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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Mar-2015
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Endgültiger Bescheid für Flugreisen mit Musikinstrumenten - USA
16. Internationaler Akkordeon Las Vegas Convention - USA
Ludovic Beier & Matthias Matzkes spielen für Roland, Frankfurter Musikmesse - Deutschland
Joey Koch DSDS Zweite Runde - USA
Glücklicher Moment: Marko Kassl & Tatyana Krivtsova heiraten - Deutschland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Tour and CD by Buttons & Bellows - Austria/Germany
Video: Richard Galliano Performs Petite Suite Francaise 2 - Italy
NAO Northern Ireland Championships Competitons, Carrickfergus – UK
Video: Spanish Suite No. 3. Composed and Performed by Viatcheslav Semionov
The Remarkable Elena Turroni (1910-2015), Ontario – Canada
Video: Victor Prieto Performing Cubano and Oblivion, Santa - USA
Leonard Nimoy's father "Learn to Play the Accordion" - USA
2014 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Report by RTE One - Ireland
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Association of Puerto Rico Orchestra News, March 2001

Future events

Spring Fever Tour by the Mad Maggies, March 2015 - USA
Pascal Contet Concerts – France, UK
Marco Lo Russo Performances, Piacenza, Foggia - Italy
‘East Meets West’ Concert, Paris – France
Gary Sredzienski Entertains, Maine - USA
Victor Prieto ‘A Musical Voyage’ Concert, New York – USA
José Valadez Classical Concert, Monterrey – Mexico
Whiskey and Women @ San Francisco Accordion Club, California – USA
West Sussex AC St Patrick’s Day Theme, West Sussex – UK
Beltango Concert, Trossingen – Germany

New and Updated Sites

New Arrangement: The Battle from the Movie Gladiator (Solo) - USA
Updated Site: Douglas Ward Index and Music List Page - UK
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Golan (Solo and Duet Versions) Released - Israel
Updated Site: NZAA Prospectus and Site Update - New Zealand
Updated Site: Douglas Ward eSheet Music Page - UK
Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price

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Endgültiger Bescheid für Flugreisen mit Musikinstrumenten - USA

aircraft overhead lockerFür die vielen Akkordeonisten ist diese neue Genehmigung eine wertvollen Entscheidung ihr Akkordeon auf Reisen entsprechend zu schützen.

Ab 6. März 2015 ist diese Genehmigung offiziell und liegt nicht mehr im Ermessen der verschiedenen Fluggesellschaften. Nach Angaben des US Transport Departement ist es ab sofort Musikern gestattet, ihr Instrument mit an Bord zu nehmen, vorausgesetzt, es kann im Gepäckfach untergebracht werden.

Sollte dieser Stauplatz nicht ausreichen, hat der Musiker die Möglichkeit einen zweiten Sitzplatz zu kaufen, auf dem ihr musikalischen Begleiter Platz nehmen kann/darf.

Achtung: Die Fluggesellschaften sind nicht verpflichtet Musikinstrumente zu priorisieren anderem Handgepäck gegenüber, also wenn die Gepäcksstauräume voll sind, muss das Instrument normal eingecheckt werden.

Um dem abzuhelfen, schlägt das US-Verkehrsministerium vor, dass Musiker eventuell bei der Fluggesellschaft eine Priority Boarding Gebühr bezahlen, um sicherzustellen, dass es Raum für ihre Ausrüstung gibt.

Reisetipps für Reisen mit einem Musikinstrument: 2015Tips.pdf
Offizieller Bescheid als Download: 2015DoT.pdf


16. Internationaler Akkordeon Las Vegas Convention - USA

16th Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Der Internationale Akkordeon Konvent wird von 22 bis 25 Juni, 2015 in Las Vegas sein. Der Organisator Paul Pasqali schrieb kürzlich:

Linda Ann Warren bat mich die große Las Vegas Party gebührend zu annoncieren! Eröffnet wird die Veranstaltung mit dem Großen Merlin Event zur Sommersonnenwende zusammen mit dem wunderbarsten Lineup von "Akkordeon Stars" den man sich vorstellen kann. Siehe Plakat oben.

