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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Jun-2019
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Особенности Highlights

Успешный 13-й Всемирный музыкальный фестиваль, Инсбрук - Австрия
Ежедневные отчеты: Чемпионат мира по гармонике 2019 - Австрия
23-я Международная неделя аккордеона "Alcobaça 2019" - Португалия
Ежедневные репортажи / Видео: Аккордеонный чемпионат 2019 года в Южной части Тихого океана - Новая Зеландия
Гэри Дэверн выпускает новый диск "Кориана" - Новая Зеландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA
PIF 2019 Composition Winner - Dražan Kosorić
U.S. Air Force Promotion to Senior Master Sgt. Frank Busso Jr. - USA
2019 Coupe Mondiale CIA Delegate and Jury Online Registration - China
Tribute Concert for Tiburcio Romero - Colombia
Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy
Accordion Presentation to School Children - Cyprus
Europe Tour Includes Accordion Masterclass in Poland
Blind Accordionist Steals the Show at Violin Competition - New Zealand

Будущие события

Dúo Contrastes June Concert, Bogota – Colombia
Concert Evening "Heinrich Biegenzahn" – Austria
“Accordion Showcase” at Royal Academy of Music, London - UK
Hermi Kaleta Accordion Concert – Austria
Chaika Band “Arrow” Tour - Australia
CNIMA July Course with Franck Angélis – France

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Особенности Highlights

Успешный 13-й Всемирный музыкальный фестиваль, Инсбрук - Австрия

13th Festival header
opening concert with Guardia NuevaDHV audienceКонгресс Инсбрука, Messe и Olympic Hall были заполнены в минувшие выходные (с 30 мая по 2 июня) звуком свободных тростников на 13-м Всемирном музыкальном фестивале, организованном Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. Проводимый каждые три года, этот фестиваль привлекает аккордеонные оркестры и ансамбли со всей Германии и всего мира, а также с участием лучших солистов и групп в концерте.

Конкурсные секции варьировались от детских ансамблей до групп по интересам для взрослых. Премьерная категория - это битва между некоторыми из самых престижных в Европе аккордеонных оркестров.

В конечном итоге, главный приз был присужден «Аккордеон им Квандрат Мангейм и Хонер Аккордеон Орчестер Рейлинген» с очень похвальными 47,8 баллами - всего 0,2 с опережением второго места «Аккордеонорчестер дер Мусиксшуле Эльмсхорн».

Наряду с конкурсом, производители аккордеона, музыкальные издатели и связанные с ними организации выставлялись и были представлены в различных презентациях, хотя для многих присутствующих это были вечерние концерты, которые представили самые яркие моменты.

Финский оркестр танго мирового уровня Guardia Nueva заполнил Зал Догана, в то время как другие концертные вечера включали «Аккордеонных Мастеров», «Akkordeonorchester Baltmannsweiler», «Akkordeon Landesjugendorchester Баден-Вюртемберг», «Семинарчестер из Аккордеонной Консерватории Trossingen - Аккордеонная консерватория» и I аккордеонная консерватория »и I аккордеонная консерватория» и I аккордеонная консерватория - и Фричи и Джо Кенни.

Ассортимент и разнообразие в субботний вечер были также превосходной витриной всех вещей «гармошка». Аккордеонный ансамбль «Южный Крест» был создан специально для фестиваля с аккордеонистами из AATA (Австралийская ассоциация аккордеонистов), ASA (Аккордеонное общество Австралии) и из Новой Зеландии, которые открыли международный концерт, после чего последовал известный концерт «Concertino» в Молдове.

Тем временем Зоран Зорко продемонстрировал свою невероятную музыкальность, наряду с впечатляющей витриной Штирийской Гармонии. Атмосфера ночного клуба продолжала спускаться вниз с «Первым аккордеонным оркестром Кельна» и знаменитым «Hohnerklang» Троссингена, разделяющими сцену, в то время как всемирно известный литовец Мартинас Левицкис поразил толпу своим аншлаговым концертом в концертном зале Тироля.

С таким большим количеством аккордеонных талантов было трудно выбрать, какое шоу посетить, но, независимо от своих решений, все покинули мероприятие в восторге от показанного уровня виртуозности.

Даже после столь насыщенных выходных, в воскресенье утром не было недостатка в энергии, когда Ханс-Гюнтер Кольц снова принял эстафету, когда «Hohnerklang» развлекал более 5000 сильных зрителей, которые с нетерпением ждут результатов соревнования, прежде чем присоединиться к нему. На сцене вместе с другими игроками сформировался огромный массированный «Оркестр Европы».

