapel, como pista de respaldo o clic para sus grabaciones personales. Se ha utilizado el sonido de cada jugador, que requiere 80 horas de edición para armar todo esto.

Lo que parece una tarea simple, aprender una parte individual, interpretar la parte y grabar su parte, no fue el caso para muchos jugadores. Las fotos "detrás de escena" de la cámara y los montajes del atril han sido bastante creativas y muestran la cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo que se requirió.

Gracias Ian Watson y Sam Cullen de mi parte, y todos los jugadores que participaron en esta emocionante experiencia.

Si se perdió de ser parte de esta actuación, o simplemente quiere participar de nuevo, habrá otro proyecto global en mayo, detalles que serán anunciados por LAO.


Emma Wollum compone la canción de Covid-19 "Stay Away From Me" - Nueva Zelanda

Emma WollumEmma Wollum La policía de Nueva Zelanda quedó tan impresionada con una canción de la acordeonista y vocalista de Nueva Zelanda Emma Wollum que publicaron su video en su página de Facebook como parte de su serie NZ Creative Genius.

Ellos escribieron:

"NZ Creative Genius, Emma Wollum, de Auckland, es una acordeonista, cantante y comediante consumada. Aquí está su brillante canción" Stay Away from Me ". La estarás cantando todo el día.

Este no es un momento fácil, vamos a superarlo con humor, gracia, empatía y un poco de ingenio kiwi. ¡Estamos todos juntos en esto!"

El video está arriba para que lo disfrutes.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Brooklyn Accordion Club Zoom Online Meeting - USA

Accordion Mask
BAC logoYou are welcome to join the Brooklyn Accordion Club Quarantined Social and Q & A on Zoom this Sunday, April 12th, 2020 2:00-2:40 (EST).

Zoom is an online meeting app that you can download for free and as long as you have a device with camera/mic and internet, you can join the meeting from anywhere in the world!

Please email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com
with your questions about accordions in general, and other participants will try their best to provide you with an answer or suggestion during the Zoom meeting.

To participate in this event, please RSVP by sending an email to: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com

A Zoom meeting ID and password will be shared with you upon RSVP.

If you are an experienced accordionist, we appreciate your expertise for answering the questions during the meeting. If you are a virtuoso accordionist, and willing to share music via Zoom during the meeting, we greatly appreciate it.

This is a pilot program. You are all welcome to join. Stay Well.


Free Album for WAD - "Harley Plays Gary" eTracks Album Released Online - New Zealand

Harley Plays Gary is a newly released mp3 album of Gary Daverne compositions that Harley Jones has recorded in past years. The recordings include solo, solo with NZ Symphony Orchestra, duet and trio Gary Daverne works. These recordings have been compiled into a new eTracks mp3 album Harley Plays Gary available from major online websites.

Free Album to celebrate World Accordion Day (WAD) on 6th May. The new mp3 album courtesy of Gary Daverne and Harley Jones is available free of charge until 7th May by sending your email request to musicforacc.com@yahoo.com

For this promotion, a number of other tracks like the Harmonious Blacksmith, Flight of the Bumble Bee, Le Cou Cou are added to this World Accordion Day celebration.

View full track information including sound samples at: Harley Plays Gary


"Day of Harmonica" Cancelled - Austria

cancelledThe Austrian government has cancelled all public events until the end of June, 2020.

Therefore the Austrian "Day of Harmonica" scheduled to take place in Hinterstoder from May 21st to 24th is cancelled too!


New CD Release: Giants in the Trees Volume 2

Giants CD cover
Giants - KrisVideo: Giants in the Trees - "Center of the Earth" (LIVE Official Video) from their first album.
Rock band “Giants in the Trees” have released their second album Giants in the Trees Volume 2 (CD cover above) which includes a collection of ten songs and a lyric booklet.

The group includes Krist Novoselic (accordion - picture left), Erik Friend (drums), Ray Prestegard (guitar) and Jillian Raye (bass & vocals). The video above also includes Jennifer Johnson (vocals).

They love to create melody and variety in their music and strive for personality within each of their songs.

It's fair to recognize some classic Country with the banjo, slide and accordion and their goal is to have as much fun as possible!


ISME 34th World Conference Cancelled – Finland

ISME banner
cancelled picSusan O’Neill (ISME President) and Elina Laakso (Chair, Helsinki 2020 Conference Committee) have announced that the International Society of Music Education (ISME) is cancelling the 34th World Conference that was due to take place in Helsinki, Finland from August 2nd to 7th, 2020. This decision was reached through a unanimous vote of the ISME Board on March 30th, 2020 after consultation with the Helsinki 2020 Conference Team and Uniarts Helsinki.