Wenn Sie noch nie dabei waren - lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, es jeden Cent wert ist. Für den Preis von einer Star Trek Convention erhalten Sie 4 Fun Filled Nächte mit Musik und drei wunderbare Tage mit Workshops und drei fantastische Lunch Konzerten - 7 große Mahlzeiten mit 7 Konzerten!

Über 40 Workshops, die von den Besten der Besten gehalten werden - und After Hours-Club-Konzerte mit den Star! Besuchen Sie uns und sehen Sie selbst, warum Miss Linda sagt: "Es ist die beste Akkordeon Party aller Zeiten"!

Für weitere Information besuchen Sie am besten die Website www.AccordionStars.com für Preisoptionen, oder rufen Sie +1 801-486-1695 für persönliche Assistenz und um Ihr kostenloses Geschenk zu erhalten. Las Vegas Internationalen Akkordeon Konvention


Ludovic Beier & Matthias Matzkes spielen für Roland, Frankfurter Musikmesse - Deutschland

Frankfurt Musikmesse
Jun-Ichi-Miki, Ludovic BeierRoland haben wir in diesem Jahre ein großes Display auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse in Halle 5.0 B38 vom 15. bis 18. April 2015 für Sie bereithalten.

Die Frankfurter Musikmesse wird in zwei Segmente unterteilt:

Fachbesuchertage: 15-16 April, 09.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr mit Matthias Matzkes Roland V-Accordion Performances und Demonstrationen.

Öffentliche Besuchertage: 17-18 April, von 9.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr mit Ludovic Beier (Bild links) Roland V-Accordion Performances und Demonstrationen.

Ein Zeitplan für die Aufführungen und Vorführungen werden noch veröffentlicht werden.

Der Roland Stand offeriert 4 Demobühnen mit Kopfhörern sowie Roland V-Accordions für Besucher, um diese auszuprobieren.

Eine vollständige Palette aller Roland Produkte gibt es zu besichtigen und zu selbst zu spielen.

Für weitere Informationen, E-Mail: sean.montgomery@roland.com
Roland stand


Joey Koch DSDS Zweite Runde - USA

Joey CookVideo von Joey Koch DSDS Zweite Rundebeitrag. Joey war eine der 12 weiblichen und 12 männlichen Darsteller, die in die zweite Runde aufstiegen und wieder beeindruckte Joey Koch die Jury.

Wir berichteten von ihrer ersten Runde / Video:

Für ihre zweite Runde präsentierte die exzentrische Joey Koch ihren eigenen Spin mit dem Lied von Keith Urban "Somebody Like You" mit Gesang und Akkordeon.

Sie begeisterte alle drei Richter mit ihrer einzigartigen Präsentation des Songs. 'Joey war fantastisch! "Keith sagte ihr, klar wirklich beeindruckt und sagt: "das ist, was Künstler tun sollten, ein Lied zu nehmen und es sein werden zu lassen“. Es war perfekt. "Sowohl Jennifer Lopez und Harry Connick, Jr. waren sich da einig!


Glücklicher Moment: Marko Kassl & Tatyana Krivtsova heiraten - Deutschland

Tatyana Krivtsova & Marko Kassl married
Tatyana Krivtsova & Marko Kassl marriedFotos von glücklichen Momenten der Hochzeit von Marko Kassl und Tatyana Krivtsova. AWW wünscht ihnen ein langes und glückliches Leben zusammen.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Tour and CD by Buttons & Bellows - Austria/Germany

Tango Reaction CD Cover
Buttons & Bellows Duo of Aleksandar Nikolic & Petar Maric have released a new CD titled Tango Reaction. This CD features 11 tracks of excellent music and is available online at Cat No. beltango5

Buttons & Bellows have a concert tour in Austria and Germany:
11 March Sparkassensaal Neunkirchen 19.30 hours
12 March Theaterkeller Grein 19:30 Uhr
13 March Wien – Akkordeon Festival, Spielort Ehrbar Saal1040 Wien, Mühlgasse 30, 20.00 hours
14 March St Andrae Kultursaal der Stadtgemeinde St. Andrä, St. Andrä, 9433 St. Andrä 19.00 hours and 21.30 hours
15 March Graz Harmonikazentrum, 17.00 hours
17 March Wasserburg am Bodensee, Germany. Sankt-Johannes Church at 20.00 hours

Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon and accordion) is musical director and accordion and bandoneon player of the Beltango quintet, one of the worlds best-known tango groups, which has performed more than 500 concerts in 25 different countries.