Следующий Всемирный музыкальный фестиваль состоится в 2022 году.

Фото ниже: Аккордеонный ансамбль Southern Cross репетирует для своего выступления в Инсбруке.
International Accordion Ensemble


Ежедневные отчеты: Чемпионат мира по гармонике 2019 - Австрия

Harmonika Festival
Gottfried HubmannЕжедневные отчеты: Чемпионат мира по гармонике 2019 года будет проходить в Санкт-Петер-Фрайенштайн, Штайермарк (Штирия), Австрия, с 30 мая по 2 июня, организованный Готфридом Хубманном (фото справа).

Хольда Паолетти-Кампл присутствовала и сделала полный отчет о мероприятии по адресу: 2019Harmonika


23-я Международная неделя аккордеона "Alcobaça 2019" - Португалия

Portugal Poster
Artur Adrshin23-я Международная неделя аккордеона "Alcobaça 2019", проходившая в Алкобаке с 18 по 26 мая, была организована Дианой Фрейре (Менеджер соревнований) и Анибал Фрейре, президентом Португальской Аккордеонной Ассоциации.

Эта Международная неделя объединила 24-й Национальный Трофей, а также 5-й Международный Аккордеонный Конкурс, 24-го (концерт), 25-го и 26-го мая.

Фестиваль включал в себя мероприятие под названием «Acordeão para quase todos os gostos» («Аккордеон на любой вкус»), на котором разные артисты играли в разных жанрах. Мероприятие завершилось гала-концертом с выступлениями всех победителей конкурса.

Среди приглашенных исполнителей фестиваля были Жуан Пальма, Orquestra Típica e Coral de Alcobaça, Юлиан Чобану, Camerata de Cordas do Instituto de Música Виторино Матоно, Кристина Росси (презентация компакт-диска с темами от Франка Анжелиса), RedPoin Trio, Владимир Ступников и Шарм Трио.

В конкурсе приняли участие участники из Португалии, Испании, Италии, Чехии и России.
Членами жюри были Александр Дмитриев, Франк Анжелис, Кристина Росси, Ренцо Ружжьери, Хуан Карлос Каркамо, Ладислав Хорак, Марко Джемелли, Раймонд Кейт, Раймондас Свяквичюс, Владимир Ступников, Никола Маджо, Пауло Нето и Тино Коста

Премия города Алкобака - Победитель в старшей категории: Артур Адршин (фото справа)
Юношеское классическое соло: 1-й - Мартин Сульк
Разновидность соло: 1-й - Инес Фариа
Младший сорт: 1-й - Дэвид Мендес
Старший сорт: 1-й - Педро Гонсалвес
Дуэт A: 1-й - Тьяго Консейсао и Тьяго Мендес
Дуэт Б: 1-й - Карина и Хьюго
Оркестр 2: 1-й - Фолегарве
Приз Франка Анжелиса: Аркадий Шкворов
Виторино Матоно Приз: Жоао Мигель
Приз Дж. Б. Бексиги: Андрея Родригес


Ежедневные репортажи / Видео: Аккордеонный чемпионат 2019 года в Южной части Тихого океана - Новая Зеландия

Video 1: 1st Catrina Lin South Pacific Accordion Solo Champion

Video 2: 1st Angela Chen South Pacific Junior Solo Champion

Video 3: 1st Adam Perry South Pacific Junior Virtuoso Solo Champion
Аккордеонные Чемпионаты и Фестиваль NZAA 2019 в Южно-Тихоокеанском регионе были проведены 1 и 2 июня в Центре искусств Raye Freedman в Окленде и отметили «10-ую годовщину Coupe Mondiale 2009», которую NZAA провела в Такапуне, Новая Зеландия.

Ежедневные отчеты, включая результаты, фотографии и видео, будут опубликованы по адресу: 2019SouthPac


Гэри Дэверн выпускает новый диск "Кориана" - Новая Зеландия

Koriana CD/Album header
Video 1:

Video 2:
Gary DaverneKoriana CD coverИзвестный композитор, аранжировщик и дирижер Гэри Дэверн выпустил свой новый каталог CD / Album: nzom005 под названием «Koriana New Zealand Accordion Music».

