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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Oct-2020
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Особенности Highlights

Видео: Karlssons Musik празднует 50-летие - Швеция
Празднование 70-летия CMA и Trophée Mondial 2020 Online
Мировая премьера «Поэтической рапсодии» Стаса Венглевского на AWAM - США
Выступление «Опера Бретель» в Эставайе-ле-Лак - Швейцария
Концерт Duo Madera «От Гершвина до Кармен», Алмере - Нидерланды

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Closing date: 2020 XIII International Accordion Composition Competition “Francisco Escudero” - Spain
Video: Alessandro Mugnoz "Divertimento n.2" by Adamo Volpi - Italy
“Die Hosenstricker” Duo Compete in Radio Kärnten Musiparade - Austria
Guy Klucevsek Appointed to Faculty of New England Conservatory - USA
Leonard Brown ‘Requested by You 2’ Double CD, England – UK
Over 1.13 Million Views For Campbell Bettridge Bach Performance
International Digital Electronic Accordion Society (IDEAS) Virtual Symposium 3.0 - USA
Morand Cajun Band Album "Paradis Cajun" - France
Video: Nonato Lima Virtual Performance - Brazil
Dan Newton "Out of my Dreams" CD Release - USA

Будущие события

Raffaele Damen Performs at Museo del Novecento, Milan - Italy
“Scythian” Entertains at Steelstacks Outdoor Dining, Pennsylvania – USA
24th Season of “Gnesin Represents…” Concert Series, Moscow - Russia
CNIMA Accordion Workshops with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix - France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: NAA 34th Annual Accordion Convention, Texas - USA
AAA Historian Joan Grauman Contributes Articles on Accordion Personalities

CD Отзывы

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

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Особенности Highlights

Видео: Karlssons Musik празднует 50-летие - Швеция

Sven Karlsson, Siv Karlsson, Ingvar Karlsson, Lars Karlsson, Daniel Bengtsson, Sofi Blücher
На фото вверху изображена команда Karlssons: Sven Karlsson, Siv Karlsson, Ingvar Karlsson, Lars Karlsson, Daniel Bengtsson, Sofi Blücher. Ингвар и Сив Карлссон основали компанию 3 марта 1970 года, и сейчас они являются одной из самых известных семей в мире аккордеона.

В этом году Karlssons Musik отмечает свое 50-летие. Их запланированное празднование с большим благотворительным концертом в Kungsbacka Teater было отложено до следующего года из-за пандемии Covid-19, однако они провели небольшое празднование своего юбилея с бесплатным концертом в прямом эфире 4 октября.

На видео выше представлены фолк-рок, традиционные, классические и другие музыкальные стили, исполнители в следующем порядке:

Ларс Карлссон Бэнд

Уильям Лейон

Анника Андерссон

Бенган Янсон.

Их главное празднование 50-летия теперь состоится 9 октября 2021 года.


Празднование 70-летия CMA и Trophée Mondial 2020 Online

CMA logo
Frederic DeschampsTrophée Mondial 2020 будет проходить онлайн с 16 по 29 ноября и приурочен к 70-й годовщине Confederation Mondiale de l’Accordeon (CMA).
Конкурс будет включать Trophée Mondial и International Open Trophy. Количество участников не зависит от страны или категории, и уже открыта регистрация. Будет множество категорий с разными возрастными группами от 10 до старшего поколения направлениям «Эстрадная / Мировая музыка / Джаз» и «Классика».

Президент CMA Фредерик Дешам (фото слева) объявил, что окончательные результаты по каждой категории будут опубликованы по окончании конкурса.

Крайний срок регистрации - 15 октября 2020 г. Полная информация на: cma-2020.com


Мировая премьера «Поэтической рапсодии» Стаса Венглевского на AWAM - США

AWAM header
Стас Венглевски (Stas Venglevski) выступит с концертом 6 декабря в 15:00, организованном Музеем мира аккордеонов (AWAM) в Супериоре, Висконсин, США.

На концерте прозвучат произведения Баха, а также состоится мировая премьера его нового крупного произведения «Поэтическая рапсодия». Стас посвящает новое произведение и пожертвования этой работы музею AWAM.