Aleksandar Nikolic is also the President of Belgrade Accordion Association and Artistic Director of the Belgrade Tango Festival.

Petar Maric (accordion) is recognised as one of the finest young accordionists having won Coupe Mondiale categories for classical, virtuoso and electronic music and is a performer of many different musical styles.

These two superbly talented players with the unique combination of bandoneon and accordion and the special collaboration between professor and student show an abundance of tango repertoire and superb musicianship.

For further tour information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Video: Richard Galliano Performs Petite Suite Francaise 2 - Italy

Richard Galliano Plays - Petite Suite Francaise 2 for Rai Uno TV Christmas Concert. Published on Feb 27, 2015


NAO Northern Ireland Championships Competitons, Carrickfergus – UK

NAO UK Championships Banner
The 18th annual NAO Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, organized by Clyde Johnston, took place on Saturday February 28th at The Loughshire Hotel, Carrickfergus, Larne.

The competition attracted a record 240 entries with competitors from as far afield as England, Scotland, and the Irish Republic, as well as a strong local entry.

Picture left: Organiser Clyde Johnston with two of his pupils, Emma & Laura Dunlop from Carrickfergus
Picture right: Lauren Farquharson from Co Meath - getting ready to compete in the Senior Recital.

The competition included Solo, Duet, Group, Orchestral and Marching Band sections, involving all ages and grades and styles from classical and continental to traditional. The adjudicators were Ivan Black, Audrey Gillan, and Philip Hammond.

Full report and results at: 2015N_Ireland.pdf

Picture below: Some of the prize winners at the prize presentation


Video: Spanish Suite No. 3. Composed and Performed by Viatcheslav Semionov

Spanish Suite No. 3. composed and performed by Viatcheslav Semionov. Published Feb 24, 2015 and made available by Anatoly Morozov protaVideo youtube channel.


The Remarkable Elena Turroni (1910-2015), Ontario – Canada

Elena Turroni (1910-2015)She was a musician, a teacher and a talented chef. She was also the oldest-known woman in Canada to ever have a pacemaker installed. Born on January 20th 1910, Elena Turroni had the pacemaker installed a week before her 105th birthday earlier this year. She spent less than a day in the hospital for the procedure before returning to her Welland home.

Picture left: Elena Turroni played her accordion recently for friends recently after receiving a pacemaker.

On Friday Welland’s Elena Turroni died, 105 years old.

Afterward, her grandson Michael Belcastro said Turroni had a new energy about her, playing her accordion for friends. “She’s driving her caregiver nuts because she doesn’t want to go to bed at 9 pm anymore, she’s up until two o’clock in the morning,” he said at the time, adding she wanted to go shopping and visit friends.

Turroni was best known as a caterer and party planner, but she also worked as a secretary, a teacher and an appliance demonstrator over the years. Among the thousands of people she served while running Turroni’s Catering in Welland, she cooked for the Queen of England and served strawberry shortcake to former American First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

She was also featured on numerous radio and television shows, including a segment on the nationally syndicated show Loving Spoonful. Turroni also authored four cookbooks.

She was predeceased by husbands Nick Rocco and Sam Turroni, as well as two daughters and three sons-in-law.

Elena Turroni’s funeral will be held at 9.30am on Thursday at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. Donations can be made to the Elena Turroni Culinary Bursary at Niagara College.


Video: Victor Prieto Performing Cubano and Oblivion, Santa - USA

Video 1: Cubano Chant Video 2: Oblivion
Victor Prieto group performing Cubano Chant by Ray Bryant and Oblivion by Piazzolla while on their 2014 USA Tour at the Emens Auditorium, Muncie, Indiana.


Leonard Nimoy's father "Learn to Play the Accordion" - USA

Leonard NimoyThe Diary, Ken Smith Editor, published by the Herald Scotland published this story about the accordion. 
We mentioned the death of Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy, and Mike Ritchie tells us: "Some of my folk musician chums at Celtic Music Radio were chuckling when they read the LA Times obituary for Leonard Nimoy, where it revealed, 'Nimoy's Ukrainian-born father Max, who ran a barber shop in a Boston tenement neighborhood, tried to warn his son about the dangers ahead of an acting career. 'Learn to play the accordion,' he urged. 'You can always make a living with an accordion'."