They value their biennial, face-to-face meetings and the opportunities they afford for sharing and discussing scholarship and practice, celebrating music making, and networking both formally and informally with colleagues from around the world.

Sadly, as a result of COVID-19 and the travel and economic impact that is happening around the world, it is no longer feasible for ISME to hold an international conference in Helsinki in 2020.

However, they are working on plans to reimagine some opportunities for virtual presentations and meetings that will enable them to honour their professional responsibility to share significant research and practice. They will provide more information about their plans for virtual activities as soon as possible.

In addition, the ISME Board will be spending the next few months reviewing options for holding the next ISME World Conference in 2022. An announcement will be made to all members as soon as a decision is reached by the Board.


Virus and Lockdown Jokes



Future events

30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, California - USA

Cotati poster
The 30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival will be held at La Plaza Park in Cotati, California on August 22nd and 23rd, 2020. The festival is a two-day, multi-cultural, non-profit, multi-generational accordion extravaganza!

The event boasts over 40 bands on seven stages including the Jam Tent, Polka/Zydeco, two main stages, Accordion's Apocalypse Stage, Student Stage, and Friar Tuck's Pub.

For further information email: info@cotatifest.com


New and Updated Sites

World Accordion Day Streaming Program

WAD banner
Kev-GraysonWAD logoThe CIA is pleased to welcome you to World Accordion Day (WAD) on the official Coupe
Mondiale Facebook streaming platform.

Since 2009, each May 6th, the CIA has been promoting World Accordion Day. Our first WAD was held on 6th May 2009, marking the 180th birthday of the accordion - May 6th 1829, the date the accordion was first patented, in Vienna, Austria, by Cyrillius Demien.

For 2020, with so much of the world in lockdown and restricted to their homes, the CIA is running a 12 hour WAD show on the Coupe Mondiale Facebook streaming. All recordings, interviews and performances will also be published on the World Accordion Day website and the World Accordion Day China server and local China platforms.

The show hosts are CIA former President and currrent CIA Ambassador Kevin Friedrich (USA) and CIA Music Committee Deputy Chairman Grayson Masefield with technical assistance from CIA Public Relations Harley Jones and Accordions Wordwide staff.

Broadcast times will be published here and on the WAD website in the next few days.


New Scandalli Website Now Online - Italy

While we are at home to fight against the spread of Coronavirus, we have worked hard to finish the new Scandalli website. www.scandalli.com

With great pleasure I would like to inform you, that starting from today, Scandalli are pleased to announce that their new website is now on line!!!

We decided to focus on a simple and intuitive website, as well as aesthetically appealing. The new website, available in Italian and English and is also accessible on all mobile devices. The main novelty is the introduction of the “INFO”, section, where you will find:

Useful information - useful tips, things to do or not to do in order to keep your instrument perfect over time

Maintenance - the main parts that make up the accordion, instructions and solutions to small problems.

Warranty extension - form to fill in to request the warranty extension.

To stay updated about fairs, new products, events, visit the News Section which will be continuously updated.

Happy web surfing!
Scandalli new site


New Article: “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek

Album coverAn article on “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” by Guy Klucevsek is now available online. Read in detail the review by Joan Grauman about this "delightful and mesmerizing book" containing 24 of Guy Klucevsek’s compositions for accordionists of all skill levels.

Full information by Joan Grauman including links to sound samples and purchase online at: VignettesArticle


Major Changes to the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand

NZAA banner
NZAA WAD posterUpdated Site: The NZAA has announced major changes to the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships for Saturday 30 May 2020. The event will not be a public event due to the Covid-19 situation and the number of categories has been reduced to the major South Pacific Accordion Championship categories.

The NZ World Accordion Day Concert has also been changed and will now be a video concert without audience.

For the South Pacific Championships, the NZAA has booked a small hall, Rose Centre, Devonport, where contestants only will perform without audience, to a small jury. Additionally, the NZAA has also made provision to run these classes digitally by contestants using their phone to video from home if use of the hall is prevented by New Zealand Government Covid-19 regulation.

With these plans in place, the competitions will definitely be taking place for these categories and the message by the NZAA to potential entrants is "Keep Practising" as there is definitely going to be a competition.

This might be a template for other accordion associations to follow at this difficult time.
South Pacific Accordion Championships header


CD Reviews

Romano Viazzani Ensemble "London Tango" CD Review

CD coverRob Howard has written a CD review on the debut album released last month by the Romano Viazzani Ensemble entitled "London Tango". CD Reviews Index

The group had planned an album launch concert in London, UK, which has had to be postponed indefinitely because of Covid-19.


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