В первой половине концерта будет представлена ​​музыка И.С. Баха: Пассакалия и Фуга до минор, BWV 582, Токката и Фуга ре минор, Прелюдия и Фуга VI из хорошо темперированного клавира (том второй), Инвенция до минор (три-голоса), Инвенции ми мажор и си минор (из двух частей) и Хоральная прелюдия фа минор, BWV 565.

Во втором отделении концерта состоится премьера его «Поэтической рапсодии», «Безумие Zydeco» Билла Сассмана и музыка Хироми Уэхары.

Между слушателями будут действовать процедуры социального дистанцирования Covid-19. Маски обязательны.

Кроме того, концерт будет транслироваться в прямом эфире, и ссылки на прямые трансляции будут разосланы до начала мероприятия.

Подробности по электронной почте: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com
Stas Venglevski


Выступление «Опера Бретель» в Эставайе-ле-Лак - Швейцария

Bretelles poster
«Opera Bretelles» приглашены выступить на новом мероприятии «Opera for All» Ассоциации классических азимутов в Azimut Hall в Эставайе-ле-Лак, Швейцария, 11 октября в 17:00. Подробности смотрите на афише.

В состав группы входит квартет певцов (сопрано Жоэль Делли Чжао, меццо-сопрано Мари-Франс Бэклер, тенор Мишель Мульхаузер и баритон Жан-Люк Вэбер) в сопровождении аккордеониста Christel Sautaux под руководством Жерома Марадана.

Изображение ниже: обложка компакт-диска и информация о треке, полная информация на сайте: Christel Sautaux.


Концерт Duo Madera «От Гершвина до Кармен», Алмере - Нидерланды

Дуэт Duo Madera, в составе Лео ван Лиеропа (аккордеон) и Арьянне Брюггеман (флейта), выступит с дневным концертом под названием «От Гершвина до Кармен» 23 октября в 14:00 в Алмере, Нидерланды. Это один из серии послеобеденных концертов, организованных Goede Rede.

Дуэт стремится подчеркнуть сочетание флейты и аккордеона как в оригинальных композициях, так и в аранжировках, исполняя классическую, джазовую и народную музыку.

В их программу войдут произведения Гершвина, Доплера, Раттера, Пуленка, Рейса, а также «Бриллиантовая фантазия на темы Кармен» Бизе (Борн).

Подробности по электронной почте: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Closing date: 2020 XIII International Accordion Composition Competition “Francisco Escudero” - Spain

Escudero posterEscudero posterThe closing date for entries into the 2020 XIII International Accordion Composition Competition “Francisco Escudero” is October 16th, 2020.

The contest will take place on October 23rd, 2020 organised by the Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordoei Elkartea.

For further details email: info@hauspoz.org

Download competition information and rules: 2020Escudero.pdf


Video: Alessandro Mugnoz "Divertimento n.2" by Adamo Volpi - Italy

Alessandro MugnozHistorical video. In 2010 Alessandro Mugnoz performs, with pianist Claudia Menghi, the "Divertimento No. 2" by Adamo Volpi (1911-1980); one of the first Italian pieces in the field of chamber music with accordion.

Adam Volpi, great organist, composer and teacher, was one of the reference figures of the first, now historical, literature for accordion; having dedicated to the instrument various concert pieces, recreational/didactic and chamber music, in a rather academic style, but always balanced and refined.

Recorded at the Ancona, Auditorium of the Higher Institute of Musical Studies "G.B. Pergolesi", 03 December 2010.


“Die Hosenstricker” Duo Compete in Radio Kärnten Musiparade - Austria

“Die Hosenstricker” Duo from Lavant Valley in Austria are currently competing in the Radio Kärnten Musiparade. Listeners vote for the best soloist or group and each week the performers receiving the highest votes progress to the next round. The video above is their latest song entered in the competition.

The duo includes Thomas Koller (Styrian harmonica) and Stephan Schriefl (guitar). They enjoy playing a mix of folk music and pop to entertain their audience.
Die Hosenstricker


Guy Klucevsek Appointed to Faculty of New England Conservatory - USA

Guy KGuy Klucevsek has been appointed to the part-time faculty of the New England Conservatory in the Contemporary Improvisation Department as Accordion Instructor. In this innovative program, students take one private lesson a week on their instrument to advance their performance skills, and another lesson specifically in improvisation with a faculty member who plays an instrument other than the student's.

Guy said that he is honored to have been appointed and excited to begin working with students.