2014 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Report by RTE One - Ireland

2014 Report, Part 1
Video 1: Published on Jan 24, 2015 by RTE One
0:14 - Cian Sweeney (flute), Sabina McCague (fiddle), Ollie O'Loughlin (Piano Accordion), John McHarte (Guitar) [Devils of Dublin]
3:08 - Iontas {Tomás Ó Gabháin, Shauna Ní Chuilinn, Conal Mac Cormaic, Colm Ó Tuathaigh, Síofra Ní Áinle, Dúlra Ní Áinle, Orlaith Ní Chionnaith, Stiofán Ó Maolagáin} [The Road to Antrim, The Borroive Reel]
5:21 - Official Fleadh Opening
6:05 - Gilliann Gonselez (fiddle) [Dick Gossip's Reel)
7:27 - Irish Concertina Ensemble {Tim Collins, Padraig Rynne, Edel Fox, Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh, Cáiltín Nic Gabhann} [Loftus Jones (composed by Turlough Carolan)]
11:31 - Street Session [The Reconciliation Reel]


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Association of Puerto Rico Orchestra News, March 2001

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 9th 2001 included an item of news about the Accordion Association of Puerto Rico Orchestra. The AAPR were very active, and their many activities included a cruise of the Caribbean and a concert tour of Argentina. At Accordions Worldwide we have not heard anything for a long time from Puerto Rico, and it would be good to have some news of accordion activities to report.

Orchestra Celebrates Social Sciences Week - Puerto Rico
Contributed by Jane Berkovitz

The AAPR (Accordion Association of Puerto Rico) Orchestra will play at the University of P.R. in Aguadilla on March 28th. This is the 3rd consecutive year that the orchestra has performed at the University to celebrate Social Sciences Week. The event is a cultural activity for the students, faculty and the general public.

The orchestra is currently raising funds to produce a CD in the near future


Future events

Spring Fever Tour by the Mad Maggies, March 2015 - USA

Mad Maggies Spring Fever Tour PosterSpring Fever Tour - Whew! That's 9 Shows in 10 Days.

• March 12 at 2pm, We have a radio interview on KRSH aka the KRUSH 95.9 Thursday with program director Andre de Channes.

• March 13 Friday, Devil's Canyon Brewing Co., San Carlos - 6-8pm
Enjoy "Beer Friday" with growler fills and outstanding cuisine from a variety of mobile gourmet vendors coordinated by Off The Grid. Family and dog friendly event. No cover.

• March 14 Saturday 164th Annual St. Pat's Parade & Festival, San Francisco - 3-4:30pm
Free outdoor concert. Beer garden, food vendors, and more. Largest St. Patrick's day event west of the Mississippi. Ceol agus craic go leor!

Finnegan's Marin, Novato - 10pm-midnight, Casual, friendly bar and restaurant located in Old Town Novato featuring excellent food, good selection of Irish whiskeys and Guinness on tap.

• March 15 Sunday Lagunitas Beer Sanctuary, Petaluma - 3-7pm
Good food. Great beer. Kid and dog-friendly. No cover. Need we say more?

• March 17 Tuesday the Rellik Tavern's St. Pat's Day Party, Benicia - 8:30pm-midnight
Super popular annual event in lovely downtown Benicia. It's the biggest St. Pat's Day party in Solano county! Enjoy a huge selection of Irish beers, Irish whiskeys and Irish food specials and, of course, live music.

• March 18 Wednesday Angelica's, Redwood City - 7:30-9:30pm
Dinner dancing venue with excellent sound and comfortable seating.
SAVE $ Buy the tix online. Use the discount code "crazyangel" for 20% off.

• March 20 - Friday Half Moon Brewing Co., Half Moon Bay - 7-10pm
Family-friendly, award-winning brewpub overlooking the splendid Half Moon Bay -- a perfect spot to celebrate the vernal equinox. Spring begins!

• March 21 Saturday Rancho Nicasio, Nicasio - 8:30pm
The rancho is a cool vintage venue with an excellent dance floor, good food, full bar and great professional sound. Reservations are recommended. Call 415 662-2219.
Reserve a party of 5 or more and receive any one of our CDs for free.