Видео 1 выше: 1-й трек альбома Koriana - «2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra». Солист Грейсон Мэйсфилд выступает с Аккордеонным Ансамблем Северного Берега под управлением Лайонела Рики.

Видео 2 выше: Трек 11 альбома Koriana - это «Музыкальная вечеринка», солистка Стефани Пул с Оклендским симфоническим оркестром под управлением Гэри Дэверна.

Есть 15 треков композиций Daverne разных стилей. Соло, дуэт, трио, соло аккордеон только с симфоническим оркестром и аккордеонным оркестром.

Исполнители включают всемирно известных игроков: Грейсона Мэйсфилда, Кевина Фридриха, Лайонела Рики, Интернешнл Трио (США), Стефани Пул, Эдди Джиффни и оркестры: Аккордеонная музыкальная школа «Risto Saviv» (Словения), Оклендский симфонический оркестр, «World Accordion Orchestra III».

Диск доступен онлайн, а альбом доступен в виде mp3-треков всего за € 9. Полная информация об альбоме и исполнителях: Каталог: nzom005 Koriana CD / Альбом


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA

Leavenworth Poster
Leavenworth small picThe detailed schedule has been released for the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) which will take place from June 20th to 23rd in Leavenworth, Washington sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. Download: 2019Leavenworth.pdf

The event will include an accordion competition (with jury members Alex Meixner, Gary Blair and Emmanuel Gasser), workshops, concerts with world class performers, free performances at the Gazebo, Grange, and restaurants, free accordion lessons, an accordion parade on Saturday (June 22nd), a variety of accordion vendors, an opportunity for all accordion players to play, Jam sessions and much more.

The workshops will be presented by Alex Meixner, Gary Blair, Cooksie Kaserzon Kramer, Jamie Maschler, Creosote (Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues), Emmanuel Gasser and Richard Noel.

This is a celebration of the accordion’s versatility and its presence in many cultures. Accordion music is what this event is all about!

For further information view the website at: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC)


PIF 2019 Composition Winner - Dražan Kosorić

PIF logo
Dražan KosorićThe victory in the PIF 2019 classical composition competition category for Accordion and Symphony Orchestra goes to Dražan Kosoric (picture left) from Bosnia and Herzegovina whose work was entitled "Bas-Celik”, with 2nd place going to Giuseppe Di Falco (Italy) with “Black Forest Suite” and 3rd place to Hervé Esquis (France) an accordionist, bandoneoist, composer and conductor currently teaching in the conservatory Puy-en-Velay (France) with the piece “Anouk et la Cité de Nacre”.

A total of 17 compositions were received from Russia, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Portugal and the Czech Republic.

President of the jury Paolo Picchio (Italy) stated “I am very satisfied for the work of esteemed colleagues and the level of work received. I am sure that a good number of these works (I believe even greater than last year) deserve to remain in the repertoire of accordion concert performers. In the end he won a composition with a great balance and good quality that overall had an appreciation (with high scores) from all the members of the jury.”

The jury was composed of Friedrich Lips (Russia), Ivan Fedele (Italy), Gorka Hermosa (Spain), Bete Ilin (Macedonia), Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine), Massimiliano Pitocco (Italy), Peter Soave (USA), Antonio Cericola (Italy) and Livio Bollani (Italy).

The jury noted that it was clear (as it can be seen from the titles of the works) that the composers had interpreted in a personal and creative way the theme assigned by the PIF (“Once upon a time …”) and how the technical level of the orchestral scores reached levels of great enthusiasm for the future of the accordion.

The winning song will be the mandatory test piece of the Prize category of the # PIF2019 International Accordion Award of Castelfidardo, which will take place on September 22nd at the gala concert held in the Astra Theater Castelfidardo, Italy.


U.S. Air Force Promotion to Senior Master Sgt. Frank Busso Jr. - USA

Frank Busso JnrFrank Busso, Jr. was recently promoted to the rank of Senior Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. Frank, from Staten Island, New York, became the U.S. Air Force Band’s accordionist in 2005 and is also the Section Chief of Live Production for the organization.

While off duty, he runs the Busso Music School in Alexandria VA and serves as director of the Ernest Deffner Affiliates, whose accordion brands include Titano, Pancordion, Pigini, Roland, and Hohner. Frank has served on the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) board of directors since 2007.