Guy Klucevsek is a very versatile and highly respected accordionist / composer who has performed and/or recorded with many mainstream musicians such as: Laurie Anderson, Bang On a Can, Brave Combo, Anthony Braxton, Anthony Coleman, Dave Douglas, Bill Frisell, Rahim al Haj, Robin Holcomb, Kepa Junkera, the Kronos Quartet, Natalie Merchant, Present Music, Relâche, Zeitgeist, and John Zorn.

Klucevsek has just Released! “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions and you can read about them at: Guy Klucevsek


Leonard Brown ‘Requested by You 2’ Double CD, England – UK

Leonard Brown CD
Leonard BrownVideo: from the Leonard Brown Show Live DVD - Abba Medley

‘Requested by You 2’ is a new and very entertaining double CD from the popular accordionist Leonard Brown from Newcastle, accompanied by the equally talented Liam Stewart (piano), Duncan Findlay (guitar and banjo), John Sinton (bass), and Malcolm Ross (drums).

In my opinion, this is a superb 26 tracks album, with great playing throughout from Leonard, fine arrangements, excellent sound quality, and a diverse programme that should appeal to a wide audience. Leonard, like other pro accordionists, has been performing concerts on the internet during this year’s pandemic period, and all the tracks are requests from listeners.

The first track on Disc 1 is the Teddy Bears’ Picnic, getting everything off to a swinging start with this old favourite (evoking memories for me of the much missed Dermot O’Brien, who recorded this tune in similar fashion in the 1960s). This is followed by Pistonette, a valse musette composed by the late, great Maurice Larcange. Track three is a lively Trip to Bavaria dance set, first of some Scottish selections on these discs.

Disc 1 includes two old chestnuts beloved of accordionists through the decades - Lady of Spain, complete with impressive bellows shakes, and the Cuckoo Waltz.

There are some catchy polkas on this album, namely The Paypal Polka, Box and Fiddle Rag, and The Beer Barrel Polka, plus a catchy novelty number Skippy, written by Bobby McLeod.

By way of contrast there are some well-known classical pieces – The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Handel), Gold and Silver Waltz (Lehar), Carnival of Venice (with variations), Flight of the Bumble Bee (Rimsky-Korsakov), and a Classical Medley (Tritsch-Tratsch Polka/Rondo a La Turca/Can Can/William Tell Overture).

Other tracks include a Beatles Medley, an Elton John Medley, Hits from the Blitz, the famous hymn How Great Thou Art, and the final track We’ll Meet Again – a tribute to the late, great Vera Lynn.

This album works on different levels: there is varied entertainment that should please most listeners, and there is also a high level of technique to satisfy the more discerning ear.

Leonard Brown became only the second Englishman to become All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2012 (Robert Whitehead was the first in 1978). He is one of the busiest and most prolific recording accordionists in the UK, with several CDs and DVDs to his credit.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Over 1.13 Million Views For Campbell Bettridge Bach Performance

Campbell BettridgeNew Zealand performer and teacher Campbell Bettridge has had over 1,137,788 views of his arrangement of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BMV 565, by J S Bach.

This is one of the most viewed Bach compositions online that is performed by an accordionist. Congratulations to Campbell Bettridge.

On his website, you can read about the arrangement and see sample pages. Catalog: bettridge01


International Digital Electronic Accordion Society (IDEAS) Virtual Symposium 3.0 - USA

Digital accordionists will soon be enjoying 2020’s largest and most expansive virtual accordion event at the IDEAS Virtual Symposium 3.0. The event will be held from November 5th to 20th, 2020! That’s 15 days of wall-to-wall learning content and concerts from some of the world’s finest digital accordionists from around the globe.

Registrations are still open on the IDEAS site.

Because this year is a virtual event, pricing is half of our normal live event Symposium pricing. Yet you will get 40 classes to attend (any or all of them), and 4 concerts, all of which will be recorded and posted on our Members Only section of our web site only for Symposium attendees to view well into the future.

For further information: thegr8.ideas@gmail.com


Morand Cajun Band Album "Paradis Cajun" - France

Video: "Paradis Cajun" by the Morand Cajun Band. This is their 4th album on Cajun-zydeco music featuring band members Roger Morand (melodeon & vocals), Jean-Marie Ferrat (guitar, bass, and sound), Patrick Plouchart (violin & vocals) and Michel Droz (board & snare drum).