• March 22 Sunday Pacific Coast Brewery, Oakland - 4-6pm
Lovely tavern in downtown Oakland with award winning brews, pub faire and live music. The perfect place to wind down our tour.

Picture below: Alive & Squeezing — slate grey t-shirt logo, fabulous artwork by Chiara Sarter, available from Mad Maggies website.
Mad Maggies Alive & Squeezing t-shirt artwork


Pascal Contet Concerts – France, UK

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet performs this month, as follows:

March 5th to 8th, 9.30pm - Vingtième Théâtre, Paris
March 10th, 12th, 13th and 17th - Festival des Forêts, Picardie
March 14th, 6pm until 10pm - Pôle culturel des Coëvrons, Evron
March 19th, 8pm – concert with Paul Meyer (clarinet), Cercle Munster, Luxembourg
March 22nd, 4pm – silent movie ‘Sherlock Junior’ starring Buster Keaton, La Grande Passerelle, Festival Jazz à l'étage, Saint Malo
March 27th, 6.30pm - Frontiers Festival, Recital Hall of the Conservatory, Birmingham, UK

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Marco Lo Russo Performances, Piacenza, Foggia - Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo is interviewed by Benedetta Rinaldi on the Italian TV channel RAI World, broadcast at 5.30pm New York time. For other times and firther information see Marco’s website www.marcolorusso.com

Marco performs this month as follows:
March 8th from 9.30am to 12.30pm – Women’s Day, Cantina di Vicobarone, Ziano Placentino, Piacenza
March 21st, 9pm – performance with the actor Renato Raimo, Teatro Rossi, Torremaggiore, Foggia

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


‘East Meets West’ Concert, Paris – France

East Meets West poster
‘East Meets West’ is a concert of ‘World Music’, subtitled ‘Brain Storming’, and featuring the combined talents of Judith Kan (voice) Jean-Michel Susini (violin) Yangpin Wang (Iangqin), and Jordan Kostov (accordion, composition). This concert takes place on Saturday March 7th, 9pm, at Le Centre du Monde, 57 rue Galande, Paris, France.


Gary Sredzienski Entertains, Maine - USA

Gary SredzienskiAccordionist Gary Sredzienski performs in an evening of music and storytelling at the South Berwick Public Library, Maine, on Wednesday March 11th, 7pm. Sredzienski will present a program of accordion music and autobiographical and historical storytelling.

His repertoire encompasses music from a range of world traditions and American music of the 1920s to 1950s. He has performed extensively in the United States and abroad, representing New Hampshire in a performance at the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage in Washington, D.C. and for the Smithsonian Folklife Center in a Romanian tour in 2000.

He hosts a weekly radio show ‘The Polka Party’ on WUNH.


Victor Prieto ‘A Musical Voyage’ Concert, New York – USA

Victor Prieto TrioThe Victor Prieto Trio perform ‘A Musical Voyage’ on Thursday March 12th, 7pm, at the Instituto Cervantes, 211 East 49th Street, New York, NY 10017.

Originally from Ourense, Spain, jazz accordionist Victor Prieto has made a name for himself in New York for his creative playing and his compositions.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


José Valadez Classical Concert, Monterrey – Mexico

Accordionist José Valadez, accompanied by the Orquesta Intermedia from the Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey (ESMDM), conducted by José Bartolomé Martínez G.;  guest artist: Arturo Vera, guitar, perform in concert together this month.

The program will be, in the first part, solo accordion:

F. Schubert - Marcia Militare Op. 51 No. 1
A. Adam - Si j’étais Roi 
G. Rossini - La Gazza Ladra
A. Ponchielli - Danza delle ore

In the second part, José Valadez will be accompanied by the orchestra:

J.S. Bach - Concerto III in D Major, BWV 1054
R. Caberlotto - Concerto Armonico, for accordion, guitar and string orchestra

The concert takes place on Wednesday March 25th, 6pm, at the Sala Chopin, Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey, Padre Mier 1720 Pte. Col. Obispado, Monterrey, N.L., México.

For further information email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


Whiskey and Women @ San Francisco Accordion Club, California – USA

Whiskey and WomenThe accordion/fiddles trio, Whiskey and Women perform as guests at the San Francisco Accordion Club on Sunday March 15th 2pm, at the Oyster Point Yacht Club, 911 Marina Blvd, South San Francisco.