Excerpts from the Air Force website: Master Sgt. Frank J. Busso Jr. is the accordionist with the Air Force Strings, The United States Air Force Band, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, D.C. Originally from Staten Island, New York, his Air Force career began in 2005. Busso currently serves as the band's section chief for live production.

Busso attended Boston University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration in 2001. He studied accordion with Frank Busso Sr. at the Staten Island Music School in New York. Prior to joining the Air Force, Busso was an instructor and arranger with the Boston University Athletic Bands. He was also an instructor at the Staten Island Music School, where his students earned many regional and national titles in competition.

As a competitive accordionist, Busso received numerous regional titles from the Accordion Teachers Association of New Jersey, including the organization's virtuoso championship in 1995. He also earned multiple national titles from the AAA in classical, popular, and ethnic competitions. Since 2001, Busso has performed in concert as a member of The Busso Trio at numerous summer festivals hosted by the AAA and the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG).

Highlights of Busso's Air Force career include a 2012 humanitarian tour to Staten Island, NY following Hurricane Sandy and creating and performing a strolling strings arrangement of Billy Joel's "Piano Man" for the 2013 Kennedy Center Honours, at which Billy Joel was honoured.


2019 Coupe Mondiale CIA Delegate and Jury Online Registration - China

The Coupe Mondiale site has opened the Delegate and Jury online registration at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2019/cn_delegates.html


Tribute Concert for Tiburcio Romero - Colombia

Colombia Poster
LacidesA tribute concert for Maestro Tiburcio Romero (father of accordionist Lacides Romero) was held in the city of Monteria in northern Colombia on June 1st.

Lacides Romero performed at the event along with 11 Choirs. The program included a variety of Universal and Latin American music along with compositions by Tiburcio Romero.

This tribute is of great importance in the region because Tiburcio Romero was a forerunner of the choral movement in the region of Cordoba (Colombia). In 1964 he founded the Choir of the University of Córdoba and in 1974 the Choir of the University of Sinú. Since that time he has also founded several private choirs such as the Rondalla del Sinú and the Amadeus Quintet.


Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy

Song for S.B. coverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri has released Song For S.B. for accordion & orchestra or accordion & string orchestra.

Catalog: rrenzo500 - Song for S.B. was composed in 2002 and published in 2003 as a compulsory piece for the jazz section of the international competition "Stefano Bizzarri" of Morro D'Oro (Italy).

The central “only accordion” indication invites the soloist to improvise on the structure of the first theme -B- (by the same author, there is a version for solo accordion that includes a usable transcribed solo).

rrenzo500 - This massive musical digital pdf booklet of 55 pages includes the score and all parts for:

1. accordion & orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon, Horn in F
and Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)
2. accordion & string orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion & Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)

Catalog: rrenzo501 - Song for S.B. (solo) was released much earlier and is recorded on
Renzo Ruggieri Collection Album Catalog: rruggieri07


Accordion Presentation to School Children - Cyprus

Cyprus school children
Daniel SabotinovAccordionist Daniel Sabotinov has been visiting public schools in Cyprus with the aim of encouraging students to learn the accordion. Last week he visited a primary school in a village called Xylofagou in the Larnaca District. The invitation came from the Director of the public school.

Over 300 children were able to see and hear the accordion being played for the first time. They were all very excited and many of them wanted to begin lessons so they could learn to play too.

Daniel played an accordion that was presented to him by a young 15 year old accordionist from Israel named Ori Ofek.

Daniel’s aim is to continue to present the accordion at public and private schools in Cyprus as his desire is to help make the accordion popular throughout the whole island!


Europe Tour Includes Accordion Masterclass in Poland

Lodz students
Lodz masterclassVideo: “Bridge+Wolak Duo” perform “Petite Fleur”, April 2019 at the Imperial Theatre, Sarnia, Canada.

Accordionist Michael Bridge (Canada) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet) “Bridge+Wolak Duo” are touring in Europe. Their tour began in Kiev, Ukraine, where they delivered presentations and masterclasses at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory. The focus was on realistic employment of non-accordion sounds and particulars of using digital accordion in chamber music performance (in this case, playing with clarinet and violin.)

Now they are based in Kraków, Poland, where they are playing concerts throughout Poland and in the Czech Republic

Last week Michael gave a masterclass and lecture for students at the Music Academy in Lódz, Poland, organised by Olo Stachowski. The lecture was entitled “14 Types of Bellows Shakes”. He then worked with six of the students (undergraduate and masters) in a masterclass setting.