For details email: roger.morand@free.fr
Morand Cajun Band


Video: Nonato Lima Virtual Performance - Brazil

Accordionist, vocalist and composer Nonato Lima (Ceará, Brazil) had the pleasure of playing virtually with his friend Eduardo Taufic (keyboards). Enjoy.


Dan Newton "Out of my Dreams" CD Release - USA

CD coverDan Newton celebrated the release of his new CD "Out of my Dreams" with a live stream on Social Media on October 5th. The CD features Dan's own compositions.

During October, Dan will be streaming live every Monday at noon.

You are welcome to send requests to: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


Будущие события

Raffaele Damen Performs at Museo del Novecento, Milan - Italy

Rafaelle poster
Accordionist Raffaele Damen will give a concert with Roberta Pandolfi (piano) at the Museo del Novecento, Piazza Verdi in Milan Italy on October 13th at 5.30pm for the Amici della Musica Udine.

Raffaele will perform the premiere of “Time Toccata” for accordion solo written by composer Sonia Bo. This work was completed during the full lock down period, and tries to examine the subject of time with suggestive sound.

Their program will also include music by Danilo Comitini, Uroš Rojko, Martin Lohse and
Igor Stravinsky.

The duo will give a live preview of this concert on Italian Radio3 Rai, Piazza Verdi program on October 10th at 4pm.

For details email: raffaeledamen@gmail.com


“Scythian” Entertains at Steelstacks Outdoor Dining, Pennsylvania – USA

“Scythian” which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka, are the guest performers at the Steelstacks Outdoor Dining event, Highmark Blue Shield Community Stage on the Air Products Town Square Arts Quest Center in Bethlehem Pennsylvania on October 11th from 4pm.

The band play a variety of energetic rock with an Irish-Gypsy-American blend and clever storytelling to excite their audience.

Seating at this event is limited and reservations are required. Please bring a mask. Maximum of 4 people per table. All Covid-19 guidelines will be adhered to.

For details phone: 610-297-7100


24th Season of “Gnesin Represents…” Concert Series, Moscow - Russia

Gnessin poster
The 24th Season of “Gnesin Represents…” concert series will be held at the RAM Gnesin concert hall in Moscow on October 17th at 2pm.

Performers include duo of accordionists Arslan Aliev and Aleksej Pankratov, duo Nikita Ukrainskiy and Ilona Savina, Kirill Rusinov, Aleksandr Komelkov, Olzhas Nurlanov and Vladimir Stupnikov.

Please note: Masks must be worn at all times. Entrance without a mask is forbidden. Covid-19 social distancing regarding seating arrangements will be upheld, so the number of available seats will be limited.

For details phone: +7 (495) 690-24-22


CNIMA Accordion Workshops with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix - France

CNIMA poster
Dates for upcoming CNIMA Accordion Workshops with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix in Auvergne, France are:

October 19th to 23rd, 2020 (for adult beginners)
October 26th to 31st, 2020
December 26th to 30th, 2020

These workshops are aimed to teach students the fundamentals of Jacques Mornet's teaching method. Mornet approaches the accordion as a wind instrument thus allowing a radical improvement in the student's playing.

Subjects covered will include good holding of the instrument, good use of the bellows, the study of the 4 articulations (legato, tenuto, aggressive staccato and aspired staccato) and musicality to improve technique.

The workshops will be available onsite in person, or online via Skype. All Covid 19 sanitary rules are strictly respected.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: NAA 34th Annual Accordion Convention, Texas - USA

NAA poster
The National Accordion Association (NAA) will hold their 34th annual National Accordion Convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Richardson, Texas from March 17th to 20th, 2021.

President Norman Seaton has confirmed the event will retain the 2020 convention them “From Classic to Folk - the World of the Accordion”. Convention and Hotel Registrations will open November 1st, 2020.

For details see: NAA


AAA Historian Joan Grauman Contributes Articles on Accordion Personalities

AAA header
Joan GraumanAAA Historian Joan Grauman has placed more of her feature articles on the AAA website at: Archival Information

This month, articles on the lives of Frank Marocco, Manny Bobenrieth and Lou Coppola were added, plus two other articles including videos on Lou Coppola, bringing the current total to 23 of Joan’s articles in the AAA website at: Archival Information


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

Quodlibet CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers in English and German languages.


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