Whiskey and Women are Renee de la Prade – diatonic accordion, Joan Wilson Tueter and Rosie Grace Steffy – violins. Rosie and Renee are sisters. Renee is the producer and editor of the Accordion Babes Album and Pin-Up Calendar.

Whiskey and Women play Irish, Scottish and Welsh drinking songs, sea shanties, Cajun two-steps, honky-tonk originals, impromptu harmonies, and a whole lot of stomp and holler.

For further information email: info@sfaccordionclub.com


West Sussex AC St Patrick’s Day Theme, West Sussex – UK

West Sussex
West Sussex Accordion Club’s next meeting, on Saturday March 28th - from 1.30 to 4.30pm – will have a St Patrick’s Day theme, with Irish music all afternoon. The £4 admission includes refreshments. The venue is St Andrews Church Youth Centre, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0LG. All are welcome.

For further information email: sqzbxs@aol.com


Beltango Concert, Trossingen – Germany

On Friday April 10th, 8pm, the highly accomplished tango quintet Beltango perform in concert at the Uhr Kulturfabrik Kesselhaus, Trossingen, Germany. Tickets cost 15 Euro.

The Serbian quintet Beltango was founded in 1998 by the accordion professor and performer Aleksandar Nikolic. The ensemble Beltango is internationally known with over 500 concerts in 20 countries and enjoys a great reputation. Beltango’s repertoire ranges from classical tango pieces, recent works in the style of Astor Piazzolla to its own compositions.

Recently released CD: Theatre of Soul, available online at: Beltango


New and Updated Sites

New Arrangement: The Battle from the Movie Gladiator (Solo) - USA

The Battle from the Movie GladiatorA new arrangement by Gary Dahl of The Battle from the Movie Gladiator. Catalog: DH0254

Available in eSheet format, sent to you by email within 24 hours, purchase online with secure server credit card capture.


Updated Site: Douglas Ward Index and Music List Page - UK

Douglas WardCharnwood PublishingUpdated Site: Douglas Ward Index and Music List Page has had information updated. Douglas Ward acordion music by Charnwood Publishing.

Printed music (sent by post) and eSheet music (sent to you by email) is available for purchase online through the high security eCommerce site run by WorldPay.com, one of the world's largest payment processing system. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside Worldpay.com which processes millions of payments every day, for every type of business, securely and quickly.


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Golan (Solo and Duet Versions) Released - Israel

Golan by Yehuda Oppenheimeroybook coverAdina Oppenheimer has released: Golan (Solo) composed Yehuda Oppenheimer is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY631

Also released is Golan (Duet) version composed Yehuda Oppenheimer is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY632

This is a beautiful Valse in either solo or duet format that the player and audiences will always enjoy.

These works were previously only published in the book about Yehuda Oppenheimer titled: "The Man The Accordion And The Legend" Catalog oybook

Available now in eSheet format, sent to you by email within 24 hours. Purchase online with secure server credit card capture.


Updated Site: NZAA Prospectus and Site Update - New Zealand

NZAA logoThe NZAA has an ammended Prospectus for the South Pacific Accordion Championships and its website updated. Closing date for entries is 12 April 2015. Entrants from all countries welcome.


Updated Site: Douglas Ward eSheet Music Page - UK

Douglas WardCharnwood PublishingThe internet page for the work Emancipation composed by Douglas Ward, catalog M375E published by Charnwood Publishing has been updated.


Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price

Gary DahlUpdated site. Gary Dahl eBook (sent to you by email) collections. Each of the 7 books saves more than 50% off sheet music purchased individually. Updated, you can also purchase the Complete Gary Dahl eBooks Collection of 7 eBook's (value US$262), for a special price of only US$190 or the € equivalent. Cat: DH01-07eB

Individual eBooks:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! Collection #1- eBook
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards Collection #2 - eBook
DH03-eB - The American Songbook Collection #3- eBook
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas Collection #4 - eBook
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #5 - eBook
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #6 - eBook
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols Collection #7 - eBook

Purchase online using the high security eCommerce site run by WorldPay.com, one of the world's largest payment processing system. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside Worldpay.com which processes millions of payments every day, for every type of business, securely and quickly.


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