Michael was very grateful for such a warm reception from the Academy and the teachers, and for very attentive students.

For further tour information email: michael@michaelbridgemusic.com
Lodz masterclass


Blind Accordionist Steals the Show at Violin Competition - New Zealand

Video: Mark Wilson and Matthias Well at the biennial Michael Hill International Violin Competition for 2019.

NZ news site “Stuff” reported on the Michael Hill International Violin Competition which began on June 1st in Queenstown with 16 violinists from around the world competing for a prize worth NZ$100,000.

However, it was not one of the finalists who stole the show at Saturday's first quarter final round; it was local Queenstown blind accordionist, Mark Wilson. Requested specifically by German finalist, 25-year-old Matthias Well, for the Ad Libitum round where competitors choose their own songs, Wilson learnt the two Russian folk songs by ear. Saturday marked the first time they had performed together, aside from a few rehearsals earlier in the week, with a performance that brought the house down.

Over the next two weeks 16 competitors will showcase their talents in Queenstown in round 1 and 2 for the Quarter-finals. Six semi-finalists will head to Auckland for round three this week and from there three Grand finalists will perform with Music Director Giordano Bellincampi conducting.

In addition the "sought after" duo appeared live on the National Television TV3 show "The Project" on June 7th.

The winner of the competition receives NZ$40,000, and a recording contract, as well as a tour across New Zealand and Australia.


Будущие события

Dúo Contrastes June Concert, Bogota – Colombia

Duo Contrastes
Dúo Contrastes, which includes accordionist Lacides Romero and pianist Felipe Calle will perform a concert on June 9th in Bogota. Their program will include solo and duo works by Handel such as “Hornpipe”, works by Grieg, Dvorak, Haydn, Cervantes and Piazzolla among others.

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Concert Evening "Heinrich Biegenzahn" – Austria

Heinrich BiegenzahnA concert evening with Heinrich Biegenzahn (accordion & clarinet – picture left) and Mariam Vardzelashvili (piano) will be held at Kaiserstraße 10 in Vienna on June 14th at 8pm.

The evening program will include accordion works such as Ballade, Toccata No 1, Meditation No 2 and Sonata No 2. Heinrich Biegenzahn will also perform a duo with Mariam Vardzelashvili.

For further details email: hbiegen@hotmail.com


“Accordion Showcase” at Royal Academy of Music, London - UK

A concert entitled “Accordion Showcase” will be held at the David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music, London on June 20th at 7.30pm. The event will include a program of solo and chamber music for accordion, including works by Bach, Piazzolla and Sofia Gubaidulina.

The performers will be Royal Academy of Music current accordion students along with fellow students from other departments for the chamber items. Names of performers are yet to be announced.

For further information phone: +44 (0)20 7873 7373


Hermi Kaleta Accordion Concert – Austria

Accordion concert poster
Video: Jalousie by Jacob Gade performed by Accordion Group Hermi Kaleta

Hermi Kaleta has organised an accordion concert at Haus der Begegnung in the Großfeldsiedlung, Vienna, Kürschnergasse 9, on June 16th at 6pm.

The event will include performances by accordion soloist Hermi Kaleta, Akkordeon Ensemble Hermi Kaleta and Akkordeon Gruppe Hermi Kaleta.

Children up to the age of 12 have free admission.

For further details email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at


Chaika Band “Arrow” Tour - Australia

Chaika Arrow
“Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) are excited to announce their “Arrow” short tour this month which will feature their 3rd LP “Arrow” which was released in April and recorded and produced by ARIA award winning team Bob Scott and Llew Kiek. The LP consists of almost completely original works injected with the compositional personalities of all 6 members.

Tour details are:
June 28th: Wollongong Town Hall, Cnr Crown & Kembla Sts, Wollongong, NSW
June 29th: The Rhythm Hut, 135 Faunce St, Gosford, NSW
June 30th: The Newsagency, 74-76 Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Camperdown, NSW

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com


CNIMA July Course with Franck Angélis – France

CNIMA header
Franck AngelisThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run a course from July 15th to 19th tutored by French composer and accordionist, Franck Angelis. Franck is a past winner of international competitions and has been a member of many national and international accordion juries.

He has taught at many masterclasses all over the world and this masterclass will cover interpretation of his own works as well as preparation for competitions. He will help students to perfect interpretations and discover new pieces. He will also be happy to help you perfect a classic piece of your choice.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


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